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  • Bedside lamp makeover...

    Bedside lamp makeover...
    Bedside lamp makeover 
    Another wee makeover and a pretty dramatic one actually if only I had taken taken photos before I ripped the shade apart to show you....
    but here is the old fabric which is terribly faded and stained and now I can't think why I put up with its sorry state for so long. It also used to have a blue fringing along the bottom edge the same shade as the braiding.

    Bedside lamp makeover 
    I used one of the unpicked segments as a pattern and used 4 different fabrics on the main shade in similar aqua colours. Above is a Michael Miller dot and an Amy Butler print.
    Bedside lamp makeover 
    And on this side a Heather Bailey print .
    Bedside lamp makeover 
    Some pretty ric-rac trim around the top or crown of the lamp.....

    Bedside lamp makeover 
    For the bottom edge I used some leftover bias binding and added the turquoise and green beading but when I put it back on the lamp base it just didn't look right... sort of like it had a crop top on.... so I added the white pompom trim which added the extra length it seemed to need. I was going to remove the beading once I'd added the pom-pom trim but have decided to leave it and it adds a bit of sparkle and did take quite a bit of time to sew on.

    Bedside lamp makeover
    Now the base was originally a very dark brown so I gave it a couple of coats of white gloss spray paint which I must say looks way better than the drab dark brown.
    Now I have never spray painted anything until this project and I learnt the hard way to always read directions when trying a new technique or product. It says on the side of the can to shake for a minute before spraying and because I didn't do this to begin with I was wondering why I wasn't getting good coverage. :-D

  • In the European Union since 2010 forbid standard lamps

    In the European Union since 2010 forbid standard lamps

    Andris Piebalgs

    The eurocommissioner on power Andris Piebalgs has promised to develop legislative offers on introduction in the Usual lampEuropean Union since 2010 of an interdiction for trade in usual lamps on which share it is necessary an order of 80% of the European market, have informed on Saturday the Belgian mass-media.

    According to the eurocommissioner, refusal of such lamps and transition on ampoule a led will allow to reduce to 60% a current consumption house economy, and also will promote the aims laid down by EU to lower on 20% by 2020 annual consumption of an electricity in member countries of this regional organisation.

    Londoners can exchange usual lamps for the harmless free of charge

    Eco lampCampaign for an exchange of usual lamps on harmless (economical) lamps starts on Friday in London, the mayoralty of the British capital has informed.

    Social campaign which carries the amusing name "lamp amnesty", is sponsored by a network of department stores B&Q and portal Simulateur D'aube. Within three days all interested persons can exchange free of charge two old lamps on two economical.

    LampsBy estimates of the power companies, each such lamp will allow to reduce harmful emissions in atmosphere at the expense of fuel burning to 120 tons of carbonic gas a year, and for the simple British will save 7 pounds sterling at the payment of invoice for an electricity.

    Economic ampoule burn as brightly, as well as usual lamps, but serve approximately in 12 times longer and consume on 80% of less electricity.

    European Energy Commissioner Andris Piebalgs

    VIA «In the European Union since 2010 forbid standard lamps»

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