They were everywhere, I tell you! I didn't stand a chance. Especially because I've been on the hunt for some new button-downs since I saw these great looks over at Amber's Notebook. Needless to say, I got little carried away...But, I NEEDED these, right? A work investment or something. Plus, I have a presentation on Tuesday, so I was thinking I would go classic with a white button-down, tan wide-leg pants, and a brown skinny belt.
Ok, I have to admit I'm pretty domestically challenged (I had to ask my brother how to thread my sewing machine), but something about the fashion-blogging community has inspired me to take my wardrobe into my own hands. Ever since I saw this post over at This Time Tomorrow, I've been looking for a black, floral-print strapless dress. I haven't had much luck finding exactly what I wanted, so when I saw the long skirt on this vintage dress, I decided that I could make my own. Seems simple enough, right? (It helps to look with your imagination.)
It might be a week or so until I get to show you the results because I'm currently facing 10 hellish days of finals, presentations, essays, and case write-ups before I get to graduate. Not to mention, the Stanley Cup Playoffs are in full swing and are completely a legit distraction. (Got to go to Game 1 Pens vs. Senators btw!) I've also made some good healthy eating progress! Ahh... soo many updates to share, so little time.
I Just Made My $200 Tunic Go On Sale!
Turns out I’m pretty much shit outta luck on locating the cream tunic that I mentioned below, which naturally only makes me want it more. (I’m troubled like that.) I even mathematically justified the purchase by returning a winter-weather shirt that had yet to be worn. And, being the economics guru that I am (thanks college), I decided that it only made sense to consider the money I got back for the shirt a sunk cost and just pretend that it was orignally put towards the tunic. So, since sunk costs don't really count, I am now FORCED (by the rules of economics, of course) to recognize the true cost of the tunic as the purchase price minus the money I got back on the previous t-shirt. And, TADA!
But either way, it was all for nothing… well, at least until I cross-paths with something else that preys on my materialistic side. Note: Jammer cannot be held responsible for any flaws in the previous reasoning. Blame the system. In the mean time, I think I’m going to make a quick run to Forever 21...
And, this means I get to share 7 little fun facts about what makes me, me:
1. When I was little I wanted to grow up to be Marika and Barbie. Hey, we all had dreams...
2. I can't sit still. No seriously, I'm the annoying girl in class who is always tapping her pen. (Sorry about that.)
3. I'm about to become the annoying girl at work who is always tapping her pen. I'm graduating with a job in accounting. Looking back, it's not at all what I wished I would've done, which is a bummer, but then I remember I'm only 22 and still can go after what I want.
4. I have a fear of snakes and possibly commitment. (My longest relationship ws 3ish months, but I'm trying to stretch it to 4.)
5. I'm a total Star Wars geek. In fact, I think Jedi Knights and all superheroes alike are pretty badass.
6. I would take watching the game at a bar with a group of friends over some flashy nightclub any day of the week.
7. Never seen an episode of the Jersey Shore. Believe it.
Also, thank you for all of the cooking advice! I can't wait to check out all of the websites, books, and recipes! Don't worry, I'll have a fire extinguisher on hand at all times.
VIA The Cream Tunic and 7 Little Facts