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  • Britain's Got Talent 2011: Teenage rappers The Right Path left in tears after heartfelt tribute to their grandfathers

    Britain's Got Talent 2011: Teenage rappers The Right Path left in tears after heartfelt tribute to their grandfathers
    Role models: Teenage rappers The Right Path impressed the Britain's Got Talent judges with their heartfelt tribute to their grandfathers
    Teenage rappers The Right Path were the stars of the night on Britain's Got Talent tonight, with their heartfelt rap about their grandads.
    The duo, consisting of Jamie, 14, and George, 13, received all round top marks and were left in tears after they got a standing ovation from the audience.
    Before taking to the stage for their audition, the boys admitted they were nervous about the performance but excited about performing together for the first time.
    ©Emotional: Both the boys, Jamie (left) and George were left in tears after their rap
    And explaining their act to the judges, George said: 'We don't rap about how hard we are, we rap about making a change. But today we are going to rap about our grandads.'
    Afterwards, judge Amanda Holden told them: 'Boys, I thought it was an excellent tribute to both your granddads who obviously had a massive influence in your lives.
    'I think you both did your granddads proud.'
    ©Proud: The duo's mothers were waiting in the wings, and seemed equally emotional about the performance
    Michael McIntyre added: 'It was good lyrically and it was very heartfelt. It was very impressive.'
    And Louis Walsh, who was standing in for David Hasselhoff, concluded: 'You're two great role models for young kids. i liked all the positivity of it. i think your grandads are going to be very proud.'
    The Right Path unsurprisingly then received three yeses from the judges and are now through to the next round.
    Another young act to impress the judges was seven-year-old Robbie Firmin, performing Frank Sinatra.
    Dressed in a pinstripe suit and matching hat, the pint-sized boy belted out a rendition of the Sinatra classic My Way.
    ©Mini Blue Eyes: Kent schoolboy Robbie Firmin, seven, sing Frank Sinatra's My Way on tonight's episode of Britain's Got Talent
    Music mogul Louis told him: 'Robbie, that was fantastic. I’ve never heard anybody so young sing that song.'
    Despite his tender age, Robbie even showed his cheeky personality by telling Louis his auntie - who was waiting in the wings - was looking for a boyfriend, saying: 'And I think she would want you to be it.'
    Michael was equally enthused: 'Robbie I thought that was just brilliant, it had everything, you toyed with the audience, they were up, they were down, they were swaying. Robbie you’re a star.'
    And, with three yeses, little Robbie was through to the next round.
    Opening the show this evening were illusionist duo David, 39, and Karen, 27, who performed a modernised version of a Houdini trick.
    ©Amazing: Judge Michael praised Robbie's professionalism on the stage
    ©Proud: Robbie's family backstage, as well as presenters Ant and Dec, were thoroughly entertained by his act
    Before their audition, Karen said: 'We are going to perform an illusion that was originally performed by Houdini but we have modernised it.'
    And David added: 'Magic has struggled in the past on Britain's Got Talent but they haven't seen anything like our act yet.'
    Karen and David then took to the stage and performed their act which saw David climb into a Perspex box on stilts which is then covered with a cloth.
    Karen then waves a large sheet in front of the box and when it drops, David was holding the sheet and Karen is in the box.
    Afterwards, Michael said: 'It was brilliant - it wasn't overly cheesy. I never have any idea how anyone does the trick - I'm a complete sucker for it and it was amazing.'
    ©That's magic! Illusionists David and Karen perform tricks for the audience
    Amanda added: 'That was annoyingly good. I am never keen on magic because it’s always so small time, people come on with cards and bits of cotton and no one can see anything.
    'This is a massive show and if it goes onto the Royal Variety then that is a huge show to perform on, and there was no orange make-up, there was no Lycra, I hate to say it, but it was really good.'
    And David concluded: 'You took to the stage and wowed us. You are what this show is about. Congratulations - it was great.'
    Needless to say, the duo made it through.
    ©How did they do that? David and Karen finished to rapturous applause from the audience
    ©Delighted: David said performing in front of the judges and a live audience was 'the best moment of my life'
    Next up was dog act Mexican Mayhem, led by 59-year-old Melanie, whose dogs Twizzle and Tucker performed a dancing act for the judges.
    But altough Tucker did what he was supposed to during the dog agility course, Twizzle was 'a bit tired' and wasn't so up to par.
    However, Melanie didn't let the judges and audience's laughter put her off, attempting to coax Twizzle through props including a windy tube.
    Michael said: 'If both the dogs did what they were supposed to do, it wouldn’t have been nearly as entertaining as the fact that right off the bat one dog decided, "I’m not going to do this."
    ©That really was mayhem: Melanie and her dogs Twizzle and Tucker's performance didn't quite go to plan
    ©Difficult: Melanie struggled with one of the dogs, who she said was feeling a 'bit tired'
    'It was almost like they were a comedy double act and I found it hilarious.'
    And Amanda said: 'That doggy debut was hilarious for all the wrong reasons, but I really enjoyed it.'
    While David said no tot he act, Amanda and Michael said yes - meaning Mexican Mayhem are through to the next round.
    But Mexican Mayhem had some competition from some other dog acts, including Hoover and Jane, who didn't do too well with their tambourine playing act, and Jonathan and Bodhi, whose doggy skateboarding skills were less than impressive.
    Up next were 'very good friends' Jon and Jenny, whose act was slightly ruined when Bodhi managed to run back onto the stage, much to the amusement of the audience.
    Pianist Paul Gbegaje, 19, was next to take to the stage as the auditions moved up to Manchester.
    Before making his way on for his audition, Paul said: 'I wasn't good at football or sports so every lunchtime I was in the music room playing music and composing. What I like about playing the piano is the feeling you get from it, it's a huge high.'
    ©Impressive: Dance Angels Elite impressed the judges with their colourful outfits and enthusiastic performance
    And, asked by Amanda if playing the piano was what he wanted to do full time, John replied: 'Definitely. This is how I express myself. I'm not a good talker but I communicate through music.'
    While Michael called him sensational and Amanda said he was amazing, David caused drama with the audience when he said the audition was 'really nice'.
    He added: 'I'm not sure it was great. But I love your spirit and your tenacity, so come back and show me up.'
    ©Inspired: The Celtic Colleens were praised for their originality thanks to their illuminated Irish dancing routine
    ©Mixed response: Pianist Paul wowed Amanda and Louis, but David wasn't convinced
    ©Lightning fingers: Paul wowed the audience with his super-speedy piano playing
    ©Better than Diversity? Amanda Holden told dance troupe Abyss they weren't as good as their predecessors
    2011 Britans Got Talent amazing 7 year old louie kid 21/5/11 2011

    Follow The Right Path Britains Got Talent 2011

    2011 Britans Got Talent amazing dance group 21/5/11 2011

    2011 Britans Got Talent amazing piano boy 21/5/11 2011

    David and Karen - Britain's Got Talent 2011 audition.

    2011 Britans Got Talent dog tryes to disracted the crowed 21/5/11 2011


    VIA Britain's Got Talent 2011: Teenage rappers The Right Path left in tears after heartfelt tribute to their grandfathers

  • Britain's Got Talent 2011: Mini crooner Robbie Firmin, seven, stuns the judges with his Frank Sinatra cover

    Britain's Got Talent 2011: Mini crooner Robbie Firmin, seven, stuns the judges with his Frank Sinatra cover
    ©Mini Blue Eyes: Kent schoolboy Robbie Firmin, seven, sing Frank Sinatra's My Way on tonight's episode of Britain's Got Talent
    Over the series on Britain's Got Talent, the judges have been entertained by many a Rat Pack-style crooner.
    But the sounds of Frank Sinatra were the last things Amanda Holden, Michael McIntyre and guest judge Louis Walsh were expecting when little Robbie Firmin, seven, walked on stage.
    Dressed in a pinstripe suit and matching hat, the pint-sized boy belted out a rendition of the Sinatra classic My Way.
    ©That's magic! Illusionists David and Karen perform tricks for the audience
    Music mogul Walsh told him: 'Robbie, that was fantastic. I’ve never heard anybody so young sing that song.'
    Despite his tender age, Robbie even showed his cheeky personality by telling Walsh his auntie - who was waiting in the wings - was looking for a boyfriend, saying: 'And I think she would want you to be it.'
    McIntyre was equally enthused: 'Robbie I thought that was just brilliant, it had everything, you toyed with the audience, they were up, they were down, they were swaying. Robbie you’re a star.'
    ©That really was mayhem: Melanie and her dogs Twizzle and Tucker's performance didn't quite go to plan
    Little Robbie was just one of several acts appearing on tonight's episode of Britain's Got Talent.
    Another act impressing the judges were illusionist duo David, 39, and Karen, 27, who performed a modernised version of a Houdini trick.
    Karen and David take to the stage and perform their act which sees David climb into a Perspex box on stilts which is then covered with a cloth.
    Karen waves a large sheet in front of the box and when it drops, David is holding the sheet and Karen is in the box.
    Holden told them: 'That was annoyingly good. I am never keen on magic because it’s always so small time, people come on with cards and bits of cotton and no one can see anything.
    © Mixed response: Pianist Paul wowed Amanda and Louis, but David wasn't convinced
    At the Cardiff auditions, Melanie, 59, and her two dogs Twizzle and Tucker performed their dancing act Mexican Mayhem.
    Altought Tucker did what he was supposed to during the dog agility course, Twizzle was 'a bit tired' and wasn't so up to par.
    McIntyre said: 'If both the dogs did what they were supposed to do, it wouldn’t have been nearly as entertaining as the fact that right off the bat one dog decided, "I’m not going to do this."
    ©Better than Diversity? Amanda Holden told dance troupe Abyss they weren't as good as their predecessors
    Back at the Manchester auditions, David Hasselhoff was back as a judge and was booed when he failed to praise teenage pianist Paul.
    Paul won over the crowd, McIntyre and Holden with his piano playing, but The Hoff wasn't so sure.
    He was booed when he said: 'It was nice, it was really nice. I’m not sure it was great, but it was nice.'
    Another act dividing the judges were dance act Abyss, who Holden said weren't as good as Diversity from two years ago.

    BGT: Mini Sinatra and illusionists impress

    source: dailymail

    VIA Britain's Got Talent 2011: Mini crooner Robbie Firmin, seven, stuns the judges with his Frank Sinatra cover

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