Sew La Ti Embroidery [Search results for Near East]
Near East: UNESCO slams Israeli digs in East Jerusalem
Near East: ISIS sets eyes on Syrian site of Palmyra
Near East: Syrian forces repel ISIS advance on Palmyra
Near East: Triumphal arch of ancient city to return to former glory
Near East: Islamic State in control of Palmyra ruins
Near East: Countdown starts for UNESCO in Ephesus
Near East: Antiquities market on alert for looted Syrian spoils
Near East: UNESCO to monitor ancient sites by satellite
Near East: Islamic State plant explosives at ancient Palmyra
Near East: Islamic State blows up two mausoleums in Palmyra
Near East: Blast in Aleppo does major damage to citadel wall
Near East: Syrian authorities seize 6,000 looted antiquities
Near East: Byzantine church to be 'restored' as mosque
Near East: Historic castle in southeast Turkey to be restored
Near East: Historic Armenian church to be restored
Near East: Wind power plant to be built on ancient necropolis
Near East: Swiss return ancient cultural objects to Egypt
Near East: Illegal excavations damage ancient city
Near East: Restoration work to begin at historic Genoese castle
Travel: Key Artifacts from ISIS-endangered Palmyra, Syria on view at the Freer and Sackler Galleries