Sew La Ti Embroidery [Search results for United Arab Emirates

  • The Eco Project in Emirates

    The Eco Project in Emirates
    Artificial island

    Artificial Island (United Arab Emirates)

    Architect Alexander Krasinski has presented materials of the project of artificial island in Persian gulf (United Arab Emirates), developed for the purpose of creation of the alternative agglomeration, capable to solve a problem, actual for the given region for today.

    Futuristic Island in Persian Gulf

    The architectural conception of the futuristic green project is inseparable from a solution of a problem of globalization of influence of the person on environment, and also rising of sea level and taxes.
    Differently, on this urbanistic island it's possible to create the whole new state with powerful Eco-system, own the legislation and an advanced policy of economic structure.

    Architectural conception
    Futuristic island
    Urbanistic island
    Architectural project
    Futuristic project

    The Futuristic Eco-project

    The futuristic island is located in territory of ocean and has internal seaport and the airport in immediate proximity from a Eco-zone with areas of smart ecology.
    Also, the original architectural project provides ultra-modern office, administrative, governmental and academic centers, comfortable inhabited apartments, territory for walks, rest, sports.

    VIA «The Eco Project in Emirates»

  • Rising of the New Moon

    Rising of the New Moon
    New Moon

    The Economic Moon

    Financial crisis — not a hindrance for scale building of the landscape park Zabil. «The new Moon» becomes the central construction of the project. The construction in the form of a half moon — a symbol of force and energy of the countries of the East — will tell about today's prosperity of the United Arab Emirates.

    The New Moon in Dubai

    New Moon in Dubai

    Monument interiors contain 5 floors. Everyone symbolizes one of five postulates of Islam: belief, a pray, mercy, mutual aid and pilgrimage. The design contains in itself a conference hall, cafe, children library and an information desk.

    New Moon monument

    The New Moon Monument

    The external part of a building decorated by the Arabian inscriptions represents a steel skeleton with emptiness. Such decision will give the chance to supervise illumination and air temperature on all platforms of the New Moon, will protect an interior from a direct sunlight and will provide free circulation of air streams. Inside there will be a special microclimate which will unload the central systems of safety. The project completely corresponds to ecological building standards. Solar batteries will be built in a building covering, and it considerably will lower energy consumption.

    VIA «Rising of the New Moon»

  • New surprising hotel in Abu Dhabi

    New surprising hotel in Abu Dhabi

    The Yas Hotel

    In Abu Dhabi is under construction new The Yas Hotel. The project realises architectural bureau Asymptote. The building is located around Yas Marina where new circle Formula One will lie.

    Racing track in hotel

    The racing track will be laid in a complex under the bridge which will connect two towers of hotel. A total area of a hotel complex — 85,000 sq. m.

    Hotel, Abu Dhabi

    Hotel complex in the United Arab Emirates

    Hotel complex The Yas Hotel

    New The Yas Hotel

    Total amount of investments into building of area Yas Marina — 36 billion dollars.

    VIA «New surprising hotel in Abu Dhabi»

  1. Wiping the Slate Clean...and Ask Andy (my hubby) Anything!!!
  2. Two More Fantastic Giveaways...Adorable Sun Glasses and a Gift Certificate for Some Unique Jewelry
  3. When Is It Ever Good Enough?
  4. Mmmmmm...Chocolate!
  5. From Stay at Home Mom to Photographer…
  6. Is Your Light Shining?
  7. Painting from a Small World
  8. The Palm Of His Hand
  9. Place of Worship
  10. Dancing in Heaven / OYHT Link