I love craft books...the pictures are so pretty and the projects look so fun. This makes the books so hard to resist. I really have to fight the urge not to buy them because I have a wee confession. I never have made a project from a single one...until now!!!

I recently bought this book because i was seeing it everywhere in blogland and it looked like it was going to be really good. It is!!!
I recently bought this book because i was seeing it everywhere in blogland and it looked like it was going to be really good. It is!!!
This is my version of the Folklore Bag. My wonderful friend Allison helped me since this is the first time i have really made a bag the way you should make a bag. Not to mention that this is the first time i have used a pattern in ages, they scare me. Her specialty is several different kinds of totes and purses that incorporate BDU material(camouflage).
She taught me some of her tips and tricks and helped me with pinning and cutting and construction...what a great friend. In return i help her with quilts...it is fun for both of us. I used several different prints from the Ginger Blossoms line of fabric...to include that ginger blossom corduroy i got on clearance at Hobby Lobby a month or so ago.
next i think i am going to try one of the pillows in the book....hope Allison is available to help again.
**i was hoping to have something else to share for sew and tell this week,but i did not quite finish so i am linking back to this post from just a couple days ago. Also a finish for the week! I have been looking at what everyone else has made this week and i am very inspired. There are so many amazing sewers and quilters out there. Go over to Amylouwho's here or click the button on my sidebar to see what everyone else has made.**