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  • Home builder in Sydney

    Home builder in Sydney

    Cottage in Sydney

    What is the repair? Universal accident or a way at last to see habitation of the dream in a reality? Once building of houses from the base to a roof was quite on forces to several people. And the so-called design of an interior and at all was an exclusive prerogative of owners, instead of a highly paid field of activity. In general, and today nobody forbids to repair independently apartment, to erect a garden small house, and even a cottage which becomes habitation for a family.

    Forces on it will leave much, but all will be made by the hands. And money it will be spent less, after all it will not be necessary to pay to designers, intermediaries and workers. Sometimes, thinking in a similar way, the person manages to forget about an ultimate goal. And after all the main thing not to save, and to create convenient and beautiful habitation.

    Any activity requires preliminary planning, and building in particular. That doubts have not crossed out pleasure from complete business, it is necessary to weigh, consider and plan all carefully. It, instead of attempts to make all is independent, will allow to save time and money.

    Sydney home builder

    Even if construction of a summer garden small house or cosmetic furnish of a room is planned, it is necessary to answer itself some questions. First of all, whether there is at you time for independent repair of apartments, then — whether enough you are competent not to miss annoying trifles which will spoil all subsequent life, and whether forces, at last, will suffice to finish business.

    If cottage building without attraction of additional forces, as a rule, does not manage is planned. Sydney home builder — the highly professional and reliable building company in Australia.

    Entrust repair to professionals!

    Think, if you are an excellent bookkeeper or the talented journalist why you should be able to carry out qualitative Bathroom renovation Mosman or to glue wall-paper in a drawing room? Observing of harmonious actions of professionals, necessarily you will reflect, instead of whether to call to the aid professional builders? Quite probably, that it will be a little bit more expensive, but faster and more qualitatively!

    Bathroom renovation

    It is time to agree that repair of apartment which was carried out exclusively by the hands earlier, from intrafamily process has turned to work for professionals to whom trust so that suppose even on protected territories. What to speak about repair of offices or other uninhabited premises where speed and quality of work, first of all, is important.

    Thus the owner at all does not lose feeling of participation to arrangement of the house in spite of the fact that other people repair. Actually, applying a minimum of efforts and spending has some time, the owner receives the full control over an event — and materialised dream as a result. Home builder Sydney will help with repair of your cottage!

    Bathroom Renovation — Before & After

    VIA «Home builder in Sydney»

  • A variety of towels in our life

    A variety of towels in our life
    Round us it is a lot of prophetic. Of them we so have strongly got used to many, that often we do not give them any value though it's not always justified. First of all it concerns towels which the person use constantly throughout all life.

    Towels are necessary in each house

    Bella CosaIn any house there are some various towels with which tenants and visitors wipe hands, the body, ware...

    The towel is the textile product of the rectangular or square form created specially for a wipe of any subjects, including bodies of the person. Towels have appeared many years back. About them there are mentions in the Bible and national legends of any people.

    Towels on appearance are very similar to wafers (therefore them and name wafer). They well absorb a moisture (three times better, than terry towels), perfectly mass, promote microblood circulation and a lymph. They can be used both for a wipe of ware and hands, and in a bathroom. In Hotel Bedding Collection Set — are often included wafer and terry towels.

    For massage special massage towels from the flax which unique structure helps a body to relax are created. With their help also it is possible to pound a body well.

    SobellaWell, and on a beach we, certainly, take a beach towel on which it is possible to sunbathe on the sun and to be wiped after swimming. Allocate also special towels for hands. These are towels of the small size which hang up in a bathroom or in a toilet about a bowl for a wipe of hands.

    Towels from velour weave from five threads. Four threads form the top and bottom basis of a fabric (them in pairs bind with each other), and the fifth — pile (it is a velvety thread more often). After end of weaving a fabric cut to separate the top basis from the bottom. Other name of these towels — Luxury Hotel Towels.

    Besides, towels differ on a material of which they are made. Certainly, most widespread of them is the cotton fabric from which weave towels many centuries successively. The cotton fibre well absorbs a moisture, does not collapse during the big number of washings and is steady against a friction which is inevitable at towel use. On Queen Bed Blanket always at a headboard put a cotton towel.

    SovillaTowels also make from silk, a bamboo and a paper. Silk towels beautiful, gentle and improbably magnificent, but badly absorb a moisture and instantly stick to a body. Bamboo towels very soft and gentle.

    From a bamboo weave beach towels since the bamboo fibre possesses cooling effect more often. From a paper make disposable towels for a kitchen room which perfectly absorb a moisture and effectively clear ware of a dirt and the food rests.

    The terry towel is the most favourite towel, gentle and soft in which it is pleasant to be turned after a shower or a bathroom. Weave such towels from the terry fabric which pile turns out for the account of free giving of loops of leaky tense basis. Terry towels perfectly well absorb a moisture, quickly dry and long do not wear out.

    Certainly, always it is possible to manage one towel for all occasions, always it is possible to buy not so expensive towel of so low quality, but, you see, when it is a question of such important subject as a towel, it is wrong and very unreasonable!

    Luxury Hotel Towels Here!

    VIA «A variety of towels in our life»

  • A new shower curtain!

    A new shower curtain!
    I know it's the crappiest picture, but it shows my new shower curtain!
    I have been wanting to make one forever and finally got around to it.  This is our tiny bathroom, the only bathroom in our house :)  That is definitely one thing we will want in our next home, more than one bathroom, even my girls have requested that of our next house :)  What can I say?  We have a cozy home :)

  • Hotel of new type in Amsterdam

    Hotel of new type in Amsterdam


    CitizenM is the hotel made of ready modules of rooms.

    The hotel of new type is constructed in Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam. The design of the project was developed by the Holland architectural studio, “Concrete”.

    Each of two hundred thirty rooms has been constructed and arranged by furniture at factory. Then the received elements have been made together as containers by the ship — and the hotel has turned out.

    The concept assumes reduction of all unnecessary expenses and removal of all unnecessary details. As a result of visitors receive magnificent conditions and comfort for very moderate price. In hotel of 230 numbers, 14 square metres everyone by the area.

    Amsterdam hotel

    All elements-rooms are made at own factory SitizenM, are mobile and are easily transported. Rooms are placed over the building ground floor where the dynamical lobby is placed, a drawing room, creative rooms, restaurant and a bar.

    Company Concrete has thought up the concept which has defined new possibilities for creative process and a new way for all involved technologies.

    CitizenM wishes to clone the concept and to construct more than 20 hotels next year, with use of technology of blocks. The second hotel will be constructed in Amsterdam, the third - in Glasgow. Other European cities now are in the field of research.

    Schiphol Airport

    As, according to owners CitizenM, everything, that is necessary for us during a stop in road is an excellent bed and a pure bathroom, they have concentrated on these details.

    To save space, subjects from a bathroom are placed separately in a room. In the big glass cylinders are a shower and a toilet, in the small cylinder the bowl and additional space for storage of personal things is hidden.

    Interior hotel

    The space effective utilisation has given a life to effective decisions; for example, the mirror simultaneously is a place for storage. In a steel framework the mirror in full growth which, on the other hand, consists of a mirror for a make-up with illumination, departments for storage of sanitary articles, in hotel available the European, English and American sockets is concluded.

    On either side of a bed night little tables are located. Under a bed the huge locker for suitcase storage in an open kind or other personal things is placed. Sockets on a forward part of a bed allow to connect your laptop or phone.

    Hotel Holland

    Designers have tried to create as much as possible house conditions — zones for work, rest, meal. The design of rooms is created together with furniture brand Vitra. The furniture will periodically vary, that will allow Vitra to organise additional show-rum of production.

    Electronic terminal

    The philosophy of a new hotel brand is that:

    “Small rest in road is necessary to All travellers. To researchers, wise men, dandies, businessmen, adventurers and dreamers. They are independent and individual, but they are united by one — aspiration to travel positively. For all mobile citizens of the world. CitizenM”

    Hotel in Amsterdam

    VIA «Hotel of new type in Amsterdam»

  • The centre for visitors on the bank of the mountain river

    The centre for visitors on the bank of the mountain river

    House in Tibet

    Architects from studio Standardarchitecture-Zhaoyang Studio, authors of this project in places of tourist pilgrimage in Tibet, at building used technologies traditional for given district: bright pigments of local minerals used for colouring of walls of an interior.

    Niyang River Visitor Center

    The centre is named by name of the rivers, Niyang River Visitor Center. Here there will be a ticket office, a room for disguise and a bathroom. The building is on a tourist route, on border of Tibet and the Chinese province Sichuan.

    Niyang River in Tibet

    Niyang River Visitor Center in Tibet

    Visitor Center in Tibet

    Niyang River Visitor Center

    Visitor Center in Tibet

    VIA «The centre for visitors on the bank of the mountain river»

  • Too much fun in the sun: Joey Essex sleeps it off after a long day of boozing in Marbella

    Too much fun in the sun: Joey Essex sleeps it off after a long day of boozing in Marbella
    ©Sleep it off: Joey Essex is caught taking a nap this afternoon after a long day boozing in the sunshine in Marbella
    As a club promoter, he is responsible for ensuring everyone at his parties has the time of their lives - while keeping a level head himself.
    But as Joey Essex is in Marbella on holiday, the reality star didn't mind over-indulging as he spent a long day partying in the sunshine.
    It all became a bit too much for Joey though, who was later seen passed out in the shade after being helped to the resort bathrooms by his friends.
    ©Worse for wear: The reality star looked bleary-eyed as his mates helped him to the bathroom at their resort
    The 20-year-old was seen indulging in glasses of beer as he reclined on a sun lounger surrounded by bikini-clad girls yesterday.
    Joey was clearly keen to get his holiday off to a roaring start after arriving at the Spanish holiday resort, and looked more than a little worse for wear hours later.
    The hot Marbella sun will only have increased the effect on Joey's intoxication levels.
    ©'This will sort you out': Joey's friends offered assistance by providing more beer
    A bleary-eyed Joey was led to the bathrooms at the Buddha Beach Club by his friends, according to onlookers.
    'He was drinking all day in the sun, then got up and was sick. His mates took him to the toilet and fed him some more beer and then he just crashed out,' a fellow partygoer said.
    There was no sign of his girlfriend Sam Faiers, who is also holidaying with the cast of The Only Way Is Essex in Marbella, so it was up to Joey's mates to lend a hand.
    ©Before the downfall: Joey was seen throwing back beers in the sun
    But the blokes appear to have decided that sleeping it off was the best course of action, leaving Joey passed out on a bunch in a deep sleep.
    Joey's TOWIE castmates Jessica Wright, Sam Faiers, Lucy Mecklenburgh, James 'Arg' Argent and Lydia Bright have all descended on Marbella for their annual holiday.
    They will be guests of Mark Wright who is hosting a series of parties at local nightclubs this week.
    source: dailymail

    VIA Too much fun in the sun: Joey Essex sleeps it off after a long day of boozing in Marbella

  • India: Lothal, 4,400-year-old `City of Dead', being killed slowly

    India: Lothal, 4,400-year-old `City of Dead', being killed slowly
    The vestiges of Lothal -a city dating back to the 4,400-year-old Harappan civilization -are being obliterated. The city, which lies only 74 km from here, has no guards to protect it. So it is common to see people stealing bits of history . Tourists trample on the structure with little concern for its fragility. The site is overrun with weeds, adding to the picture of neglect and chaos.

    Lothal, 4,400-year-old `City of Dead', being killed slowly
    Ruins of the lower town in the site of Lothal 
    [Credit: Bernard Gagnon/WikiCommons]

    Lothal's cemetery is no longer accessible due to wild growth on the approach. The cemetery houses two skeletons found during excavations at the site, carried out between 1955 and 1962.

    Lothal, which means `The City of Dead' in Gujarati, attracts legions of visitors, particularly students. A museum containing articles belonging to the Harappan era is another major draw. The excavation sites and museum are under the care of the Archaeological Survey of India ( ASI).

    Lothal, 4,400-year-old `City of Dead', being killed slowly
    The bathroom-toilet structure of houses in Lothal 
    [Credit: Bernard Gagnon/WikiCommons]

    Officials said shortage of funds has lead to a staff crunch, affecting even routine maintenance. The museum gateman has to run to the historical Lothal dock to caution visitors against moving on the precarious structure. Boundary walls of wells are broken. The funds crunch prevents officials from carrying out further excavations.

    Tushar Patel, a visitor on Sunday, said he asked the staff for information on the artefacts, but they hardly showed any interest in responding to his queries.

    Author: Himanshu Kaushik | Source: The Times of India [June 22, 2015]

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