I had a crafting ephinany after I put the ruffle on the front of the bags, I had some fabric strip still left and I decided to put a ruffle on the strap and I love it!
It was so fun giving them to my girls on Valentines, Jade and Sage gasped and said "Thank you Mom!" and Kinsley said "Uh hu, Uh hu!" It totally made my day.
You should have seen me trying to get a picture of these today. First off, it is freezing outside today,and I am walking around my backyard trying to find different spots to take a picture. After about 10 minutes I finally snagged some tape and came to the spot I always take pictures at. This wall is actually my neighbors garage and it is my favorite spot for pictures. I love it so much that I have actually worried about where I will take pictures when the time comes for us to move. (we aren't even planning on moving any time soon) Silly of me, right?
I hope you had a nice weekend dear friends. Mine was spent hanging out with my family, ice skating, and yesterday Family came over to celebrate Kinsley's Birthday. Which means I made a from scratch chocolate birthday cake, Casey even said it was the best damn chocolate cake he'd ever tasted, and I'd have to agree :) I am glad he didn't say damn in front of our kids though, we wouldn't want our kids running around saying that :)