Sew La Ti Embroidery [Search results for applique

  • Current Project

    Current Project

    I am currently working on a batch of purses, the first picture is the ones I cut out last night and the second gives you an idea of what they will look like. I am excited because I haven't made a batch of purses in awhile and I have some new applique ideas. I think I am starting to get out of my sewing slump, finally it feels like it's been forever. It's a good thing cause I have to be ready for 4 that's right 4 craft shows! Am I crazy? This sewing habit has been a good thing for our family, doing our taxes made me realize that we actually had less $ last year than the year before, I thought we had made more, maybe I'm just doing better with what we have. Maybe we're just blessed, maybe both! But me selling my things is great for many reasons, one because it keeps me busy, which I need and it brings in a bit of extra $ which is great, and I love just hanging out at the farmers markets, people watching, chatting with friends, meeting new people. I can't tell you how excited I am that the farmers market season is around the corner! Anyways enough rambling, I have to learn not to spend so much time on the internet! Have a great day!

    Guess what tommorrow is? My 50th post giveaway!
  • Quilt-a Long, part 2

    Quilt-a Long, part 2
    the second part of the quilt-a-long was embellishment and making the quilt "sandwich". It went fast. I chose to embellish with applique because it is something i have never done before and am pretty leary of. See my little stars? Next is the quilting part. I have been practicing free motion quilting so hopefully that will go as easy and smooth as all the other steps have.
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  • Fabric Madness

    Fabric Madness
    Oh fabric heaven!! There was a fantastic quilt shop by my sisters house, and i could not wait to go. When we walked in i was blown away by the selection and how beautiful everything was. Some have a purpose and others just looked good together and some i got for no other reason than i loved them.
    sevingSince it was vacation...Chris was very sweet to let me get whatever struck my fancy. Now if i had really bought everything, in the quantity i would have wanted i just might have broken the bank. But i practiced a little restraint. A little! Ok a very little!
    sevingThese batiks are destined for a quilt idea Avery had. I hope to get to work on that one first. About 1 year ago she dictated to me a idea she had for a dolphin quilt, and i have been scared of it ever since. But when Colleen and i saw these fabrics we laid it all out on the floor and the dolphin quilt came together. See the ones on the left..they are for the rocks, water and sky. I love that these look like "sea trees" as avery calls them. And the others are for the applique parts.
    these are all from IKEA. I love that you can get fabrics there. They are heavier weight but might someday have a use. I have that kids fabric with hippos in green also. It is so bright and cute.
    Once in awhile i am lucky enough to find a sale on curtains like these ones above. Clearance is great.
    i love these...especially the grey and the green together. I love how "vintagey" they look.

    And this one...this was the reason i was going to that store. This beautiful cloud print by Kaffe Fassett. I don't know what i am going to do with it. Maybe a little quilt with these other two colors. i heart fabric.
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  • Custom order

    Custom order
    Sewing The lovely Steph of Stephmodo, asked me to applique some napkins with cherries on them, and then we ended up doing some cute notebooks for favors for her youngest daughter's half birthday party. She brought the cutest cherry sucker she purchased in France, that she planned the party around. So cute! You can see more of the sweet party she planned here.