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  • Foster + Partners have reincarnated in Zenith

    Foster + Partners have reincarnated in Zenith

    New musical centre

    As a result of the international competition of design projects in the French city of Sent-Eten have constructed new musical centre "Zénith".

    Musical Zenith

    Musical centreThis offer of architectural bureau Foster + Partners became the winner in competition. The centre was necessary for this industrial region for motivation of local population, youth to positive development, and also creations of the regional cultural centre which would advance an image of region as a whole.

    Very accurate structure of a roof became result of research of laws of aerodynamics; the roof is an ideal surface for interaction with a wind, directing air on channels for natural ventilation of premises.

    The system is constructed purposefully for "reception" of northern and southern winds. In an underground part of a building the storehouse for air which, arriving by means of special system of a facade and a roof, is cooled is created and then it is supposed in premises. Lateral flaps create a shade in foyer.

    Zenith in Sent Eten

    Zénith in Sent Eten

    The glass foyer will organise access to all premises and floors. Audiences are arranged very flexibly, they can contain from 1,100 to 7,200 persons. In an industrial part premises for make-up rooms of rooms, premises for rehearsals, storages of a requisite and scenery, a reception for VIP-persons are provided. There is a parking on 1,200 cars, an exit on foot parkway on which it is possible to get on railway station.

    VIA «Foster + Partners have reincarnated in Zenith»

  • SpaceShipTwo For the Space Travels

    SpaceShipTwo For the Space Travels

    SpaceShipTwo by Virgin Galactic

    The company specializing on development of space tourism, Virgin Galactic, has presented the conceptual plane for short travel into a terrestrial orbit.

    The Space Tour Transport

    Transport is called SpaceShipTwo, under plans flight should begin mass flights in space in 2011 year. SpaceShipTwo can transport six passengers, the trip will last 2,5 hours.
    Representatives of eight hundred mass-media, the future astronauts, VIP-Persons have gathered for vehicle presentations.

    Flights in space
    Space tourism
    Virgin Galactic

    Sir Richard Branson and Burt Rutan have held press conference, governors Bill Richardson and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the same place have acted. The ship has appeared before public in beams of bright light, accompanied by visually-musical show.

    VIA «SpaceShipTwo For the Space Travels»

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