One of my friends has agreed to take our Family picture, so I decided the occasion called for new dresses for my girls. Do part of them look familiar? It took me awhile to finish them, I am in need of a sewing break (I am talking like at least a month) so I haven't been very motivated in any sewing projects, plus I was showing my girls my ideas to embellish them, and they said they didn't like it, I ended up doing it anyway. Turns out they love them! So do I! 
My inspiration came from this orange skirt from Anthropologie.
My inspiration came from this orange skirt from Anthropologie.
There are so many fun details on these dresses. Vintage French Eyelet Lace, vintage lace, crocheted doilies, vintage buttons (some of which were my Great Grandmother's)
After I got done making them, I thought it would be fun to make some to sell, but I think I would have to sell them for around $40, so I am not sure about that yet.
At some point, I think I will be making myself a skirt in this style.