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  • Google Books will scan the Italian libraries

    Google Books will scan the Italian libraries

    Google's Book

    Google Inc. and the ministry of culture of Italy have agreed about scanning of ancient books of national library of the country, informs The Wall Street Journal.

    The Italian agreement

    The corporation will be engaged in scanning of books in library of Rome and Florence. The agreement between the international corporation and the European country — the 1st for Italy. Google has similar agreements are available with the several large educational centres, for example: Oxford University, the Bavarian state museum and Madrid's Complutense University. All scanned materials will take places on web hosting by Google.

    Book SearchAccording to the representative of the ministry of culture of Italy Mario Resca, thanks to scanning of old books, access to knowledge which contain in these books, will become simpler for many people.

    There is also one more benefit for Italy: the corporation has promised to incur all expenses on scanning of books and to construct in the country the special centre. It means, that the project will give hundreds workplaces. Besides it, corporation Google intends to invest in building of a new webhosting in suburb of Rome.
  • Gay Google Search

    Gay Google Search
    Something suprising came up when I tried to google something "gay" today.  The google search bar lit up with a rainbow! Very cool, Google!

    UPDATE:Read about it.

    VIA Gay Google Search

  • Over a city high overcast is expected

    Over a city high overcast is expected


    This cloud not idle time, it power: the command of leading architects and engineers has shown to the world the concept of unique structure which becomes a symbol of Olympic games of 2012 year.

    Inflatable cloud

    The easy transparent tower comes to an end with a cloud consisting of inflatable spheres at top. This design will help to create amusing 3D-show with the sky of London.

    Sky of London

    Carlo Ratti, the representative of one of leaders of the project (MIT SENSEable Cities Laboratory), has described the Cloud as “the new form of collective expression and experience, a symbol of a new epoch: it is a sign, rather than than simply material”.

    Artist Tomas Saraceno, designer Alex Haw, expert Joerg Schleich also have entered into a command, engineering group Arup, landscape architect Agence Ter, and also company Google, writer Umberto Eco and professor Antoni Muntadas.


    The size of a cloud depends on the finance which will be collected on the project. Every possible resources will be involved in gathering on cloud building, including Facebook and Twitter; Google will provide the project with contextual advertising and promo-campaign on YouTube.

    “Obama has shown us a good example — it is necessary to include all possibilities of global community in an advertising campaign”, — makes comments Margo Miller. The project budget is mobile, as well as structure — the Cloud can be constructed both on $5 million, and on $50 million; how many will collect money, on so much and will construct.

    Especial interest

    The cloud will eat energy of the sun and people, will convert and make the new. The in itself structure of a cloud is innovative; authors consider as achievement a transparency, minimum use of materials at which use the volume considerable quantity will be made.

    On a cloud the plasma monitors showing the actual information on event are placed; they will be visible from any area of a city. Screens — especial interest for Google. It corresponds to company mission — to organise the world information.

    Good example

    Olympic cloud in London

    VIA «Over a city high overcast is expected»

  • Shocking before and after images reveal how giant tornado ripped apart Joplin's city landmarks

    Shocking before and after images reveal how giant tornado ripped apart Joplin's city landmarks
    ©The aftermath: A 198mph tornado tore a path a mile wide and six miles long straight through Joplin, Missouri devastating all in its wake
    Devastating 198mph tornado tore a path a mile wide and six miles long straight through Joplin, Missouri
    Deadliest single tornado in more than 60 years with at least 125 people killed
    1,500 people still remain unaccounted for, according to fire officials
    'This is a very serious situation brewing,' warns Storm Prediction Center as forecasters say city could be hit again
    Tornado was rare 'multivortex' twister, reveals National Weather Service
    Obama to visit region on Sunday as he says tornado was 'devastating and heartbreaking'
    The way things used to be: This Google Street Map view shows the same place as the above picture, before the horrific tornado struck
    As shell-shocked residents of tornado-hit Joplin braced themselves for another powerful storm system this evening, new aerial images emerged showing in terrifying detail the path of the twister which destroyed the Missouri city.
    The shocking photos reveal for the first time the true extent of the damage caused when the mile-wide tornado that killed at least 122 people blasted much of the city off the map and slammed straight into its hospital.
    Forecasters warned residents on Tuesday to prepare themselves for a looming storm system that has all the early signs of spawning more deadly tornadoes.
    ©Devastated: Aerial photo shows 26th street, the main route through the centre of Joplin, Missouri. On the right is St Mary's elementary school
    ©Housing: Whole residential neighbourhoods were destroyed by the powerful tornado when it went straight through the centre of the city that has has 50,000 people
    Tonight the stunned residents of Joplin faced the horrifying possibility of more storms - but a tornado warning was cancelled later in the evening.
    ‘This is a very serious situation brewing,’ said Russell Schneider, director of the Storm Prediction Center.
    About 1,500 people are still unaccounted for, it was announced Tuesday, leading to fears that the death count could rise much higher.
    Tonight tornadoes touched down in Kansas and Oklahoma - including one on the outskirts of Oklahoma City, which reportedly tore a 50-mile long path through rush-hour traffic.
    ©Blown away: The remains of this apartment block surround what was once a swimming pool. Around 2,000 homes are thought to have been destroyed
    ©Closed for business: The Home Depot do-it-yourself store was where many dead bodies have been recovered. Many of the shop shelves are still intact though
    ©Grocery store: The city's Walmart superstore is barely recognisable in this photo from after Sunday's tornado that killed over 100 people
    ©Shopping mall: This line of shops was severely damaged by the storm system when it struck on Sunday evening at around 6pm
    ©Hospital: The St John's Medical Center was at the heart of the tornado's path through the city. Hundreds of patients had to be evacuated
    Fire chief Robert Daus said that 500 people had been injured by the tornado, in addition to the 1,500 people who remain unaccounted for.
    But he said the high number of people still recorded as missing could be a reflection of the widespread breakdown of communication systems in the city.
    Thunderstorms that are moving across southeast Kansas, central Oklahoma and north Texas this afternoon are forecast to move into the Joplin area between 10pm and 2am tonight.
    ©Destroyed: This incredible aerial image reveals how the tornado tore off the roof of Joplin's Home Depot
    ©Flattened: This aerial photograph shows the scale of the destruction to the Home Depot store
    Flattened: Damage is seen a day after the tornado tore through Joplin killing at least 122 people in Joplin, a town of about 50,000
    ©Decimation: Residential buildings are shown flattened in this aerial shot over Joplin
    ©Razed to the ground: Joplin's Walmart store was completely destroyed by Sunday's devastating twister
    ©Wasteland: The horror of Sunday's tornado is laid bare by this harrowing panoramic shot of Joplin
    ©Horseshoe: A destroyed neighbourhood is seen in Joplin on Tuesday after a big tornado moved through much of the city
    Ruins: The winding path of the devastating tornado is seen in this aerial picture of Joplin, Missouri
    ©Savaged: The path of the powerful tornado is seen in an aerial photo over Joplin, Missouri
    ©Destroyed: The tornado ruined thousands of houses in Joplin, Missouri
    ©From the sky: Uprooted trees and building without roofs lie devastated in Joplin, Missouri after the tornado hit on Sunday
    ©Flattened: Members of Missouri Task Force One search-and-rescue team work at the tornado-damaged Home Depot store in Joplin
    ©Shock: Joplin residents are still coming to terms with the loss of their homes as rescue workers continue efforts to find survivors
    ©Recovery: Beverly Winans, left, Debbie Spurlin and Austin Spurlin look for what they can salvage from their home after it was destroyed
    ©Lost: Carra Reed looks at a friends home that was destroyed when the massive tornado passed through Joplin, Missouri
    ©Missing: Rescue workers and neighbours search for victims and survivors
    The President says he wants Midwesterners whose lives were disrupted by the deadly storms last weekend to know that the federal government will use all resources at its disposal to help them recover and rebuild.
    Obama spoke in London, the second stop on his four-country, six-day tour of Europe.
    Obama is due back in Washington Saturday night.
    ©Little hope: Ryan Harper pauses in the shadow of a splintered tree as he searches for a missing friend after who may have been pulled away by the twister
    A time for coming together: A couple drenched by the heavy rain walk arm-in-arm towards a building ravaged by the killer storm, and right, a woman whose life has been shattered overnight by the tornado breaks down in tears and has to be comforted by a friend
    ©Frantic: Volunteers claw through the rubble in search of survivors, but grey storm clouds loom overhead threatening to disrupt the efforts
    ©'Heartbreaking': Barack Obama, speaking in London today, vowed to visit Missouri on Sunday to console victims
    President Barack Obama called Nixon after details of teh tragedy emergedand offered his condolences to those affected, assuring the governor that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) would provide whatever assistance was needed.
    'Michelle and I send our deepest condolences to the families of all those who lost their lives in the tornadoes and severe weather that struck Joplin, Missouri, as well as communities across the Midwest today,' the President said in a statement sent from Air Force One as he flew to Europe.
    'We commend the heroic efforts by those who have responded and who are working to help their friends and neighbours at this very difficult time.'
    ©New dawn: The sun rises over devastated Joplin on Tuesday as the search for survivors continues
    ©Heartache: Two women fight back the tears as they hug in front of a house ripped apart by the tornado. In a symbolic show of strength, the U.S. flag flies from a tree behind them
    ©Wiped off the landscape: Meghan Miller stands in the middle of a destroyed neighbourhood as she checks on her sister-in-law's home, which only days before had stood in the same spot
    source: dailymail

    VIA Shocking before and after images reveal how giant tornado ripped apart Joplin's city landmarks

  • Intermediate Pattern For Colette Macaron Dress

    Intermediate Pattern For Colette Macaron Dress

    The feminist

    Oh, hello there. Nice to see you. Notice anything different? Anything intermediate? Yes, that's right. I have successfully completed an intermediate pattern. We're talking darts, facing, curvy sleeves, and bits that match up.

    And, while I'm (obviously) pretty chuffed with myself I can't take all the credit. Colette patterns are just so damn good. I mean they come in book format. They have a glossary. I know I've praised Colette pattern's organised awesomeness before, but it's worth another shout out.

    What I changed?
    I used a single layer of fabric for the sleeves and hemmed them instead of using two-layers as the pattern suggests. I think the curve would have been nicer with two-layers, but I was feeling rebellious. I also used a regular zipper instead of an invisible zipper because apparently I live in the deserted wastelands and dark blue invisible zippers over 5cm are rare, exotic gems.

    What I like?
    Despite my rebellion, I adore the way the sleeves turned out. They're incredibly feminine in how they mimic the bust line. The secret pockets hidden beneath a pleat. We're talking hidden, deep, comfortable pockets that don't change the shape or bulk up the dress. Genius. Someone get Sarai a nobel prize, stat.

    I'm also really happy with the fit of the dress, especially the bodice. As usual, the pattern had to go through some epic changes to fit me properly. I originally cut a 4 in the top and 6 in the bottom (holla for the badonkadonks!), lengthened the bodice 3.5cm (1.4"), took in the waist, adjusted the skirt to match, blah blah blah...

    What I'll do next time?Match the waist band pieces. Ssssh. Just don't look at them.

    So, my verdict is love, love, love and I can't wait to make it again. But, I know you might be wondering... what does my macaron have to do with a field track? Well I was at Uni wearing my dress, so I thought I'd take some photos while out there. And, the reason I was at Uni?

    So I'm a graduate with intermediate sewing skillz. Could I be any happier? No. Probably not. Unless I had a chocolate milkshake. Then my life would be complete.

    Macarons On My Table

    Saying a sewing project is on my table is a bit of a lie. It's really on my floor, with a sleeve on the table, a skirt front over a chair, and a back yoke who-knows-where. But it will come together, with the it being my new, nearly completed Colette Macaron dress. You've probably seen it out in the google-sphere on other talented ladies (or men?). I'm using the same japanese cotton from my Welcome Spring dress... and my present bag.

    But please, hear my case. I have a totally legitimate reason. You see I bought the fabric online, and my cautious nature thought "I'll get a touch extra, just in case". I then discovered the Simplicity pattern was a big fat lying liar pants and I needed way less than suggested. So I gotta-lotta fabric. Two dresses and a bag's worth, actually. The Macaron pattern is labelled 'intermediate', but to be honest I haven't found too many issues... yet. It just requires patience.

    I have also checked a technique. Look at this facing, it's so facey! I can't believe it took me so long to do facing. I literally stared at it for about an hour. You know what else this facing is? Serged. Seriously I am now considering my life in two parts: Before and after owning a serger. With the latter obviously being far greater and magical.

    It makes everything so clean. So neat. So finished. I'm going a little serger crazy. This is going to be the neatest goddamn garment in the land I tell you. Oh, I also have a new addition to my treasured sewing family. Yesterday was my birthday and, what can I say, my boy knows how to buy a good present. I haven't used it yet, but I feel pretty pro just having it in my possession.

    Colette Violet

    Yeah, things are getting Colette-crazy around here, and next up is the beautiful Violet blouse. I've had this pattern for a while but never mustered the courage to attack those intimidating button holes, or that menacing peter pan collar. I'm sure I'll find, just like every other time I check a technique, it will be fine and I have nothing to fear from a little Peter Pan action.

    I'll probably use one of the three fabrics below as they're already in my stash. I'm petrified of creating one of those prevalent space-devouring stash-monsters. That all looks rather pink, doesn't it? The first two I bought at a vintage fair, and the third is a liberty of London fabric I got for my birthday. Spoilt much? Yes. I've never sewn with liberty fabric, but it's been a dream of mine. I'm not embarrassed to admit I've spent hours just holding onto this little strip of fabric, rubbing it against my cheek.

    Which one would you use?

    VIA Intermediate Pattern For Colette Macaron Dress

  • Now Lady Gaga 'gives birth' on stage: Outrageous singer releases gold liquid

    Now Lady Gaga 'gives birth' on stage: Outrageous singer releases gold liquid
    ©Another Gaga stunt: Lady Gaga donned a fake baby bump, rested her feet in stirrups and 'gave birth' to gold liquid as she sang hit Born This Way on Saturday Night Live
    She's covered herself with blood, emerged from an egg and danced around with a crucifix on her crotch.
    And now Lady Gaga can add giving birth to her growing list of outrageous stage show stunts.
    With a false belly attached to her midriff, the singer placed her legs in a pair of stirrups and proceeded to secrete gold liquid during a performance on U.S. show Saturday Night Live.
    ©Controversial: The singer is never one to shy away from outrageous stunts - this the latest in a long line of bizarre performances
    The 25-year-old singer began her performance by emerging from a pod, emblazoned with the name Beluga Gagaviar No1 - a reference to the famous, and very expensive, brand of caviar.
    Wearing a pair of PVC trousers and a cropped PVC blazer, which exposed her ultra-flat midriff, she launched into a typically energetic performance, singing all the vocals live as usual.
    Towards the end of the song her dancers surrounded her and, when she emerged from the scrum Gaga had acquired a huge bump.
    She immediately headed from a mock hospital bed to the side of the stage where her dancers helped into a pair of stirrups, and she subsequently 'gave birth' to a gold liquid.
    The performance was part of Saturday Night Live's closing show which was hosted by singer Justin Timberlake.
    ©Eccentric: Gaga's influence spread to the set of the show which was covered with gold and black stripes to match the outfits of her dancers and herself
    ©Plenty of bottle: Gaga joined in the fun throughout the show dressing up as a wine bottle in this Liquorville with host Justin Timberlake
    Gaga also performed her songs Edge Of Glory and Judas during the show, as well as joining in with the comedy sketches.
    she was the female element in a song about threesomes performed by Timberlake and comedian Adam Samberg.
    The hilarious song, which included the chorus 'It's okay when it's in a three-way, it's not gay when it's in a three-way. With some honey in the middle there's some leeway, the area's grey in a one, two, three-way.'
    ©Surprise: Timberlake and Samberg end up in bed together without Gaga in the amusing video
    The singer kept a straight face throughout the song, which sees Timberlake and Samberg end up in bed together without her.
    In another scene she put a huge cork on her head, with a dress covered in grapes and a huge wine glass on each of her arms in Timberlake's Liquorville sketch.
    ©Appeal: Gaga asked fans to send in videos for the advert and editors were inundated with material
    Fans responded within minutes and uploaded hundreds more videos.
    As the videos streamed in, editors worked on the video in real time dropping in new footage as it was received.
    The film was completed four days ago, just in time for Gaga's performance on yesterday's season finale of Saturday Night Live.
    [HD]Lady Gaga - Born This Way (Saturday Night Live S36E22)

    Google Chrome: Lady Gaga "The Edge of Glory" Commercial [HD]

    source: dailymail

    VIA Now Lady Gaga 'gives birth' on stage: Outrageous singer releases gold liquid

  • Small Sewing

    Small Sewing
    I finished some small sewing recently that i wanted to share.

    The first project was this turtle softie from Bend the Rules Sewing, by Amy Karol. I confess that dolls and softies are not something i am very good at, but this one turned out well was the crazy felt eyes that made me fall in love. Best of all Delilah loves it and chews on his legs and head often. Her best sign of affection.


    Many moons ago i made a pirate quilt for can see it here. This week i suddenly had the idea to make him a matching pillowcase since that is the quilt he uses every night in bed. I found a tutorial from Ashley at Film in the Fridge. It was so easy. I loved it and would definitely use it again.


    The kids recently had a week of VBS. Before it began one of the requests from Avery was that she have a bag to carry her water bottle in. So, google came through once again and i found a tutorial from the Long Thread.

    I had seen this one before, but this was my first go at it. I thought sewing the circle bottom was going to be really hard but it actually was not. We embellished with fun iron on patches we found and for straps i made Avery's with some fabric i had about and Mitchell got some army style webbing/strapping. Perfect and heavy duty for that little guy.


    I might add that Mitch was an excellent model this afternoon so i could get a couple shots of the carriers.

  1. Mom N' Me Monday- When Colton Joined the Pack
  2. You Know You’re a Mom When-sDAZE
  3. Tasty Tuesday –Pseudo Paella
  4. Would You Be Willing to Help Me?
  5. I'm Here, Keely!
  6. Do You Play Hunger Games?
  7. Alone in the Church
  8. I Feel Beautiful?
  9. Our Reaction to Selfish Ambition and False Motives in the Church
  10. Sex and Motherhood, My Mom and Heaven