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  • A variety of towels in our life

    A variety of towels in our life
    Round us it is a lot of prophetic. Of them we so have strongly got used to many, that often we do not give them any value though it's not always justified. First of all it concerns towels which the person use constantly throughout all life.

    Towels are necessary in each house

    Bella CosaIn any house there are some various towels with which tenants and visitors wipe hands, the body, ware...

    The towel is the textile product of the rectangular or square form created specially for a wipe of any subjects, including bodies of the person. Towels have appeared many years back. About them there are mentions in the Bible and national legends of any people.

    Towels on appearance are very similar to wafers (therefore them and name wafer). They well absorb a moisture (three times better, than terry towels), perfectly mass, promote microblood circulation and a lymph. They can be used both for a wipe of ware and hands, and in a bathroom. In Hotel Bedding Collection Set — are often included wafer and terry towels.

    For massage special massage towels from the flax which unique structure helps a body to relax are created. With their help also it is possible to pound a body well.

    SobellaWell, and on a beach we, certainly, take a beach towel on which it is possible to sunbathe on the sun and to be wiped after swimming. Allocate also special towels for hands. These are towels of the small size which hang up in a bathroom or in a toilet about a bowl for a wipe of hands.

    Towels from velour weave from five threads. Four threads form the top and bottom basis of a fabric (them in pairs bind with each other), and the fifth — pile (it is a velvety thread more often). After end of weaving a fabric cut to separate the top basis from the bottom. Other name of these towels — Luxury Hotel Towels.

    Besides, towels differ on a material of which they are made. Certainly, most widespread of them is the cotton fabric from which weave towels many centuries successively. The cotton fibre well absorbs a moisture, does not collapse during the big number of washings and is steady against a friction which is inevitable at towel use. On Queen Bed Blanket always at a headboard put a cotton towel.

    SovillaTowels also make from silk, a bamboo and a paper. Silk towels beautiful, gentle and improbably magnificent, but badly absorb a moisture and instantly stick to a body. Bamboo towels very soft and gentle.

    From a bamboo weave beach towels since the bamboo fibre possesses cooling effect more often. From a paper make disposable towels for a kitchen room which perfectly absorb a moisture and effectively clear ware of a dirt and the food rests.

    The terry towel is the most favourite towel, gentle and soft in which it is pleasant to be turned after a shower or a bathroom. Weave such towels from the terry fabric which pile turns out for the account of free giving of loops of leaky tense basis. Terry towels perfectly well absorb a moisture, quickly dry and long do not wear out.

    Certainly, always it is possible to manage one towel for all occasions, always it is possible to buy not so expensive towel of so low quality, but, you see, when it is a question of such important subject as a towel, it is wrong and very unreasonable!

    Luxury Hotel Towels Here!

    VIA «A variety of towels in our life»

  • Crafts on the Road

    Crafts on the Road
    As I try to put my vacation thoughts and pictures together i thought that i would share with you a few projects that i worked on while i was gone.

    I like to have some hand sewing with me when i go away....and this time it was primarily bindings that i wanted to packed up and off they went with me.

    The first one that i finished was this retro potholder/hot pad. My wonderful aunt had brought me one that she found and wondered if i could figure out how to make it...well, honestly, i had no clue how they did it and then one day i ran across a tutorial for one from Going Sew Crazy. It was easy to follow and i learned a few new things. It is not perfect but my aunt loved it and that is what counts.


    I also made a matching/coordinating dish rug for her, and another for the owner of the cottage where we stayed. The tutorial was from Jennifer at That Girl...That Quilt. She gave great easy to follow instructions. I modified it a little by using a old bath towel instead of a dish towel...consequently that made it too thick to turn out so i put a traditional quilt binding on it instead of top stitching the outer edge..

    i hope to make at least 2 more of these to use the other recycled towel pieces that i have left.

    i will catch you soon with more projects and vacation pics!!! it is good to be back!

  • I WON! and other stuff...

    I WON! and other stuff...

    My friend Becky is starting this new site called Patchwork Posse, every month there are new sewing related projects and lots of fun stuff. So, today I won a membership! YAY! Go check it out, I am excited about it, I think she has come up with a great idea and I am excited that I get to be a part of it!

    In other news: I know some of you have probably already seen it, but I did a pattern review for Sew Mama Sew!

    Here's the link!


    Also, Dana from MADE won a package of things from me awhile back and she repurposed a towel I sent her into these adorable aprons she made for her kids! She is the queen of repurposing I tell you! So cute!

    I hope you all had a Happy New Year!

  • Solar: the Perfect Technology for the Contemporary Dwelling

    Solar: the Perfect Technology for the Contemporary Dwelling
    Solar panels

    There's one thing that's pretty consistent across all of the examples featured on this site — they're all as contemporary as it gets. There are no awkward features, everything is smooth, seamless and damn right modern.

    Over the years the construction industry has seen technologies come and go, arguably at a faster rate than in other fields. It would be fair to say that one technology which has grabbed building experts by the scruff of the neck is solar. It's something which is being applied in practically every imaginable use and when it comes to contemporary homes it's no surprise why.

    Solar is something that removes any aesthetic fears from architects. Once upon a time those famous panels may have been classed as intrusive, but nowadays they can be blended into any modern building. Similarly, smaller solar products (which we'll get into later), just don't hinder a home's appearance in the slightest and this is the reason it's here to say.

    Of course, a lot of these products also happen to save a considerable amount of money - something which is surely required when you see some of the extravagant featured properties! Nevertheless, the point we're trying to make is that solar energy is here to stay and this is something that a lot of rival technologies haven't been able to say over the past few years. Here, we highlight how solar is growing, how you can use it on your home - and why it suits the contemporary, dream homes down to a tee.

    The old favourite: solar panels

    We may as well start with the thing that everyone associates solar technology with; those panels which seem to be affixed to a growing proportion of UK estates. Initially, they were targeted at local authority housing, but private homeowners have now caught on and they are especially popular with modern properties.

    The nature of solar panels means that they are never going to be suited to a rustic dwelling. Shiny panels just don’t work on a converted barn, but when they are integrated to a potential Dwell award candidate, things start to change. They can actually look like a positive addition to such properties, while it’s now possible to purchase the panels in varying styles which make them highly compatible with different types of roofs.

    Security lighting: no longer a tangle of wires

    This is one use of the technology which doesn’t necessarily have to be implemented in a luxury home. The reason it’s been included in this article is because of the simplicity and it doesn’t matter where you live, gone are the days when you have to source an electrician to fit a complicated set of security lights.

    Naturally, these lights arrive in various solar contemporary styles, but the big selling point is that they’re plug and play. Some security lights which are solar powered can be installed in a matter of minutes and this means that they’re certainly here to stay, and possibly overtake the standard security fittings that we have come so accustomed to over the last few years.

    Water features: same as above

    Take a look at the latest featured house on this blog and it will almost certainly be exquisitely landscaped, with a water feature to boot. The introduction of solar technology to these features has transformed the way in which gardens can be put together and again there’s no need to source a qualified electrician – a lot of these features are powered entirely by the sun.

    Considering the fact that it’s also possible to obtain solar fairy lights to compliment the landscape, it goes without saying that water features are evolving and have become even more exuberant because of solar.

    And finally… for the ultimate solar/contemporary enthusiast

    We should probably have added another component to the title of this subheading, “for the ultimate property owner”. We’ll again refer to the houses that are featured across Art Architect and the vast majority have a pool in their back garden.

    For a lot of years, the main problem with swimming pools hasn’t been the upfront cost (although these will still set you back tens of thousands of pounds, or more depending on your requirements), but the running costs. Again, solar has come to the rescue and through the use of solar thermal technology, it’s now possible to heat the water through the sun’s rays. Additionally, excess energy can be used for outside towel rails or even the water for showers – again elements that will accompany the contemporary plot down to a tee.

    VIA «Solar: the Perfect Technology for the Contemporary Dwelling»

  • Tears of 'back from the dead, Serena': Williams breaks down after opening victory at Wimbledon

    Tears of 'back from the dead, Serena': Williams breaks down after opening victory at Wimbledon
    ©Overcome: Serena Williams showed her emotions today after he first round victory by burying her head in a towel before openly crying as she left Centre Court
    It's not the image that most people would associate with the so-called Queen of Mean.
    Serena Williams – one of the toughest players on the tennis circuit – won her first-round match, sat on her chair … and then dissolved into tears.
    Such a display might have been expected from a novice winning her first match at Wimbledon – rather than the defending champion who has won the title four times.
    All too much: Miss Williams was upset because she has been out of the game for year following a severe foot injury and suffering from blood clots on her lungs
    But as the 29-year-old explained later, emotion overwhelmed her because yesterday was a day she feared she would never see after a year in which her life – let alone her sporting career – almost came to an end.
    The American has been absent from tennis for 49 weeks after suffering serious foot injuries in an accident, then life-threatening blood clots on her lungs. ‘It definitely hit me at the end of the match,’ she said. ‘I’m not a crier, so I don’t know.
    ‘It definitely was so emotional for me because throughout the last 12 months, I’ve been through a lot of things that’s not normal. So it’s just been a long, arduous road. To stand up still is pretty awesome.
    ©Watching on: The large crowd sees Serena rifle down another serve during the match
    ‘So this was probably the most emotional I’ve gotten after a match, after a win.’ By the standards of some of her previous outfits, Miss Williams was dressed relatively soberly in a white tennis dress with navy piping, matched by a classic cable-knit cardigan – although her hot pants were black.
    She added: ‘It wasn’t about winning the match. It was about being out there. Everyone that has had some troubles, whether it be health, whether it be something else, to realise that you can do it. But it just really goes to show if you don’t give up, you still have a chance.’
    ©Hand raised in victory: Serena forces a smile seconds after confirming her win and before the emotion got too much
    Within days of claiming her 13th Grand Slam title at the All England Club last summer, Miss Williams’s feet were cut by glass as she left a restaurant in Munich, wearing sandals.
    Then in March she had trouble breathing and was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism.
    ©She revealed: ‘I was on my death bed at one point – quite literally. It got to the stage where it felt like I could hardly breathe. Some days I didn’t get out of bed at all. I just laid on a couch thinking, why has this happened to me?
    ‘At first people said it would be fine, it would be all right but it turned out to be a lot more serious. If it had been left two days later it could have been career-ending – or even worse. They told me I had several blood clots in both lungs. A lot of people die from that.’
    ©In action: Serena Williams plays a forehand during her two sets to one victory over French player Aravane Rezai
    Knocked out: Aravane Rezai reaches for a shot during the defeat to Williams on Wimbledon's Centre Court
    Floored Serena Williams makes winning lob

    source: dailymail

    VIA Tears of 'back from the dead, Serena': Williams breaks down after opening victory at Wimbledon

  • thrifting, fabric, and a new bag

    thrifting, fabric, and a new bag
    Sewing I continue to go thrifting on Mondays and I keep finding awesome things. Yesterday it was a never been used vintage towel and the cutest tablecloth. I got all excited when I saw the tablecloth, I love the big flowers and the colors.

    SewingHere are some recent fabric purchases. I snatched up some of Anna Maria Horner's innocent crush, I love, love, love the star burst print. Those bird cages are from JoAnn's.
    I have been having a crush on gingham lately and found the grey and tangerine colors and had to have it.

    SewingI was near IKEA yesterday and had a bit of extra time so I went in to check out the fabrics and found this wood grain fabric, and some cute placemats to repurpose.

    I was excited and made up a couple bags like this with the placemats last night.
    They are kinda funky and I love it. The back of the bag is the same stripe as the handle. I originally was going to leave it kinda plain, and then decided it needed a little embellishment, so I made a flower pin to put on it.
    Now, I am off to cut out new bags as I have aquired a new pile of upholstery fabrics (for free I might add!) And I am so happy to have my sewing mojo back!

  1. The Inconvenience Store House -You Know You're a Mom...
  2. Biting Off More Than I Can Chew
  3. Mom N’ Me Monday...Tootsie Time
  4. Car Conversations Between Toddlers
  5. Do You Have a Minute...How About a Dollar?
  6. Surprises in a Buddhist Temple
  7. The Art of Confrontation
  8. The Fish Story
  9. Second Chance at Love
  10. Yousef Nadarkhani And A Willingness To Die For His Faith / Linky open