Sew La Ti Embroidery [Search results for college

  • New building for Royal College of Art

    New building for Royal College of Art

    Royal College

    The building for faculty of drawing Royal College of Art is more similar to a place for faculty of hairdresser's art — an equal teeth and a roof teeth are ideally combed by architects under a comb. The project of the London architects from Haworth Tompkins.

    Original college in London

    Originality of a design consists that have inserted a steel skeleton into an existing brick building.
    The zigzag roof from a North side is glazed, allowing to provide a premise additional illumination. In a building 58 students can be trained.

    Here rooms for study, seminars, exhibitions, administrative premises, and also studios for the artists coming on various actions will be equipped.

    Royal College of Art

    Royal College in London

    College London

    Art College in London

    Art College

    VIA «New building for Royal College of Art»

  • The passing-out ball: End-of-year celebrations prove a little TOO much for some Cambridge students

    The passing-out ball: End-of-year celebrations prove a little TOO much for some Cambridge students
    ©The morning after: Walking seems to have got too much for the girl in the red dress, while the chap on the right seems to be feeling a little warm after a night of partying
    They've finished their exams, they're about to venture into the big wide world, and they've just spent hundreds on the hottest night in town.
    So no wonder it all proved a bit too much for some Cambridge University students, staggering home after partying all night to celebrate the end of term.
    Even at £200 for a couple, and on top of the cost of a new ball gown and tails, revellers at the Trinity May Ball were far from reserved - perhaps savouring their final carefree days of student life.
    Bleary-eyed after a night of partying, as the sun rose the youngsters carried on the celebration with drunken punt rides on the River Cam or breakfast in college gardens.
    ©Relaxed: As the sun rose, students who had paced themselves continued to drink bubbly as the sun rose
    The ball is a tradition dating back 145 years that is among the largest events in the Cambridge student social calendar and is as famous for the morning after events as the big night itself.
    After dinner and dancing the night of official events was brought to a close with a spectacular fireworks display, but for some it was a sign that the night was still young.
    ©The morning after the night before: These students look like they're up for continuing for some time with two bottles of Pimms
    One guest said: 'The champagne was flowing, but if you want to be among the survivors the next day, you learn to pace yourself.'
    The Trinity May Ball is normally held on the first Monday of May Week - the traditional end of term at Cambridge University.
    This year, however, it took place in June and is one of a series of balls taking place across the campus.
    The ball has continued every year since 1866 and has only had two breaks. Once in 1910 when King Edward VII died and again during the Second World War from 1939 to 1945.
    ©Class, style and some high jinx: One couple looks like they've stepped out of a Dickens novel as they make their way home while another share a laugh with friends
    The only trouble that was reported in the town was three calls from residents who complained to Cambridge City Council over excess noise.
    Robert Osbourn, the council's environmental protection team leader, told the Cambridge News that some complaints were inevitable.
    He said: 'You are never going to be able to guarantee that nobody hears anything.'
    The students also do their bit for charity. With 17 balls and major events being held in Cambridge this academic year, the total funds from all college May Balls is likely to reach tens of thousands of pounds.
    ©Having a punt: These party goers decide to have a more leisurely ride along the River Cam with cups of coffee
    ©Home time: Students file out of the Trinity May Ball in an orderly manner
    ©Friendships made: Students lie on the lawns in front of King's College as the sun rises over the spires of Cambridge
    ©Glamour: A group of women look as splendid as they did the night before as they set off home in their ball gowns
    ©It's a busy day for punters in Cambridge with hundreds of students to transport along the Cam
    source :dailymail

    VIA The passing-out ball: End-of-year celebrations prove a little TOO much for some Cambridge students

  • Laura Kaeppelar was crowned Miss Wisconsin 2011

    Laura Kaeppelar was crowned Miss Wisconsin 2011
    Road to Miss America 2012
    Laura Kaeppelar, Miss Southern Wisconsin, was crowned Miss Wisconsin 2011 at Alberta Kimball Auditorium on Saturday night, June 18, 2011. Laura Kaeppelar won a $10,000 college scholarship and will represent Wisconsin in the Miss America 2012 Pageant.
    Kaeppelar was second runner-up last year competing as Miss Kenosha. Kaeppeler has a bachelor’s degree in music from Carthage College. She sang a classical aria in the talent competition. Her platform was mentoring children whose parents are in jail.
    Miss Seven Rivers, Raenna Johnson of Holmen, was the first runner-up. She wins a $2,000 scholarship.
    Miss Fox River Valley, Desiree Geffers of Oshkosh, was second runner-up and won a $1,000 scholarship.
    Miss Madison Capital City, Brittany Lee Wittnabel of Beloit, was third runner-up and won an $800 scholarship.
    Miss La Crosse Oktoberfest, Elizabeth Kramer of Holmen, was fourth runner-up and won a $600 scholarship.
    Special thanks and credits to Miss Wisconsin Organization &beautypageantnews

    VIA Laura Kaeppelar was crowned Miss Wisconsin 2011

  • Julia Furtado was crowned Miss Maine 2011

    Julia Furtado was crowned Miss Maine 2011
    Road to Miss America 2012
    ©Julia Furtado was crowned Miss Maine 2011 Saturday night, June 17, 2011 in Crooker Theater at Brunswick High School. she will represent Maine in Miss America 2012 pageant.
    Julia was also awarded the victory in the talent competition as a vocalist.
    According to the Miss Maine Scholarship Program, Julia resides in Dayton and is a sophomore at the University of New England. “Miss Maine receives thousands of dollars in college scholarships, as well as a paid trip to compete for the title of Miss America,” the pageant said. “ Each contestant, regardless of placement, earns valuable college assistance.
    “As a not-for-profit organization, whose primary responsibilities are to raise and award scholarships, the Miss Maine Scholarship Program also provides the young women of Maine opportunities for growth and achievement.”
    Special thanks and credits"">

    VIA Julia Furtado was crowned Miss Maine 2011

  • Taryn Chute was crowned Miss Montana 2011 on June 18

    Taryn Chute was crowned Miss Montana 2011 on June 18
    Road to Miss America 2012
    Taryn Chute was crowned Miss Montana 2011 on June 18, 2011 in the Dawson County High School auditorium. She will represent Montana in Miss America 2012 Pageant. Her platform is Educate and Motivate: Preventing Childhood Obesity. Taryn wins a $5000 cash scholarship plus $11,500 in applied scholarships, and many prizes including a Silver Service tea set. Taryn tore her ACL in college track and has had a year and a half of rehab so it’s amazing for her to win the talent competition with her lyrical dance.
    First runner-up was Veronika Ohlinger of Cooke City singing Black Velvet. She wins $2500. She also won the Spirit and Leadership Award given by the production staff.
    Chantell Bury, 20, Glendive was second runner-up, winning $2000 in cash scholarship. She was voted Miss Congeniality by fellow contestants and voted most photogenic by Right Impressions, the official photographer for the week. Chantell also won the Miss America State Community Service Award of $1000.
    Third runner-up Gillette Vaira, 24, of Lambert was Thursday night’s evening gown winner, and received the Miss America $1000 Scholar Academic Award and the interview award.
    Cortney Bury, 19, of Glendive was fourth runner-up and winner of the Friday night fitness in swimwear competition and Miracle Maker fundraising award from the Children’s Miracle Network.
    Courtesy of Miss Montana Organization.
    Special thanks and credits tobeautypageantnews

    VIA Taryn Chute was crowned Miss Montana 2011 on June 18

  • No Makeup Week! (I mean, they like me with makeup, too. Oh, you know what I mean...)

     No Makeup Week! (I mean, they like me with makeup, too. Oh, you know what I mean...)

    No Makeup Week: Mint Julep Mask

    No Makeup Week: Mint Julep Mask

    Hey everyone! This is just a quick post to let you know what I have planned for this upcoming week. I'm going to be going away from Thursday until Saturday with my boyfriend and his family so I won't be posting those days. Because of this, I hope to be able to post a few times in the next few days!

    In high school, like many teenagers going through puberty, I was ashamed of my skin. One day it would be oily, the next day it would be dry - and there was always acne to deal with! Over the years I've tried many products and skincare routines, with varying success. In high school I desperately tried to cover up my natural skin with layers of makeup. Liquids, powders, blushes - I used everything I could!

    While I love what makeup can do to enhance an appearance, in the past two years I've realized that I love my natural beauty, too. I think going to college made me feel a lot more comfortable about going out without "putting my face on," because I was surrounded by the same people at all hours of the day. These kids have seen me when I wake up in the morning, when I'm in class, and before I go to sleep. They have seen me when I'm sick, when I'm just getting back from the gym, and even when I've gotten caught in a downpour running back from the library.

    And They Like Me — Without Makeup!

    What I'm trying to say is: I've gained a lot of confidence in myself in the past two years, and I don't feel the need to try to cover up anything with makeup. Yes, I love getting dolled up when I'm going to a party or going out on a date with my boyfriend, but other than that, I try to wear as little makeup as possible. Most days now I will only wear a brush of Physicians Formula pressed powder, a sweep of clear mascara on my lashes, and lots of lip balm.

    Which brings me to this week. I've decided that, starting today, I want to go a whole week without wearing any makeup. No powder, no mascara (colored or clear). The only things I'll allow on my face are cleansers, moisturizer, and sunscreen. I don't think this will be too difficult to do, especially considering that I will be on an island in the Adirondacks from Thursday through Saturday. I think it will be an interesting experiment, to concentrate on my skin and really learn to appreciate it as it is.

    A Week Without Makeup?

    Last year Rachel Rabbit White, a popular blogger and writer, pledged to not wear makeup for an entire week. Over 300 people took the challenge with her. You can read about that experience in this Huffington Post interview here. White brings up a lot of very interesting points about makeup in society today, so it's definitely a must-read.

    I'll be posting photos this week, along with any findings or discoveries. Any of you brave enough to try this, too? I'd love to hear your stories or share links on my blog to your own posts! Drop me a comment or send me an email!

    VIA No Makeup Week! (I mean, they like me with makeup, too. Oh, you know what I mean...)

  • Heritage: Lasers reveal mysteries of Notre Dame Cathedral

    Heritage: Lasers reveal mysteries of Notre Dame Cathedral
    Notre Dame is one of the most iconic buildings in the world. Built from 1160 to 1345, the massive cathedral is one of the most recognizable landmarks of Paris and is one of the finest examples of French Gothic architecture that exists today. For all its storied past, however, little information survives about the architects and designers who raised the building. That’s where art historian and laser modeler Andrew Tallon has stepped in, with new methods of gathering data about Notre Dame that shed light on some of its earliest history.

    Lasers reveal mysteries of Notre Dame Cathedral
    Cathedral of Notre Dame de Paris 

    The actual laser modeling is done by mounting a laser from a tripod and shooting the gallery, taking time to measure the distance between the scanner and every point it hits. Each one of these points represents a distance — by mapping millions of points from a single location, historians can measure how the building expands and contracts during the day, as well as how it shifts over longer periods of time. By combining the point cloud data generated by the laser scanner with on-site photographs taken at the same time, Tallon has created extremely accurate models of the underlying structure and design of the cathedral, and identified points where the cathedral’s masons either deviated from the original plan or paused work to allow the ground to settle.

    Lasers reveal mysteries of Notre Dame Cathedral
    The point cloud data from the laser scans builds a virtual model 
    of the church [Credit: Andrew Tallon/Vassar College]

    Tallon’s research, for example, has found that the Gallery of Kings — the massive, three-doorway facade that dominates one side of the cathedral, had shifted almost a foot out of plumb. Researchers had previously suspected that work had stopped on the area for up to a decade, and this new work suggests why that might have occurred. The masons, realizing that the building was shifting in the thin, sandy soil, halted progress to give the ground time to settle and resumed a decade later.

    Lasers reveal mysteries of Notre Dame Cathedral
    Tallon’s laser scans reveal that some of the columns in the nave of Paris’s 
    Notre-Dame Cathedral don’t line up because they were built around 
    existing structures [Credit: Andrew Tallon]

    Other findings from Tallon’s work include data that shows the internal columns of Notre Dame don’t align perfectly, and that workers likely incorporated existing structures in the area as part of the cathedral rather than tearing them out altogether. The flying buttresses, which were often thought to be a later addition to the architecture, were likely installed from the very beginning to counterbalance the effect of the vaulted ceilings (which tended to force the walls outward). External support from flying buttresses would push the walls inward, counterbalancing the vaults. The walls of Notre Dame have scarcely moved since they were constructed — a testament to the exquisitely balanced and counterbalanced supports.

    Lasers reveal mysteries of Notre Dame Cathedral
    The triple archways of Notre Dame 
    [Credit: Benh Lieu Song/Flickr]

    National Geographic has a full update on the process and technology used to create the laser point models and a discussion of the work done at Notre Dame and other Cathedrals. Laser and LIDAR-assisted mapping has become more prominent in recent years, thanks to its ability to show us where long-buried structures or archaeological remains may still exist. Thermal maps and subtle gradation variations can also show remnants of mankind’s activity in an area, even when shifting sands or jungle terrain has obscured the more obvious visual reminders. Human buildings and structures absorb heat differently than surrounding terrain even when buried, which gives us a window into the past when conventional methods or other records come up short.

    Author: Joel Hruska | Source: Extreme Tech [June 24, 2015]

  • Natalie Davis was crowned Miss Minnesota 2011

    Natalie Davis was crowned Miss Minnesota 2011
    Road to Miss America 2012
    Natalie Davis, Miss Mankato, was crowned Miss Minnesota 2011 on Saturday night, June 18, 2011. She will represent Minnesota at the Miss America 2012 pageant in Las Vegas.
    Natalie is a 20-year old student at St. Olaf College, majoring in chemistry with concentrations in education and biomedical studies. She plans to become a pediatrician.
    “It is crucial that the growing incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders be addressed,” she wrote on the website. “Over 1.5 million Americans are diagnosed with some form of Autism; this does not include the number of family members, school systems and work places that are also impacted by the disorder.”
    Special thanks and credits to &beautypageantnews

    VIA Natalie Davis was crowned Miss Minnesota 2011

  • Mila Kunis 2011Oscars dress and trip to Oz

    Mila Kunis 2011Oscars dress and trip to Oz
    Milena Kunis (Russian: Милена Кунис born August 14, 1983), professionally known as Mila Kunis (play /ˈmiːlə ˈkuːnɪs/), is an American actress. Her television work includes the role of Jackie Burkhart on That '70s Show and the voice of Meg Griffin on the animated series Family Guy. She has also played roles in film, such as Rachel Jansen in Forgetting Sarah Marshall, Mona Sax in Max Payne and Solara in The Book of Eli.
    In 2010, she won the Marcello Mastroianni Award for Best Young Actor or Actress at the 67th Venice International Film Festival for her performance as Lily in Black Swan. She was also nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actress and a Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role for the same role.
    1 Early life
    2 Career
    2.1 Television
    2.2 Film work, 2001–2008
    2.3 2009–present
    3 Media publicity
    4 Personal life
    5 Filmography
    6 Awards and nominations
    7 References
    8 External links
    Mila Kunis (Russian: Милена Кунис; Ukrainian: Мілена Куніс) was born in Chernivtsi in the Ukrainian SSR. Her family moved to Los Angeles, California in 1991, when she was seven years old. Kunis is Jewish and has cited antisemitism in the former Soviet Union as one of several reasons for her family's move to the U.S Her mother, Elvira, is a physics teacher and drug store manager, and her father, Mark Kunis, is a mechanical engineer and cab company executive. She has an older brother, Michael
    Kunis has stated that a lottery system allowed her family to make the move: "It took about five years. If you got chosen the first time around, you went to Moscow, where there was another lottery, and you maybe got chosen again. Then you could come to the States." On her second day in Los Angeles, she was enrolled at Rosewood Elementary School not knowing a word of English. "I blocked out second grade," she says. "I don’t remember, but my mom tells me that I came home and cried every day. I wasn’t that traumatized. It was just a shock Kunis added: "I didn't understand the culture. I didn't understand the people. I didn't understand the language. My first sentence of my essay to get into college was like, 'Imagine being blind and deaf at age seven.' And that's kind of what it felt like moving to the States.
    In Los Angeles, she attended Hubert Howe Bancroft Middle School. She was mostly taught by an on-set tutor for her high school years while filming That '70s Show. When not on the set, she attended Fairfax High School, where she graduated in 2001 She briefly attended UCLA and Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis
    ©Mila Kunis

    VIA Mila Kunis 2011Oscars dress and trip to Oz

  • For Bea, what a difference three years makes as self-conscious teen is transformed into glam princess

    For Bea, what a difference three years makes as self-conscious teen is transformed into glam princess
    ©What a difference: Princess Beatrice shows off her glamorous frame which is the result of a strict fitness regime after an unflattering photo of her in a bikini was published in 2008
    Growing up in spotlight is never easy.
    But these days Princess Beatrice cuts a much more confident figure.
    The 22-year-old student showed off the full extent of her stunning weight loss this weekend, as she holidayed with her long-term boyfriend Dave Clark on a £400,000-a-week super-yacht in the South of France.
    ©Yippee! Beatrice leaps into the air on the end of this trapeze before plunging into the Mediterranean
    As she sunned herself off the coast of Antibes, Beatrice’s black strapless swim suit displayed her slender frame to perfection.
    And while the frills across her chest and hips highlighted the curves inherited from her mother the Duchess of York, the Queen’s granddaughter showed that she has kept up the regime developed with her personal fitness instructor in the lead-up to last year’s London Marathon.
    ©Can't take my eyes off you: Dave Clark smiles as his girlfriend Beatrice leaves the water in Antibes, Southern France
    Her toned appearance on Sunday was a far cry from pictures of the princess in a tight blue bikini in the Caribbean in 2008, which spurred her into vowing to shed her puppy fat.
    Beatrice told the Daily Mail at the time: ‘It was such an unflattering bikini and I've got one that's so much nicer, so I could have kicked myself for wearing it.
    ©Making a splash: Dave Clark leaps into the sea from a jetty where the yacht was moored in the Mediterranean
    ©Slimline: The Princess's one-piece swimsuit perfectly showed off her frame with the frills helping to highlight the curves she has inherited from her mother
    ©Surf's up! Beatrice and Dave also had fun on a pair of jet-skis
    'I thought people were a bit mean, although I know it comes with the territory. The trouble is, I don't have much confidence so it can be quite upsetting. I could probably do with losing the odd pound though, so perhaps it is the kick I need.'
    But this weekend the royal’s self-assurance was palpable as she changed into a bikini and let down her auburn locks.
    Watched by admiring friends on the 195ft German-built Oasis yacht where she and 29-year-old Mr Clark are thought to have stayed as guests, Beatrice leapt into the air on the end of a trapeze before plunging into the Mediterranean.
    An equally svelte Mr Clark, a millionaire’s son who works for Virgin tycoon Sir Richard Branson, executed an impressive back-flip from the boat’s second deck.
    The six-berth yacht comes with a crew of 15 and a gym that transforms into a private nightclub. According to online advertisements, it can be chartered for between £285,000 and £418,000 a week.
    ©Testing the water: Beatrice dips her toes into the Mediterranean before taking a dip with her boyfriend
    ©That's enough: Following her swim the Princess returns to the boat - which houses a gym that transforms into a private nightclub
    ©Luxury on the waves: The Princess and her boyfriend are staying on a £400,000-a-week yacht
    Beatrice, who has faced a similar battle with yo-yoing weight as Sarah Ferguson, has previously put her transformation down to trainer Nadya Fairweather, whose help she enlisted in the lead-up to the London Marathon.
    She is also understood to have embarked on a diet that centres on eating fresh fruit and drinking plenty of water.
    Beatrice and her boyfriend have been dating for five years since meeting at a birthday party for Sean Brosnan, youngest son of James Bond actor Pierce, in 2006.
    The fifth in line to the throne has just finished a three-year course in history and history of ideas at Goldsmiths College in South London.
    Rather than becoming a full-time royal, she is expected to get a job once she has graduated, possibly in the field of art, fashion or charity work.
    source :dailymail

    VIA For Bea, what a difference three years makes as self-conscious teen is transformed into glam princess

  • Grateful Kate and the handwritten Wimbledon thank you letter... with a spelling mistake

    Grateful Kate and the handwritten Wimbledon thank you letter... with a spelling mistake
    ©Flashback: Kate Middleton in the Wimbledon crowd three years ago. There are rumours she will be back this year
    As one would expect from the future Duchess of Cambridge, she had impeccable manners.
    But unfortunately for the then Kate Middleton, a handwritten letter to the All England Club has revealed that spelling is not her strongest point.
    Despite her public school and university education, her note thanking club officials for a visit in July 2008 contains two mistakes.
    In the letter, just unveiled in Wimbledon’s museum, she writes quite instead of quiet and confuses ’till with ’til.
    Kate, whose brother James suffers from dyslexia, is a former pupil at Marlborough College, whose current boarding fees are £29,000 a year, and went on to study at St Andrews University.
    This is a rare example of her handwriting before she joined the Royal Family and had flunkeys to check, or even write, letters for her.
    ©Oops: One of Kate Middleton's errors
    In a two-page letter displayed in a glass cabinet, she wrote in looping script: ‘Dear Sir. Thank you for your kind hospitality at Wimbledon last week. My friend and I had such a fantastic time and it was great to be able to enjoy the day knowing that we could have a little peace and quite if things got a little too hectic.
    ‘It was a wonderfully relaxed day and we even spent part of it on the “Henman/Murray Hill”, which was great fun. I really was not expecting to be looked after with such hospitality and I certainly wasn’t expecting to see any of the Centre Court games.
    ‘I do hope the end of the tournament runs smoothly and this fantastic weather lasts ’till the end of the week.
    ©Rumours: Kate Middleton may attend this year's tournament before going to Canada and the U.S. with Prince William
    ‘Thank you again for making it such a fun and easy visit.’
    The note, whose address is covered by a strategically placed Union Jack flag, is signed off: ‘Best wishes, Catherine Middleton.’
    It is believed the duchess was consulted and gave her permission for it to be revealed to the public – perhaps unaware of her errors.
    Speculation is rife at SW19 that she will visit with her sister Pippa before leaving for her first official royal tour of Canada and the U.S. with Prince William.
    source :dailymail

    VIA Grateful Kate and the handwritten Wimbledon thank you letter... with a spelling mistake

  • The Cream Tunic and 7 Little Facts

    The Cream Tunic and 7 Little Facts

    T-shirt for Barbie

    They were everywhere, I tell you! I didn't stand a chance. Especially because I've been on the hunt for some new button-downs since I saw these great looks over at Amber's Notebook. Needless to say, I got little carried away...But, I NEEDED these, right? A work investment or something. Plus, I have a presentation on Tuesday, so I was thinking I would go classic with a white button-down, tan wide-leg pants, and a brown skinny belt.

    Ok, I have to admit I'm pretty domestically challenged (I had to ask my brother how to thread my sewing machine), but something about the fashion-blogging community has inspired me to take my wardrobe into my own hands. Ever since I saw this post over at This Time Tomorrow, I've been looking for a black, floral-print strapless dress. I haven't had much luck finding exactly what I wanted, so when I saw the long skirt on this vintage dress, I decided that I could make my own. Seems simple enough, right? (It helps to look with your imagination.)

    It might be a week or so until I get to show you the results because I'm currently facing 10 hellish days of finals, presentations, essays, and case write-ups before I get to graduate. Not to mention, the Stanley Cup Playoffs are in full swing and are completely a legit distraction. (Got to go to Game 1 Pens vs. Senators btw!) I've also made some good healthy eating progress! Ahh... soo many updates to share, so little time.

    I Just Made My $200 Tunic Go On Sale!

    Turns out I’m pretty much shit outta luck on locating the cream tunic that I mentioned below, which naturally only makes me want it more. (I’m troubled like that.) I even mathematically justified the purchase by returning a winter-weather shirt that had yet to be worn. And, being the economics guru that I am (thanks college), I decided that it only made sense to consider the money I got back for the shirt a sunk cost and just pretend that it was orignally put towards the tunic. So, since sunk costs don't really count, I am now FORCED (by the rules of economics, of course) to recognize the true cost of the tunic as the purchase price minus the money I got back on the previous t-shirt. And, TADA!

    But either way, it was all for nothing… well, at least until I cross-paths with something else that preys on my materialistic side. Note: Jammer cannot be held responsible for any flaws in the previous reasoning. Blame the system. In the mean time, I think I’m going to make a quick run to Forever 21...

    And, this means I get to share 7 little fun facts about what makes me, me:

    1. When I was little I wanted to grow up to be Marika and Barbie. Hey, we all had dreams...
    2. I can't sit still. No seriously, I'm the annoying girl in class who is always tapping her pen. (Sorry about that.)
    3. I'm about to become the annoying girl at work who is always tapping her pen. I'm graduating with a job in accounting. Looking back, it's not at all what I wished I would've done, which is a bummer, but then I remember I'm only 22 and still can go after what I want.
    4. I have a fear of snakes and possibly commitment. (My longest relationship ws 3ish months, but I'm trying to stretch it to 4.)
    5. I'm a total Star Wars geek. In fact, I think Jedi Knights and all superheroes alike are pretty badass.
    6. I would take watching the game at a bar with a group of friends over some flashy nightclub any day of the week.
    7. Never seen an episode of the Jersey Shore. Believe it.

    Also, thank you for all of the cooking advice! I can't wait to check out all of the websites, books, and recipes! Don't worry, I'll have a fire extinguisher on hand at all times.

    VIA The Cream Tunic and 7 Little Facts

  • Interior on service at knowledge

    Interior on service at knowledge

    Academic building

    Cooper Union — one of the oldest educational institutions in America (since 1859). Establishment specialisation is science and art advancement, and on the basis of idea, that knowledge of the highest quality should be accessible also, as water and air.

    In a unification — force!

    The internal concept of a building is an engine which strengthens interaction and cross-country-disciplinary dialogue between college and three schools which took places earlier in separate buildings, and today take places under a roof of the uniform centre.

    wide ladder

    The vertical space is the central place for informal dialogue, an intellectual and creative exchange, it forms heart of a new academic building. All levels of a building, from the first to last floor are connected by a wide ladder.

    Visual transparency of knowledge

    “Symbolising idea of accessible knowledge, a building openly city”, — is spoken Thom Mayne, by the author of the concept.
    “The visual transparency of public zones connects institute to a physical, social and cultural component of a city”.
    Space distribution: 820 sq.m. of public zones, more 16 000 sq.m. (9 floors) educational zones (laboratory, studio, classes, student's zones).

    Spiral staircase

    VIA «Interior on service at knowledge»