I love a surprise....I love a surprise visit, a surprise package in the mail, and i really love a surprise sale! But I don't like a sewing surprise. Because that can never be good! But this time i was thrilled with a sewing surprise. It made me smile. It was so unexpected!
I was making this bag in fact with a surprise sale on that brown linen...and the circles are re-purposed dinner napkins that i got at goodwill(calling them reused makes it sound like they were dirty, but no they were brand new). How cool is that? I was not using a pattern. I just started cutting and got all my pieces sewn together when i got my surprise....it is reversible!! It was a total accident. I love it when stuff like that happens.
When you reverse it you have this very substantial pocket now on the inside. Yeah!! So, Colleen, is about this size good?

Now i must give props to my third bag model of the week. I had to put this last picture in because he was now modeling only the way a three year old does. He was tired of standing so nice, and taking pretty pictures....here he was about to pitch it right into the grass!