This here is my not so neat or tidy laundry room. I am very grateful to have one in a separate little room in the house, but these shelves were killing me. Collecting all sorts of household miscellany and getting worse and more cluttered by the week. Something had to be done. Drum roll please!!!
Here it is!! My clever hide it all solution. Curtains!!! This whole re-do was based around these two vintage valances you see in the top middle. I picked them up last fall at a flea market with my Mom. I loved them right away and as you can see in the top picture they were not enough to cover the mess or even wide enough to go all the way across the top. They just looked sad...i know.
I am more than thrilled with how they turned out...i churned them out quickly this weekend. Another one of those projects hanging over my head. I was not too careful with measuring or cutting...i just went for it. That is always when i get things done, when i stop thinking about them, and just do them.
Curtains were not the only plan. Months and months ago i bought some vintage clothespins on etsy. I planned on framing them somehow at the time, but i never managed to get it done...until now. I used a little spray adhesive and glued some fabric onto the frame backing, placed it back in the frame and then hot glued each clothespin to the glass!!! It is nice to see a plan turn out as well as you had envisioned it. Then it was hung with another vintage flea market lovely glass washboard!!!
Around the House, crafts, fabric, sewing, TIME, vintage, and more: