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  • Tree Felling 101 for the Lavish Property Owner

    Tree Felling 101 for the Lavish Property Owner
    The luxury villa

    It doesn't matter how big your house is (even if it's the size of this one), how much it costs or even how much you are worth — the same rules for tree felling apply to everyone.

    We're not just talking about the mechanics of lining up a cut and making sure it doesn't drop into your 24ft luxury swimming pool either, there is more to removing a tree than meets the eye.

    The above will not make pleasant reading for a lot of property owners, who will have been looking for an excuse to fell a cumbersome tree on their land for years. Yes, they can add privacy, but they can also prevent development whether this is in relation to your garden or the house itself.

    Therefore, if you are looking to rid your land of a troublesome tree, read on. The following checklist has been put together for any UK homeowner out there, but it's very likely that the same rules apply for most countries.

    Rule #1 — Are you even allowed to fell the tree?

    First and foremost, it’s all about legalities. You might own the most exclusive plot in town, but that doesn’t mean to say that you can do whatever you please with the tree. The UK has thousands of Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs) and this means that permission has to be sought before you do anything that will drastically change the tree. The fact that this even includes pruning will tell you that most of the time, the thought of felling one is absolutely out of the question.

    This is an occasion where bending the rules is pretty much unthinkable as well. It’s an offence to fell, or even do any work for that matter, on a tree protected by a TPO. Therefore, it doesn’t matter where you live, it’s generally not worth the aggravation and you’ll have to live with the tree for the foreseeable future (i.e., forever).

    Rule #2 — Is it going to cause half your house to fall down?

    In felling a tree, you also want to ensure that you don't fell your house. This might sound a bit over the top, but it really isn't. Additionally, we're not talking about the risks of the tree crushing your great big roof lights (although that's an obvious concern, as well).

    Instead, we’re referring to the perils of subsidence. It’s an insurer’s worst nightmare and a lot of the time it’s related purely to the actions of the homeowner. Remove a tree anywhere near your home and you’ve just allowed an enormous amount of water, which the tree was previously using, to re-enter the soil and subsequently swell it. This can cause a whole host of problems and in the worst situations, it’s not been uncommon for houses to have to be rebuilt.

    Rule #3 — Who will manage the whole process?

    Once upon a time the only option would have been to take advantage of a professional tree felling service, as it simply wasn’t possible to source the specialist equipment on a domestic level. However, there are now numerous companies offering arborist clothing and machinery and this means that the DIY approach is entirely doable.

    Whether you fancy getting your hands dirty is up to you. It will work out significantly cheaper to take this approach, although you’ll also have to factor in all of the calculations that are necessary when felling trees. On this note we should also remind readers that if you do get a calculation wrong, there’s every chance that one side of your house could be completely flattened. Therefore, make sure you read the appropriate literature before whipping out your chainsaw.

    Rule #4 — What happens next?

    No, this final rule isn’t like the famous part of ‘A Question of Sport’, but rather what is going to happen to the felled tree now? The answer to the above issue might have already covered it, as some companies will dispose of the tree for you.

    However, if they don’t, you have a giant piece of lumbar in your back garden. Unless you need wood for your stove, it’s a nuisance to say the least. Moving it in one go is probably out of the question, while even sawing it up into tiny pieces will be too much for some. Unfortunately, it’s something else that has to be covered and this is exactly why, no matter what type of house you reside in, tree felling is never a simple topic and there is a boatload of planning required before even considering it.

    VIA «Tree Felling 101 for the Lavish Property Owner»

  • Miss Perú 2011 Pageant will be held June 25 2011

    Miss Perú 2011 Pageant will be held June 25 2011
    Road to Miss Peru Universe 2011
    Miss Perú 2011, the 59th Miss Perú 2011 pageant will be held at the Real Felipe Fortress Convention Center, in Callao, Perú on June 25, 2011. At the end of this event Giuliana Zevallos, Miss Perú Universe 2010 (photo above) and Alexandra Liao, Miss Perú World 2010 will crown their successors. Around 24 contestants from all over the country wiill compete for the titles and the pageant will be broadcasted live on Panamericana Television.

    Giuliana Zevallos, Miss Perú Universe 2010

    Check out below the official Miss Peru 2011 contestants in swimsuit.

    Highslide JS
    Giselle Patrón
    Miss Amazonas
    Highslide JS
    Carmen Vizcarra
    Miss Apurimac
    Highslide JS
    Adriana Conde
    Miss Arequipa
    Highslide JS
    Jessenia Espinoza
    Miss Ayacucho
    Highslide JS
    Mayra Farje
    Miss Callao
    Highslide JS
    Roxana Díaz
    Miss Cajamarca
    Highslide JS
    Miluska Huaroto
    Miss Cuzco
    Highslide JS
    Cindy Mejia
    Miss Ciudad de Lima
    Highslide JS
    Wendy Llanos
    Miss Huancavelica
    Highslide JS
    Kenia Brack
    Miss Huánuco
    Highslide JS
    Odilia García
    Miss Junín
    Highslide JS
    Giselle Torres
    Miss La Libertad
    Highslide JS
    Luciana Onetti
    Miss Lambayeque
    Highslide JS
    Grace Mejia
    Miss Lima
    Highslide JS
    Nicole Faveron
    Miss Loreto
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    Tatiana Zapata
    Miss Moquegua
    Highslide JS
    Della Rivera
    Miss Pasco
    Highslide JS
    Carla Gutiérrez
    Miss Piura
    Highslide JS
    Sofía Cornejo
    Miss San Martín
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    Sherina Ruiz
    Miss Tacna
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    Estefany Bueno
    Miss Trujillo
    Highslide JS
    Lía Lemor
    Miss Tumbes
    Highslide JS
    Natalie Vertiz
    Miss Usa Perú
    Highslide JS
    Katty Villayzan
    Miss Villa Rica

    courtesy photo of miss peru website

    Special thank you and credits to

    VIA Miss Perú 2011 Pageant will be held June 25 2011

  • Italy: Pompeii's 'Cave Canem' mosaic restored

    Italy: Pompeii's 'Cave Canem' mosaic restored
    He is one of the world's most famous dogs, the snarling, black-and-white mosaic canine and protector of the Pompeii archaeological site.

    Pompeii's 'Cave Canem' mosaic restored
    'Cave Canem' mosaic from the entrance to the 
    House of the Tragic Poet [Credit: ANSA]

    Indeed, with his black hair, curled form, and bared teeth, the ancient canine has stood ready for almost 2,000 years to discourage intruders from setting foot in the Domus of the Tragic Poet, supported by the famous inscription 'Cave Canem' or 'Beware of the Dog'.

    Now, this universal symbol of the city that was preserved under the ash of Mt. Vesuvius in 79 AD has been restored and returned to the public eye in the archaeological remains of Pompeii.

    Years of rain, mud, dirt and neglect were gradually cleaned away to bring him back to public viewing just in time for the dog days at the end of July.

    The work on the mosaic canine is just one in a series of measures aimed at restoring and protecting Pompeii, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, for future generations, said Culture Minister Dario Franceschini.

    In a post on his Twitter feed, he wrote: "Offered to the public the splendid new staging of Cave Canem". "(At) #Pompei, every day a proud step forward," wrote the minister.

    The canine mosaic is now protected beneath a transparent cover designed to allow full public viewing of the mosaic mutt, with his great sense of movement as well as the realism and attention to detail that has made it one of the world's best known of the Pompeian masterpieces. Other restored works as well as extended tourist routes through the archaeological site should also be offered soon, officials suggested.

    Work has been continuing at Pompeii, which for decades was neglected and even plundered due to slack security and poor protection.

    At some points, the United Nations even threatened to withdraw its UNESCO World Heritage Site designation unless adequate money was invested to restore and protect Pompeii.

    But, slowly things seem to be turning around.

    In March Pompeii's largest house - Villa dei Misteri, famous for its frescoes of the cult of Bacchus - reopened after a two-year restoration and a three-month closure for work on its paving.

    "We have behind us a year of extraordinary work," Franceschini said at that time.

    "We have closed three work sites while another 13 have been opened, nine contracts have been started and we have hired 85 people". Almost precisely one year earlier, Franceschini pledged the Italian government would catch up on delays in restoring the Pompeii archaeological site and treat completing the ambitious 105-million-euro Great Pompeii Project as a "national challenge".

    "The challenge of Pompeii is a challenge for the nation," Franceschini said, reiterating the importance of the Great Pompeii Project, aimed at safeguarding the unique site.

    The European Commission, involved in funding the project, has insisted that the restoration work must be completed by the end of 2015.

    There is some urgency.

    In April 2014, heavy rains led to several reports of collapsed walls at the Pompeii site, soon after UNESCO warnings that the miraculously preserved ancient city could "completely fall apart" and lose its world heritage status unless urgent action was taken.

    Source: ANSA [July 21, 2015]

  • Miss Perú 2011, the 59th Miss Perú 2011 pageant will be held on June 25, 2011 - Photos of Miss Peru 2011 Contestants in Swimsuit

    Miss Perú 2011, the 59th Miss Perú 2011 pageant will be held on June 25, 2011 - Photos of Miss Peru 2011 Contestants in Swimsuit
    Giuliana Zevallos, Miss Perú Universe 2010
    Miss Peru 2011 Contestants in swimsuits
    Miss Perú 2011, the 59th Miss Perú 2011 pageant will be held at the Real Felipe Fortress Convention Center, in Callao, Perú on June 25, 2011. At the end of this event Giuliana Zevallos, Miss Perú Universe 2010 (photo above) and Alexandra Liao, Miss Perú World 2010 will crown their successors. Around 24 contestants from all over the country wiill compete for the titles and the pageant will be broadcasted live on Panamericana Television.
    Check out below the official Miss Peru 2011 contestants in swimsuit.
    Highslide JS
    Giselle Patrón
    Miss Amazonas
    Highslide JS
    Carmen Vizcarra
    Miss Apurimac
    Highslide JS
    Adriana Conde
    Miss Arequipa
    Highslide JS
    Jessenia Espinoza
    Miss Ayacucho
    Highslide JS
    Mayra Farje
    Miss Callao
    Highslide JS
    Roxana Díaz
    Miss Cajamarca
    Highslide JS
    Miluska Huaroto
    Miss Cuzco
    Highslide JS
    Cindy Mejia
    Miss Ciudad de Lima
    Highslide JS
    Wendy Llanos
    Miss Huancavelica
    Highslide JS
    Kenia Brack
    Miss Huánuco
    Highslide JS
    Odilia García
    Miss Junín
    Highslide JS
    Giselle Torres
    Miss La Libertad
    Highslide JS
    Luciana Onetti
    Miss Lambayeque
    Highslide JS
    Grace Mejia
    Miss Lima
    Highslide JS
    Nicole Faveron
    Miss Loreto
    Highslide JS
    Tatiana Zapata
    Miss Moquegua
    Highslide JS
    Della Rivera
    Miss Pasco
    Highslide JS
    Carla Gutiérrez
    Miss Piura
    Highslide JS
    Sofía Cornejo
    Miss San Martín
    Highslide JS
    Sherina Ruiz
    Miss Tacna
    Highslide JS
    Estefany Bueno
    Miss Trujillo
    Highslide JS
    Lía Lemor
    Miss Tumbes
    Highslide JS
    Natalie Vertiz
    Miss Usa Perú
    Highslide JS
    Katty Villayzan
    Miss Villa Rica

    courtesy photo of miss peru website

    source: (Thank you and credits to
    and all sources for the information and pictures)

    VIA Miss Perú 2011, the 59th Miss Perú 2011 pageant will be held on June 25, 2011 - Photos of Miss Peru 2011 Contestants in Swimsuit

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