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  • Top 5 Recovering Real Estate Markets in the U.S.

    Top 5 Recovering Real Estate Markets in the U.S.

    Every city throughout the United States has been impacted by the recent economic recession. The combined forces of the credit crisis and the foreclosure crisis led to plummeting home prices in every region of the country. The ripples were felt from San Francisco condos to homes for sale. However, some metropolitan areas were able to avoid the worst of the turmoil and are now emerging from the mess faster than the rest of the country.

    The recovery is swiftest in those areas that didn’t have as much of a housing price run up to begin with, either because the economy in those areas has stayed healthy or the economy has been limited for decades and residents have adapted or left. The top recovering areas also had lower rates of sub-prime and negative amortization loans financed in the years leading up to and during the crash.

    In December of 2009, Forbes Magazine released a list of the number of loans that were foreclosed upon in the 100 largest metropolitan areas in the United States. Forbes then calculated the percentage of loans that were descending into further delinquency versus those that were improving.

    For example, the number of foreclosed homes in Austin was examined to see which loans continued towards the path of complete default versus those which inched their way back towards normalcy. The lower the rate of deterioration was for a given area, the higher their corresponding ranking with regard to recovery.

    Here are the cities that fared best by that measurement and are recovering the most quickly:
    1. Harrisburg-Carlisle, Pa.
    2. Austin-Round Rock, Texas
    3. Ogden-Clearfield, Utah
    4. Buffalo, NY
    5. Knoxville, Tennessee
    Source: Forbes, Francesca Levy (12/09/2009)

    The Pennsylvania region of Harrisburg, and the Austin area of Texas were rated the best, followed by Ogden, Utah and Buffalo, NY. The homes seem to be recovering quite well as that region came in fifth in the study.

    Top 5 Recovering Real Estate Markets in the U.S., 7 out of 10 [based on 512 votes]

    VIA «Top 5 Recovering Real Estate Markets in the U.S.»

  • Back from the dead: Astonishing pictures show how Japan is recovering just three months after tsunami

    Back from the dead: Astonishing pictures show how Japan is recovering just three months after tsunami
    ©The pleasure boat ''Hamayuri'' washed up on the rooftop of an inn by tsunami and a building have so far been removed in the town of Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture, on April 6, top, and on June 3, bottom.
    Japan's economy shrank 0.9 percent in the first quarter but recovery is expected between July and September
    Just three months ago Japan was plunged into chaos after a cataclysmic earthquake sent a merciless tsunami crashing through towns and cities up and down the east coast.
    The unforgiving tide of water obliterated tens of thousands of buildings, devouring almost anything in its path. Thousands of people died and hundreds of bodies have never been recovered.
    The heart-breaking images of families desperately searching for loved ones amid the rubble of their homes sent shockwaves around the world.
    Now, three months on, these images show the Japanese people remain undaunted by the havoc nature has wreaked on their homeland as step by step they rebuild their nation.
    A Shinto shrine gate and surroundings in the town of Otsuchi, Iwate Prefecture three days after the March 11 earthquake and tsunami and the same spot on June 3
    But despite their progress, stark reminders of the work left to do means the resilience of this Asian country is still being tested.
    Headway in the clean-up has been made in the town of Otsuchi in Iwate Prefecture where the pleasure boat ''Hamayuri'', which was remarkably washed up on the rooftop of an inn, has been removed, along with a building shattered by the the wall of water.
    Further down is an image of a Shinto shrine gate in the town three days after the March 11 disaster.
    The same spot on June 3 which shows thousands of tonnes of rubbish, which had lay smouldering in an almost post-apolcalyptic landscape, has been cleared, roads re-laid and power lines restored.
    Civilisation appears to have returned in Natori in Miyagi prefecture too. The first image shows a towering wall of ocean crashing through trees devastating homes and businesses lining the coast, tearing down power lines and drowning anything in its path.
    ©A residential area being hit by the tsunami in Natori, Miyagi prefecture, top, and the same area, with only one house remaining on June 3, bottom
    ©A parking lot of a shopping centre filled with houses and debris in Otsuchi town, Iwate prefecture two days after the earthquake hit and the same area picture on June 3
    Astonishingly just one house survived the wave and a lone digger is pictured having cleared away the once thriving community reduced to rubble. Hundreds of cars parked in the foreground remain abandoned and appear to be the only reminder of the devastation.
    Similarly, the striking image of a ship atop tonnes of rubble in the Kesennuma in Miyagi prefecture on March 20 was projected around the world and became a symbol of the disaster.
    The photograph shows grey smoke filled skies above a path of destruction, but three months on, much of the debris has been cleared, power lines restored and hope is on the horizon.
    A car park in a shopping centre, filled with houses and debris in Otsuchi town in Iwate prefecture is also back on its feet and signs of life are returning. Parking spaces are clearly visible where piles of wood, bricks, and vehicles lay strewn just a few weeks ago.
    ©A view of earthquake and tsunami-hit Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture on March 15, top, and the same area pictured on June 3
    The final image shows local people walking through debris on a street in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture to get water 48 hours after the disaster. The same image on June 3 shows the massive tank which lay in the road has gone and a damaged house on the left side of the street has been cleared and restored.
    The 9.0 magnitude earthquake caused the worst crisis in Japan since the Second World War and left almost 28,000 people dead or missing.
    The clean-up bill is expected to top £184 billion and radiation fears from the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant are still growing after four of the reactors were damaged leading to radiation leaks.
    This week, an earless bunny was born near the reactor in north east Japan raising concerns the radiation could have long-term side effects.
    Following the blast and initial leaks Japanese officials told people living near the plant to stay indoors and turn of air conditioning and also to not drink tap water.
    High levels of radiation are known to cause cancer and other health problems but scientists are not yet clear if the defect in the rabbit is linked to the blast.
    ©Local residents walking through debris on a street in Kesennuma, Miyagi Prefecture, to get water 48 hours after the disaster, top, and the same area on June 3 where a large tank and a damaged house on the left side of the street have been cleared away
    Japan's economy slipped into recession following the devastation and new data shows it shrank 0.9 percent in the first quarter of this financial year but experts say a recovery later this year as industry kicks into action.
    Industrial output rose one per cent in April from a record decline in March.
    Manufacturers are making progress in restoring supply chains and ecnomists are predicting Gross Domestic Project to begin expanding again between July and September.
    A view of earthquake and tsunami-hit Kesennuma, Miyagi prefecture on March 20, left, and the same area after the building and debris was removed on June 3
    Australian Red Cross - Japan Earthquake and Tsunami devastation

    source: dailymail

    VIA Back from the dead: Astonishing pictures show how Japan is recovering just three months after tsunami

  • In the European Union since 2010 forbid standard lamps

    In the European Union since 2010 forbid standard lamps

    Andris Piebalgs

    The eurocommissioner on power Andris Piebalgs has promised to develop legislative offers on introduction in the Usual lampEuropean Union since 2010 of an interdiction for trade in usual lamps on which share it is necessary an order of 80% of the European market, have informed on Saturday the Belgian mass-media.

    According to the eurocommissioner, refusal of such lamps and transition on ampoule a led will allow to reduce to 60% a current consumption house economy, and also will promote the aims laid down by EU to lower on 20% by 2020 annual consumption of an electricity in member countries of this regional organisation.

    Londoners can exchange usual lamps for the harmless free of charge

    Eco lampCampaign for an exchange of usual lamps on harmless (economical) lamps starts on Friday in London, the mayoralty of the British capital has informed.

    Social campaign which carries the amusing name "lamp amnesty", is sponsored by a network of department stores B&Q and portal Simulateur D'aube. Within three days all interested persons can exchange free of charge two old lamps on two economical.

    LampsBy estimates of the power companies, each such lamp will allow to reduce harmful emissions in atmosphere at the expense of fuel burning to 120 tons of carbonic gas a year, and for the simple British will save 7 pounds sterling at the payment of invoice for an electricity.

    Economic ampoule burn as brightly, as well as usual lamps, but serve approximately in 12 times longer and consume on 80% of less electricity.

    European Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs

    VIA «In the European Union since 2010 forbid standard lamps»

  • Near East: Historic castle in southeast Turkey to be restored

    Near East: Historic castle in southeast Turkey to be restored
    The historic Rumkale (“Roman Castle”), which was home to many civilizations throughout history and an important center for early Christianity, has been undergoing a restoration process for more than two years.

    Historic castle in southeast Turkey to be restored
    Fortress of Rumkale on the river Euphrates, Turkey [Credit: AA]

    Rumkale and its vicinity, which straddles the boundary between the southeastern Turkish provinces of Gaziantep’s Nizip and Yavuzeli districts and Şanlıurfa’s Bilecik and Halfeti districts, is home to structures from the Urartu, Babylon, Sumerian, Graeco-Roman, Byzantine, Seljuk and Ottoman eras.

    The Apostle John is said to have settled in Rumkale during the Roman era and reproduced copies of the Bible.

    The area was occupied by various Byzantine and Armenian warlords during the Middle Ages. The castle served as the seat of an Armenian patriarch in the 12th century.

    From 1203 to 1293, it was the residence of the supreme head (Catholicos) of the reunified Armenian Church. In 1293, it was captured by the Mamluks of Egypt, following a protracted siege.

    Monastery Restoration

    Restoration work is currently continuing in the Barşavma Monastery, which was built in the 13th century and is located in the north side of the castle.

    Yavuzeli District governor Ömer Faruk Güngen said Rumkale was a hidden haven and shining star in the southeastern Anatolian region.

    Speaking of its importance in nature and faith tourism, Güngen said, “We need to offer Rumkale to tourists. People should know about the ruins and natural beauties here.”

    He said facilities would be established in the area for tourists to spend more time in the region, adding, “Our projects will also employ people living here. Our goal is to increase the contribution of Rumkale to the Turkish economy. This place is a hidden haven that people cannot come and see. It has a rich history. More artifacts are found as excavations deepen. Rumkale’s promotion is important to us.”

    The head of the excavations, Bora Cem Sevencan, said Rumkale also had importance in terms of art history and a common heritage of humanity. “The area will be a junction point for faith tourism when the work is done,” he said.

    Source: Hurriyet Daily News [April 24, 2015]

  • Heritage: Grand Egyptian Museum to open in May 2018

    Heritage: Grand Egyptian Museum to open in May 2018
    The Minister of Antiquities Mamdouh al-Damaty has stressed that the ministry offers all its support to the Grand Egyptian Museum, considering it a particularly significant project.

    Grand Egyptian Museum to open in May 2018
    The Grand Egyptian Museum: "A museum for the third millennium" 
    [Credit: Grand Egyptian Museum Website]

    "It is a great cultural site, which attracts a lot of tourists and spreads awareness of the Egyptian civilisation and archaeology, in addition to boosting the economy," he added.

    During the opening of the first International Tutankhamun Conference organized by the Grand Egyptian Museum, the minister said that the Grand Museum will feature up to 100,000 different artifacts, displayed in 15 showrooms, including a special hall for Tutankhamun's belongings.

    The museum will be partially opened in May 2018, said the minister.

    The conference, focused on one of the greatest archaeological treasures in the whole world, will be held annually in May.

    Source: Egypt Independent [May 13, 2015]

  • Heritage: Suicide bomber strikes near temple of Karnak in Luxor

    Heritage: Suicide bomber strikes near temple of Karnak in Luxor
    Militants tried to attack the ancient temple of Karnak in southern Egypt on Wednesday, with a suicide bomber blowing himself up and two gunmen battling police. No sightseers were hurt in the thwarted assault, but it suggested that Islamic extremists are shifting targets from security forces to the country's vital tourism industry.

    Suicide bomber strikes near temple of Karnak in Luxor
    A suicide bomber blew himself up on Wednesday just steps away from the ancient 
    Egyptian temple in Luxor, a southern city visited by millions of tourists every year, 
    security and health officials said. No tourists were killed or hurt 
    in the late morning attack [Credit: AP]

    The violence left the bomber and one gunman dead, the other wounded and arrested, and four other people wounded. The temple was not damaged.

    The attackers carried guns in backpacks, and one wore a belt of explosives. They rode in a taxi through a police checkpoint to a parking lot and sat at a cafe and ordered lemonades, witnesses told The Associated Press. The taxi driver, suspicious after they refused his offer to help with the packs, alerted police.

    When a policeman approached, the bomber tried to hug him, but the policeman wrestled away. Seconds later, he detonated the explosives, and the others pulled automatic weapons from their bags and opened fire wildly, sending a small group of European tourists running for cover, the witnesses said.

    The attack followed one this month outside the famed Giza Pyramids in which gunmen killed two policemen. The violence points to a change in tactics by Islamic militants against the government of President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi. For two years, attacks have been centered in the Sinai Peninsula, mostly by a group that has sworn allegiance to the Islamic State group and largely focused on retaliation against police and soldiers.

    A campaign against tourism, one of the main sources of foreign revenue, could deal a blow to el-Sissi's promises to repair Egypt's economy.

    Tourism has just started to show signs of recovery after plunging in the turmoil since the 2011 uprising that ousted autocrat Hosni Mubarak. The first five months of this year saw tourism revenues up 9 percent from the same period last year, Tourism Minister Khaled Ramy said.

    Ramy said he expects the slow recovery to continue despite the attack, and he underscored how police had thwarted it.

    "Security forces were there. It's a very important message to everyone," he told the AP on a flight from Cairo to Luxor.

    Mohammed Sayed Badr, the governor of Luxor province, said the attack was "an attempt to break into the temple of Karnak."

    "They didn't make it in," he said.

    But witnesses noted it was civilian bystanders who alerted police to the threat.

    Suicide bomber strikes near temple of Karnak in Luxor
    A crowd looks on at the site of a suicide bombing, near Karnak Temple
     in Luxor, Egypt, Wednesday, June 10, 2015 [Credit: AP]

    Karnak, one of Egypt's biggest attractions, is a giant complex of temples, statues, obelisks and columns built by pharaonic dynasties alongside the Nile. The oldest sections date back nearly 4,000 years.

    Access to the site is through a gate and a roadblock, leading to a parking lot and visitors' center hundreds of yards from the ancient structure, which is reachable only on foot.

    The waiter who served the men said only one spoke to him and had an accent from northern Egypt, while the others stopped talking when he approached. When they paid their bill, he said he refused to take their tip.

    "They looked scary. ... One of them had really bad eyes," said the waiter, who asked to be identified only by his first name, Ikrami, for fear of problems with police for talking to the media.

    Another cafe employee, Abdel-Nasser Mohammed, said the taxi driver reported his suspicions about the men to police. As the three walked away, a policeman approached them, leading to the tussle between the officer and the bomber, Mohammed said.

    The bomber triggered the blast near a public restroom, and the other two opened fire. One ran toward the visitors' center, and a policeman shot him in the head, Mohammed said.

    Tourist shop owner Sheik Ahmed Abdel-Mawgoud said he been standing near the restroom only seconds before the blast.

    "When the explosion happened, I ran for cover and told my friend, a tour guide, to run with the tourists with him. I screamed at him, 'Terrorism!'" he told the AP.
    The exchange of fire with police lasted several minutes, witnesses said, and two policemen were among the wounded.

    Only a handful of tourists and Egyptians were in the temple at the time, security officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to talk to the media.

    AP video of the scene showed what was believed to be the remains of the bomber covered with a black sheet with pools of blood nearby.

    The monument "is safe and unaffected and visitors continue to arrive," temple director Mohammed Abdel-Aziz told the AP. Four groups of foreigners visited after the attack.

    There was no claim of responsibility, but the attack bore the hallmarks of Islamic militants who have operating in the Sinai Peninsula.

    Suicide bomber strikes near temple of Karnak in Luxor
    Egyptian security officials stand guard as tourists visit the ruins of the Karnak Temple 
    in Luxor, Egypt, Wednesday, June 10, 2015 [Credit: Hassan Ammar/AP]

    Last year, the main Sinai-based insurgent group, Ansar Beit al-Maqdis, pledged allegiance to the Islamic State group, which has destroyed archaeological landmarks in Syria and Iraq, viewing them as idolatrous.

    The violence in Sinai accelerated and spread to other parts of Egypt following the 2013 military overthrow of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. The militants say the attacks are in retaliation for a massive crackdown on Islamists in Egypt.

    A senior security official said investigators are looking to see whether the Luxor attackers are Egyptians and whether it marks an expansion of the violence to southern Egypt, which was a breeding ground for the militants of the 1990s and 2000.

    In the 1990s, Islamic militants targeted tourism to try to undermine the economy. The deadliest attack was in Luxor in November 1997, 58 people were killed at the 3,400-year-old Hatshepsut Temple.

    The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to talk to reporters, said the new breed of militants were unknown to the authorities. But he said the latest attack was a qualitative shift in the militants' target.

    The attack coincided with a major regional economic summit, hosted by el-Sissi at the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.

    Luxor is home to some of Egypt's most famous ancient temples and pharaonic tombs, including that of King Tutankhamun. The city has been one the sites hit hardest by the sharp downturn in foreign visitors since the 2011 uprising.

    Before the turmoil, tourism accounted for as much as 20 percent of Egypt's foreign currency revenues, with as a high of 14.7 million visitors in 2010.

    After the uprising, those numbers plunged to 9.6 million, and then fell lower in 2013 after Morsi's ouster. Tourists have been coming back slowly, with revenues jumping to $4 billion so far this year, compared with $1.9 billion in the same period in 2014.

    Beach resorts in southern Sinai and along the Red Sea coast have drawn most of the visitors, with cultural sites like Luxor seeing only a trickle. Most tourists in the searing heat of the summer months come to Luxor only for a one-day trip from the Red Sea resort of Hurghada.

    Wednesday's attack is likely to result in cancellations in bookings for Luxor, although the blow is cushioned by the fact that it is low season and most tourists stay away until October.

    Three major German operators, TUI Deutschland, the Germany branch of Thomas Cook and L'TUR, said they are temporarily canceling excursions to Luxor, but stressed that most of their customers are at Red Sea resorts or on Nile cruises.

    "We have no reason to advise against traveling to Egypt at the present time, since the German Foreign Ministry hasn't changed its security guidance," said L'TUR spokesman Thomas Pluennecke. "But, as a precaution, we have stopped all excursions to Luxor. Of course we take the situation seriously."

    Authors: Sarah el Deeb & Haggag Salama | Source: The Associated Press [June 10, 2015]

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