Sew La Ti Embroidery:

  • Giveaway Day

    Giveaway Day

    Sew Mama Sew blog is hosting a giveaway day on December 2nd. I am so thrilled to be a part of this. I enjoy their sight so much and have found so much great inspiration through the blog and the links they share there all of the time.

    So for this giveaway day i am going to be giving away a Moda layer cake, Wonderland by Momo.

    Come comment on my post by December 6th and you will be entered to be part of my random giveaway. Become a follower and you will get and additional entry. If you are already a follower be sure to let me know in your comment so that i can count you in for two from the start.

    I am willing to ship internationally. Please be sure to leave me a way to contact you, ie e-mail address or blog address, in your comment so that i can notify the winner right away. Please remember that if i can not contact you i can not let you know you won!!!!!

    Now it just so happens that this post coincides with my 500th post. Yeah me!! I can not believe that this much time has gone by and that i have posted this much! Who knew i had so much to say and share. I have recently met lots of new people in blogland and have gained many new followers. I am so glad to know that there are people out there interested. It is what makes blogging fun for me...the comments, sharing ideas, being inspired. I can not wait to "meet" more of you through giveaway day!!!

    **by the way, family not included. cause i know you guys would do nothing with it!!!**
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  • As Promised

    As Promised
    ***this has been one crazy busy but busy. We have had lots of friends and family here visiting for thanksgiving. It has been a wonderful time. Yet, somehow in the middle of everything i managed to get something made. Can you believe it!! SO, i don't have a new post for today but i wanted to link back to another post i had from this week to share with everyone what i made. So, here is my addition to Sew and tell this week!! Go on over to check out lots of great finishes and some really yummy recipes.***

    I feel like i finally have gotten a little quilting motivation back. It seems to come and go around here. I wanted to make something for one of our little neighbors and since i know that her mom does not read the blog i am safe to share.
    I had a small stash of Heather Bailey's Mendocino line. I was never sure of what i wanted to do with it. I really love it...the little mermaids are so sweet. I wanted to feature the patterns as best i could so i cut them to varying sizes and pieced it as a simple strips quilt. When i was done piecing and trimming i made a little improv block baby doll quilt to match with the scraps.
    There has also been some crafting of a different kind going on. My sister came for Thanksgiving and brought all of her wool felting supplies. Her 9 year old wanted to teach us to make gnomes. I was on board as soon as they said gnome. I love them, they are adorable. We all got busy making Mom, sister, little and big kids, me and even my sweet husband. I love family craft nights!!! The mushroom was made by my sis...and the old man with the fuzzy whiskers was made by the hubs. The rest i did. Cute right?
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  • Finally...

    ...i got one project done for Mitchie's birthday. But i had to use Avery's Hello Kitty sewing machine to do it. Mine was giving me a wicked time. I was about to toss it all in and throw my viking out the window, but that little machine came to my rescue and me and Hello Kitty , we got it done!
    It is a birthday banner. I saw these in a expensive children's catalog years ago and loved them, but knew i could make them myself and save some money. i have made many. Mitchell's birthday this year is all about pirates. We are not able to hang paper streamers all over the house like usual, because 2 days after his party we are having a open house to sell this place. Anyway, i digress! Instead i made this one so it could easily go up and come down and then be hung somewhere else later on and it is all kinds of piratey!!! I hope the baby likes it.
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  • Look What I Got!

    Look What I Got!
    A few weeks before we went on vacation in August I joined a fabric squares swap...vintage sheet or whatever else you had. I had a little of both so i got to cutting. I packaged up 10 little fabric bundles like the one above full of sheet squares and other fabrics i love. I thought the wait would kill me. I was very excited to see what was going to come back to me.
    And I was not disappointed. In the mail this week all 200 squares arrived!!! I stacked and sorted them and checked them all out as soon as they came. Now what right? Well, i am in love with this quilt and hope i can make something like it with my squares.
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  • Crafty bits...

    Crafty bits...
    look at it...isn't it cute and so so tiny. A little mini pincushion ring. I think i am going to store it away in Avery's sewing box. I just love how tiny it is.
    The idea was from and inspired by a blog post i had seen at this blog. It is adorable. I thought that if i tried doing it with a yo-yo instead of cutting a little piece of fabric and then trying to sew it on that it might be something i could possibly make. It worked. And the base of it is one of those little milk/cream carton sealers that you pull to open. What a good way to reuse something. It fits right over your finger, and as a bonus the little plastic piece on the inside keep you from stabbing yourself in the finger every time you use a pin.
    i made another bag too, surprise!. I hunted high and low for fabric to use on this one and could not find anything i was happy with...but this little green floral was way at the bottom of one the piles on my fabric shelf, and it spoke to me! Use me it i did.
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  • Friday Finishes in Paint and Fabric

    Friday Finishes in Paint and Fabric
    My modern barn quilt canvas is finished! I am really pleased withh ow it came out and with the colors i chose. I had originally intended to do some accents in hot pink and yellow but now i am glad i did not. I could have changed and modified it a hundred different ways...another strip here or another color there... but at some point i had to choose to just walk away and let it be what it was.


    I really enjoyed the process. It sat on my counter and periodically over a couple days i would just walk back and forth and tend to the next part of the project. Peeling off that painters tape was always a thrill. I think there might be some companion pieces in the future...perhaps a wonky star or something like that.


    My fabric finish is for one of our wee little friends. There seem to be many babies being born, and shouldn't every one have a quilt of their own? i hope to mail it out to the intended family soon. i hope they will love it as much as i do.


    You can read a little more info on this quilt here. I finished it with some fairly random straight line quilting and bound and backed it in a fabric from my stash that just happened to be the right blue. Another reason to have a stash!!

  • Procrastination

    This is my WIP(work in progress). It is laying all over my dining room floor waiting to be complete....i think i will do some better pictures once i have the whole top together. This has been in the making for awhile now. I am a craft/quilt procrastinator. Whenever i get to a hard part or a problem I am more likely to put it down than finish, even though i know if i take it step by step and power through it I can get it done. Right now, i am at a hard part. I am having to undo several sections to re sew them. Not because i made a mistake but because i need all the parts to fit together better to make a nicer shaped top. There are many projects on my sewing table like this. Maybe it is time to stop procrastinating and just get them all done, before i am tempted to start something new....again!

    **for anyone that might be interested, this is called a disappearing nine patch quilt. I got the pattern here. It was very helpful. The fabric i used was American Jane Look and Learn. I bought 4 charm packs and randomly assembled.**
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  • Before and After

    Before and After
    This here is my not so neat or tidy laundry room. I am very grateful to have one in a separate little room in the house, but these shelves were killing me. Collecting all sorts of household miscellany and getting worse and more cluttered by the week. Something had to be done. Drum roll please!!!

    Here it is!! My clever hide it all solution. Curtains!!! This whole re-do was based around these two vintage valances you see in the top middle. I picked them up last fall at a flea market with my Mom. I loved them right away and as you can see in the top picture they were not enough to cover the mess or even wide enough to go all the way across the top. They just looked sad...i know.

    I am more than thrilled with how they turned out...i churned them out quickly this weekend. Another one of those projects hanging over my head. I was not too careful with measuring or cutting...i just went for it. That is always when i get things done, when i stop thinking about them, and just do them.

    Curtains were not the only plan. Months and months ago i bought some vintage clothespins on etsy. I planned on framing them somehow at the time, but i never managed to get it done...until now. I used a little spray adhesive and glued some fabric onto the frame backing, placed it back in the frame and then hot glued each clothespin to the glass!!! It is nice to see a plan turn out as well as you had envisioned it. Then it was hung with another vintage flea market lovely glass washboard!!!

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  • Craft Books

    Craft Books
    I love craft books...the pictures are so pretty and the projects look so fun. This makes the books so hard to resist. I really have to fight the urge not to buy them because I have a wee confession. I never have made a project from a single one...until now!!!

    I recently bought this book because i was seeing it everywhere in blogland and it looked like it was going to be really good. It is!!!
    This is my version of the Folklore Bag. My wonderful friend Allison helped me since this is the first time i have really made a bag the way you should make a bag. Not to mention that this is the first time i have used a pattern in ages, they scare me. Her specialty is several different kinds of totes and purses that incorporate BDU material(camouflage).

    She taught me some of her tips and tricks and helped me with pinning and cutting and construction...what a great friend. In return i help her with is fun for both of us. I used several different prints from the Ginger Blossoms line of include that ginger blossom corduroy i got on clearance at Hobby Lobby a month or so ago.


    next i think i am going to try one of the pillows in the book....hope Allison is available to help again.

    **i was hoping to have something else to share for sew and tell this week,but i did not quite finish so i am linking back to this post from just a couple days ago. Also a finish for the week! I have been looking at what everyone else has made this week and i am very inspired. There are so many amazing sewers and quilters out there. Go over to Amylouwho's here or click the button on my sidebar to see what everyone else has made.**
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  • craft this

    craft this
    Avery and Mitch got right in the thick of things with this project. I had them paint wooden game pieces for the tic tac toe board i made them. I had a pattern and finally got a chance to make it(not the greatest photos, oh well). They seem to be enjoying it and are starting to understand the concept of the game. They were very intent to paint those and they did a really great job.

    seving seving

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  • Fabriholic

    i think i might be addicted! These are the fabrics that i ordered over the past two weeks. I just loved them and could not help myself. I have plans for some and others i just could not walk away from. i know it is bad...but so so pretty. i think i might use the birds for Avery, and the seahorses and octopi for a shower curtain(maybe), and the rest was just irresistible. i better keep on making.
    Besides ordering more fabric than one girl can use at once i have been catching up on unfinished projects and crafting up birthday presents for new little friends. This crocheted dodecahedron(did i even spell that right) was a challenge to me from a friend. She was hoping i could make it for her little man for his birthday and i did it!!!
    This is a little set i did for Avery's new friend. i love the IKEA hippo fabric. I work well under pressure, the party is in just a few days. Bring it on...what is next?
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