Sew La Ti Embroidery [Search results for fabric bird

  • Do mosquitos ever keep you up at night?

    Do mosquitos ever keep you up at night?
    Last night Casey went to bed a bit before I did. When I got in bed, I was laying there and Casey starts scratching all over, swatting the air, and slapping his face. I observed this behavior for a few minutes, then I asked if he was awake and if he was okay. He said that there was a mosquito that was biting him and buzzing in his ear. He got up, put anti-itch cream all over and came back to bed. We lay there for ohhh, a good half hour in which I finally started hearing said mosquito. During this time Casey covered himself entirely in the sheet with his face poking out, kindof amusing. Casey had had enough and jumped out of bed declaring that he was wide awake because of this damn mosquito (yes I just typed damn) All I could do was laugh and tell him that the mosquito found him to be delicious. He ran to find our electric bug swatter pictured above, and started swatting it everywhere a bit violently at 1:13 this morning. I was hysterically laughing, he killed the mosquito and we went to sleep, finally :)

    Yesterday I decided to make a baby quilt, I just have to finish hand sewing the binding down. It was a rather satisfying project that used up a good amount of my stash for one project, I see more of these in the future, next time will be a boy one.

    I'm always telling my husband that I am not going to make anymore fabric purchases, easier said than done, especially when I have mula I made from the farmer's market :)
    Here is a bad picture of some recent fabric purchases, no sun here today, it's seriously been raining so much here, we'll get like a day or two of sun and then it starts raining again, it feels more like a really rainy April then June.

    I'm really loving the bird cage fabric from Laura Gunn
    and I seriously splurged on the Japanese fabric on the right, how could I resist fabric with button cards printed on it? I purchased it here.
    Kay, I just checked to make sure I linked it right and now there is more cute stuff that wasn't there when I made my purchase! Why does that darn japanese fabric have to be so cute?

    I hope you are having a nice day and that the mosquitos won't keep you awake at night :)
  • thrifting, fabric, and a new bag

    thrifting, fabric, and a new bag
    Sewing I continue to go thrifting on Mondays and I keep finding awesome things. Yesterday it was a never been used vintage towel and the cutest tablecloth. I got all excited when I saw the tablecloth, I love the big flowers and the colors.

    SewingHere are some recent fabric purchases. I snatched up some of Anna Maria Horner's innocent crush, I love, love, love the star burst print. Those bird cages are from JoAnn's.
    I have been having a crush on gingham lately and found the grey and tangerine colors and had to have it.

    SewingI was near IKEA yesterday and had a bit of extra time so I went in to check out the fabrics and found this wood grain fabric, and some cute placemats to repurpose.

    I was excited and made up a couple bags like this with the placemats last night.
    They are kinda funky and I love it. The back of the bag is the same stripe as the handle. I originally was going to leave it kinda plain, and then decided it needed a little embellishment, so I made a flower pin to put on it.
    Now, I am off to cut out new bags as I have aquired a new pile of upholstery fabrics (for free I might add!) And I am so happy to have my sewing mojo back!

  • Sew and tell

    Sew and tell
    Sewing I'm joining in on Amy's sew and tell this week! I am always sewing something :)
    Here are some of the things I have been working on this week. Above are some Bird Cage Christmas ornaments, I love these, I made some for myself last year. The backs of them are vintage linens, and besides the cream fronts, the fabric for these came out of my scrap bag, which I love, I need to use up those scraps!

    Sewing I have been slowly working on a quilt for my youngest Sage. I had my kids pick out their fabrics from my stash months and months ago for their new quilts. I feel bad it has taken me this long, but what do you do? I especially feel bad because Sage (who is 5) has never had a bed sized quilt of her own. What kind of a Mom am I? :) Stay tuned for the finished quilt though, I love, love all the fabrics each of my girls picked out, they are going to be so cute.

    SewingI also finished a batch of girls purses. That mushroom one is my fave. I am getting ready for all my holiday shows coming up. They start up next weekend!

  • Has anyone seen my Living Room?

    Has anyone seen my Living Room?
    Sewing When I am in sewing mode (which is most of the time) my Living Room disappears. It is the only space I can do my sewing unless I was to use the Kitchen table, but then we would never be able to eat.
    Sewing The corner by my bed becomes a mountain of fabric too.

    But look at the fun bags I made! My favorite is this one with the bird in the tree. Note to self: I must make myself a new purse.
    I am crazily getting ready for Oh sweet Sadie! Art Market and The Traveling Trunk.

  • I know it's Halloween tommorrow!

    I know it's Halloween tommorrow!
    Sewing Yes, I know it's Halloween tomorrow, but these ornaments are one of the projects I have been working on.

    Sewing I had to share them because I think they are so stinking cute. They are super simple to make too, I just sandwiched two layers of felt in between fabric, sewed it all together with the hang string sandwiched in the middle and the bird I first fused it on then I hand stitched around it. Ta-da your finished!

    SewingI also had to share what the lace thrifting fairies guided me to. I love all of it. I had the idea when I was looking through all of it to make a lace skirt. I think I would just start by making a white skirt and then covering the entire thing with all different lace, I think it would be so pretty.
    If I don't post tomorrow, Happy Halloween!

  1. Slick Moves...Some Saturday Senseless Stuff
  2. Freedom of Choice
  3. Rubber Balls...with Pictures!
  4. Open Mouth, Insert Foot
  5. I Didn't Know You Had a Dog
  6. Ananias and Sapphira Syndrome
  7. Humble Yourself / The Way I Interpret 1 Peter 5:5-7
  8. I Believe in Dreams
  9. Fear of Getting In The Way
  10. Outdoor Markets in Thailand