Sew La Ti Embroidery + sewing

Various things
Sewing Last night we went to visit Casey's Mom, we had a few minutes to kill while we waited for her to get off work so we went to a store called Dilly-Dally's, it's sortof like a glorified dollar store. Anyways, I found these colored masking tapes for $1 each, I was pretty excited. I know pretty silly that $1 tape makes me happy :)

Sewing I've still been grannying here and there. And I am happy to report that I found lots more yummy colors of cotton yarn at Hobby Lobby, YAY!

And I have been working on pinwheels.
I've also been busy getting ready for my spring shows. Yesterday I started a batch of 72 onesies, I am hoping to finish them up today.
On another note, please keep my family in your prayers, my Brother and Sister-in-law had their 3rd baby on Sunday night, and little Hallie has to have heart surgery in the next few days. She has a valve in her heart that is collapsing. Their first little boy Chet had the same heart condition and he had to have surgery too. Apparently Hallie's condition is a bit worse than Chet's was though. She is in good hands at Primary Children's Hospital and we are praying that everything will go well.

crochet, happy, ramblings, and more:

Various things + sewing