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Latest results of Miss USA 2011 - Miss California USA - Alyssa Campanella is the newly crowned Miss USA 2011
Miss California USA - Alyssa Campanella Crowned Miss USA 2011
More photos:
* Miss Congeniality : Miss Kentucky USA - Kia Hampton
* Miss Photogenic : Miss Arizona USA - Brittany Brannon
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)MISS USA 2011 - Top 4
* Miss Alabama USA 2011
Madeline Mitchell
(Photo Gallery)* Miss California USA 2011
Alyssa Campanella
(Photo Gallery)* Miss Tennessee USA 2011
Ashley Durham* Miss Texas USA 2011
Ana RodriguezMISS USA 2011 - Top 8
* Miss Alabama USA 2011
Madeline Mitchell
(Photo Gallery)* Miss California USA 2011
Alyssa Campanella(Photo Gallery)* Miss Hawaii USA 2011
Angela Byrd* Miss Maine USA 2011
Ashley Lynn Marble* Miss Maryland USA 2011
Allyn Rose* Miss South Carolina USA 2011
Courtney Turner* Miss Tennessee USA 2011
Ashley Durham* Miss Texas USA 2011
Ana Rodriguez
Miss USA 2011 - Top 16
* Miss
* Miss
* Miss
* Miss
* Miss Hawaii USA - Angela Byrd
* Maine USA - Ashley Lynn Marble
* Miss Maryland USA - Allyn Rose
* Miss South Carolina USA - Courtney Turner
* Miss Arizona USA - Brittany Brannon
* Miss Florida USA - Lisette Garcia
* Miss Georgia USA - Kaylin Reque
* Miss Indiana USA - Jillian Wunderlich
* Miss Missouri USA - Hope Driskill
* Miss New Mexico USA - Brittany Toll †
* Miss New York USA - Amber Collins
* Miss Utah USA - Jamie Crandall
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
LAS VEGAS -Alyssa Campanella from California was the winner of Miss USA 2011!
Miss USA 2011 : Alyssa Campanella (Miss California)
1st Runner-up: Ashley Durham (Miss Tennessee)
2nd Runner-up: Madeline Mitchell (Miss Alabama)
3rd Runner-up: Ana Rodriguez (Miss Texas)
Miss Congeniality USA: Miss Kentucky Kia Hampton
Miss Photogenic USA: Miss Arizona Brittany Brannon
Special thanks and credits tobangordailynews
Special thanks and credits to Global Beauties
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
More photos of the newly crowned Miss USA 2011, Alyssa Campanella
Special thanks to beautypageantnews and all sources of photo taken
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)Figurative facade for a beauty salon
Reconstructing appearance of facade Hair Couture Salon, architects, bureaus “x Architekten” should solve the main task — the place is on a silent small street, nearby to trading arteries of a city, therefore it was necessary to make something such to entice people and to be visible from apart.Lock of architectural hair
The turned out design looks as a three-dimensional lock of architectural hair which recline a wave on a facade.
Simultaneously, such dynamical variant carries out one more important function — the lattice closes that is created inside from passers-by, and creates the necessary atmosphere in salon.
From each point of the review the facade looks differently.
The laminated cloths placed vertically on various distance and under a various corner to a front wall, were used as a material for a wave. Individual parametres for each cloth paid off in 3D.Contextual conformity
To context there corresponds also colour of the laminated cloths — a soft golden shade, somewhere in between categories "blonde" and "brunette".The Pure Beauty
VIA The Pure Beauty
Miss British Virgin Islands 2010/2011 Sheroma Hodge - 26-year-old Sheroma stands 5'11'' and will represent BVI in Miss Universe 2011 pageant
Miss British Virgin Islands 2010/2011 Sheroma Hodge
26-year-old Sheroma stands 5'11'' and will represent BVI inMiss Universe 2011pageant.
She recently represented BVI in Miss Caribbean World beauty pageant.
Courtesy of Miss British Virgin Islands
Miss British Virgin Islands 2010/2011 Sheroma Hodge
26-year-old Sheroma stands 5'11'' and will represent BVI inMiss Universe 2011pageant.
She recently represented BVI in Miss Caribbean World beauty pageant.
Courtesy of Miss British Virgin Islands
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)Beauty Mix
VIA Beauty Mix
Italy: Neutron scattering helping conserve the world’s great historic monuments
A recent international study led by ANSTO instrument scientist Vladimir Luzin is likely to be of interest to conservationists who are trying to preserve important marble sculptures and artefacts, such as Michelangelo's famous sculpture of David. David is a masterpiece of Renaissance sculpture created between
1501 and 1504, by Michelangelo [Credit: ALAMY]"The fact of the matter is that physical weathering, deterioration and damage to marble and other architectural stones present a serious problem for the preservation of sculptures, monuments and buildings," said Luzin.
David: A sculpture made from Carrara marble
Before its relocation in Galleria dell'Accademia, David, the "Giant", was symbolically displayed in the political heart of Renaissance Florence, the Piazza della Signoria. Over a period of almost three centuries, the statue was exposed to the action of weather, historical events and inappropriate restoration works. These coexisting factors prevented the appropriate preservation of a masterpiece that, already at the time of its creation, was regarded as challenging by many artists—due to the presence of taroli, imperfections of the marble.
Today David is in a highly stable condition but still presents a contemporary scientific challenge from a conservation point of view. Researchers are monitoring marble cracking of the 4.3 metre David with a system of sensors that record vibrations, rotations and environmental conditions. [1] Conservationists monitor the sculpture because it is thought that even small mechanical impacts and small temperature variations are detrimental to marble.
Geologically marble is formed by the alteration (metamorphism) of limestone under high temperature and high pressure. The metamorphic process causes a complete recrystallization of the original rock into an interlocking mosaic of calcite and/or dolomite crystals with very specific mechanical behaviour.
Carrara marble, the stone used by Michaelangelo in sculpting David, was one of the most popular types of marble in the world because of its beauty and high lustre. For centuries it was quarried from the Apuan Alps in Tuscan Italy.
The popularity of Carrara marble was due in part to the wide range of varieties available (statuary, flowered, veined, brecciated, bardiglio, etc.), to the constancy of its quality, scarcity of defects, large size of single blocks that could be extracted, excellent physical and mechanical characteristics, and long-lasting strength and beauty." [2]
The Pantheon in Rome [Credit: ANSTO] However the suitability of marble from the Carrara area of Italy for buildings and artworks has been questioned because of 'spectacular bowing behaviour' of marble slabs on numerous modern buildings including the Amoco building in Chicago and the Grand Arche de la Defense in Paris.
A study of Carrara marble by a group of investigators led by Luzin have confirmed that microstresses caused by temperature variation and the thermo-mechanical properties of the marble itself help explain the deterioration. Co-investigators are Dimitry Nikolayev of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Moscow and Siegfried Siegesmund of theUniversity of Göttingen in Germany.
The investigators were interested in the different environmental conditions that influence marble deterioration and had to reproduce factors known to be important to the process of deterioration. Temperature effects were among those known to cause mechanical stress.
Luzin and collaborators used non-destructive neutron diffraction to confirm that thermally-induced microstress from a single thermal exposure can cause microcracking in the marble and therefore be responsible for weathering and deterioration of the marble [3].
"Neutron diffraction is a useful tool and a non-destructive method to investigate the texture, phase composition and spatial and orientation dependence of strain in a bulk marble sample," explained Luzin.
Although the commercial use of statue-grade Carrara marble is no longer allowed, an exception is made for restoration works and scientific research. Freshly cut marble from a quarry in Carrara, Italy was used for the testing.
"Although not easy, stress measurements in geological materials, such as marble are feasible and provide valuable characterisation," said Luzin.
He explained that the challenges are related to the need to measure two phases with sufficient accuracy. It is necessary to use a large gauge volume because of the coarse grain microstructure and longer measurement time in order to capture very delicate effects of microstress in calcite and dolomite—which are also very weak neutron scatterers.
The neutron high resolution powder diffractomter, Echidna, determined the amount of each phase in two cube samples of marble. In one sample, the dolomite comprised a volume fraction of 28 per cent and in the other it was 18 per cent, which is not surprising given the highly visible non-uniform distribution of dolomite in the marble.
The Kowari diffractometer was used to produce pole figures, graphical representations that capture the preferred crystallographic orientation (texture) of the calcite and dolomite. "A weak crystallographic texture in both phases was confirmed in the neutron diffraction experiment," said Luzin.
The stress experiments were carried out using the Kowari diffractometer in a specially designed sample environment unit in order to control temperature. "We took measurements of the calcite and dolomite phases at room temperature and at 80° C."
Using a technique to measure the stiffness of an elastic material, the researchers were able to accurately measure the accumulated damage after a thermal exposure that could be unambiguously attributed to microcracking.
"Evidently, a significant change in microstress caused micro-cracking in the marble sample due to temperature changes," said Luzin.
Although exaggerated temperature might not be relevant to real daily and seasonal temperature variation, smaller, more numerous natural temperature variations during long periods of time might result in even greater accumulated damage. There are historical examples of sculpture which deteriorated into a pulverised state after a century of exposure to temperature variation.
"We have a responsibility to try and preserve great works of art and architecture with non-destructive techniques and nuclear technologies give us the means to do this. Hopefully David and other important monuments can be preserved in the centuries to come," said Luzin.
[1] Giovanni Pascale, Filippo Bastianini, Roberto Carli, "Monitoring Marble cracking in the David by Michaelangelo Proc. Art'11, 10th Int. Conf. on Non-Destructive Investigations and microanalysis for the diagnostics and conservation of cultural and environmental heritage, Florence, April 13th-15th, 2011, NDT44
[2] Stephano Merlino Paolo Orlandi "Carraraite and zaccagnaite, two new minerals from the Carrara marble quarries: their chemical compositions, physical properties, and structural features" American Mineralogist, Volume 86, pages 1293–1301
[3] 310.4028/ Luzin, V; Nikolayev, D and Siegesmund, S, Temperature Induced Internal Stress in Carrara Marble, Mater. Sci. Forum 777, 148-154 (2014)
Source: Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) [June 22, 2015]
Snyder Delivers a Sucker Punch to Your Pants
Sucker Punch (directed by Zack Snyder)
That Snyder, he sure is one stylish motherfucker. This image hit the net a few days ago via an Emily Browning fansite and is the first look at the bad-ass babes of Zack Snyder’s new film Sucker Punch. It’s scanned from a spread in Entertainment Weekly where they give an overview of the films appearing at Comic Con this week (insert jealous grumble here). Thoughts? If I wasn’t a straight woman, I would have a boner by now because frankly, it looks fetish-aboulous. It’s a shame Browning has had to revert from brown to blonde locks, but I’m willing to overlook that cliché in light of the general wickedness this film promises. So, in a similar vein to my overall wraps on Inception and Tomorrow, When The War Began, here is what we know about Zack Snyder’s Sucker Punch so far:
The Plot
Sucker Punch is a reimagining of Alice In Wonderland in the 1950s when a young girl, Baby Doll, is institutionalised by her wicked stepfather who intends to have her lobotomized in five days. She escapes to an alternative reality as a coping strategy, and in that universe she starts to plan her escape from the facility with her newfound inmate friends. Needing to steal five objects to achieve freedom, Snyder famously described the film to First Showing as “Alice In Wonderland with machine guns”. Apparently dragons, B-52 bombers and brothels also feature. Snyder came up with the story and wrote the script with Steve Shibuya, a former special-effects and tech whiz. It’s Snyder’s first original film without any source material from comics or previous films.
The Business End
Snyder, whose previous credits include the Dawn Of The Dead remake, 300, Watchmen and the up and coming animated owl flick Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga’Hoole, is producing the film with his regular collaborator and wife, Deborah. Snyder has been an active filmmaker since 2004 and in that short time he has established himself as one of the few who can consistently deliver style and substance. He’s a visionary who pumps out films more often than the Octomum pumps out babies. It’s also good news that despite Warner Brothers announcing the film would be converted to 3D post-production, the Snyder husband and wife team have fought, and won, to keep their baby in 2D (the way it was filmed and intended). There will be no Clash Of The Titans-muddle here folks. Music is set to play an integral part in the film and mark the transition from reality to alternative-reality. The cast trained in 3 months to be able to perform the stunt and fight scenes before production kicked off in Vancouver from September, 2009 to January, 2010. Sucker Punch has a budget of $85 million.
The Cast
Emily Browning: Baby DollOne of my favourite Australian actresses, 21-year-old Browning stepped up to the role after Amanda Seyfried dropped out due to scheduling conflicts. Thank heavens for that, because as far as I’m concerned Seyfried has ruined herself with all the atrocious rom-com’s she has starred in of late. After a bunch of appearances in Australian TV productions and films such as Ned Kelly, Browning broke into the Hollywood market with her captivating performance in Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events. Followed by her role in supernatural thriller The Uninvited, Browning will be one to watch after Sucker Punch and her role as Lucy, a university student who becomes a prostitute in Julia Leigh’s erotic version of Sleeping Beauty due for release next year.
Jena Malone: RocketReplacing Evan Rachel-Wood, who also dropped out over scheduling conflicts, is former child star Jena Malone. Having amassed an accomplished body of work, Malone is just another feather in the bow of accomplished young actresses at the fore of Sucker Punch.
Abbie Cornish: SweetpeaWhat can you say about Cornish? Except that she is ridiculously awesome and my favourite Australian actress behind Cate Blanchett! Since her breakout performances in Australian flicks Somersault and Candy, with Heath Ledger, Cornish has gone from strength to strength in mainstream Hollywood blowing me away with turns in Elizabeth: The Golden Age, Stop-Loss and, her Oscar-deserving role in Bright Star. Mainly a dramatic actress, I’m looking forward to seeing Cornish in an action-flick where her attitude and beauty are just as important as acting chops. She has worked with Snyder previously, voicing one of the central characters in Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga’Hoole.
Vannessa Hudgens: BlondieOkay, so I’m not her biggest fan, but this is clearly Hudgens effort to make the transition from slutty Disney teen-starlet, to slutty Hollywood actress. But hey, if she shows some teeth in an action film I might be willing to overlook her previous efforts (hello there High School Musical and Bandslam). The jury is still out on her Twilighty-looking Beastly.
Jamie Chung: AmberChung has proved herself to be a sufficiently meaty action babe after Dragonball: Evolution, Sorority Row and her decency in Grown Ups. Toting a lollipop and fishnets in this though, she’s sure to bring that hot-Asian chick flavour a la Lucy Liu amongst a largely Caucasian cast in Charlie’s Angels.
Carla Gugino: Mrs ShulzThe lass with arguably the best natural rack in the industry (remember her topless scene as Lucille in Sin City?), Gugino plays a nurse in the asylum. Like Cornish, she has worked with Snyder previously, but as the original Silk Spectre in Watchmen.
Others Along for the ride are Scott Glenn, Oscar Isaac, Jan Hamm and Black Dynamite himself Michael Jai White (above)! Woo! Exclusive clips from the film are being screened at Comic Con this week, so as soon as some lucky bastard who’s attending posts them online... as will I. In the meantime, stay tuned for Sucker Punch news, updates and trailers.
P.S. By the time you read this I will be dead. Ha, just kidding, but my review of Inception will be posted above and therefore my online video review of Creation pales in significance. Alas, I’m posting it anyway - to watch click here. Connelly had really let herself go after her Oscar win. In semi-related news, my review of Inception is now the third most-read article on the Gold Coast Bulletin website AND it was only posted last night! Me thinks that gives plenty of juice to the `people regularly read and enjoy reviews’ argument.
Alyssa Campanella from California was the winner of Miss USA 2011
Road to Miss Universe 2011
Alyssa Campanella from California was the winner of Miss USA 2011! Alyssa Campanella, a 21-year-old redhead representing California, was named Miss USA at the annual beauty pageant in Las Vegas on Sunday.
She will represent her country in Miss Universe 2011 pageant, at Sao Paulo, Brazil in September.
Miss USA 2011 : Alyssa Campanella (Miss California)
1st Runner-up: Ashley Durham (Miss Tennessee)
2nd Runner-up: Madeline Mitchell (Miss Alabama)
3rd Runner-up: Ana Rodriguez (Miss Texas)
Miss Congeniality USA: Miss Kentucky Kia Hampton
Miss Photogenic USA: Miss Arizona Brittany Brannon
Special thanks and credits tobangordailynews
Special thanks and credits to Global BeautiesVIA Alyssa Campanella from California was the winner of Miss USA 2011
Keeping it brief: The Saturdays play live in tiny shorts as Nicola Roberts gets over nerves to make solo onstage debut
By JODY THOMPSON Fierce: The Saturdays took to the stage in Newcastle last night all wearing tiny shorts - apart from a more bashful Rochelle Wiseman (far right)
They've never been afraid of wearing skimpy outfits onstage - but The Saturdays outdid themselves on stage in Newcastle last night.
The girl group were sporting the tiniest of shorts as they played a short set at a gig thrown by the city's radio station, Metro Radio Live.
But it seemed that Rochelle Wiseman was not having one of her more confident days and wore pale denim skintight jeans instead.Work it: (L-R) Mollie King, Una Healy, Vanessa White, Frankie Sandford and Rochelle were playing a short set at Metro Radio Live at Newcastle Arena - a kind of urban indoor one-day pop festival
However, one person who had most definitely overcome her nerves was Nicola Roberts, who made her live solo debut last night, just days after saying she was dreading going on without her Girls Aloud bandmates.
Talking to MTV earlier this week, she'd revealed: 'I'm nervous and I'm dreading the night before. I know I'm going to be like losing half a stone in weight overnight, so I'm going to have to get myself into the zone.'
She added: 'There does feel like there is a little bit of extra pressure, because it is just me and it feels a little bit like, is that enough, is it enough to just look at that?'Solo debut: Nicola Roberts got over her nerves to play her first ever live gig without Girls Aloud at the show
Dainty doll: The star threw some shapes as she performed and totally won the screaming crowd over
However, she seemed to quash her butterflies and impressed the crowd, singing debut solo single Beat Of My Drum in a tiny red and pink dress accessorised with a kooky headscarf and multicoloured strappy heels.
Other acts playing the bash included dubstep queen Katy B, Chipmunk, Sophie Ellis Bextor, The Feeling, The Wanted, rapper Example, hot new band The Overtones and Amy Winehouse's goddaughter Dionne Bromfield.
Meanwhile, Nicola has been explaining why she chose to take such a different direction musically with her new single.Strutting her stuff: Mollie was wearing titchy high-waisted orange shorts and a low cut see-through blue vest top that showed off her black bra
Working with hot underground music producer Diplo, she explained: 'I tried to drum in to him that I wanted these quirky dollops of sound like M.I.A. (who he's worked with before) or Major Lazer (his Jamaican dancehall project).
'Don’t try and make this record come back like a commercial, just-for-radio song with 500 dance synths all over it ‘cause it’s not where I’m trying to go.'
Scouse beauty Nicola also says she feels like she's unleashed her singing voice properly for the first time too.On song: Frankie belts out one of The Saturday's singles wearing tight striped shorts and a blue top with a distressed denim top half, as Una sports ripped denim and a low cut purple top showing off her red bra
She said: 'I was sick to death of singing the quiet, whispery parts. I was like, no, f*** this, I’m going to sing!'
Talking to MTV, Nicola said it was good that it was so different to Girls Aloud: 'It was important my first single was different to anything else around.
'I love that it’s a song everyone can sing and dance along to.Earning her stripes: Rochelle has teamed her jeans with a leather jacket and a midriff-exposing tiger print top
Thighs the limit: Una strikes a pose at the Newcastle Arena
Nicola Roberts will be releasing her debut album ‘Cinderella’s Eyes’ in October.
Meanwhile, the Daily Mirror is reporting that Girls Aloud are heading back into the studio in January.
But apparently, the girls are ditching their former producers, hitmakers Xenomania.
A source said: 'At the moment the Girls are really excited about their new beginning, although they are scratching their heads over who will create signature hits for them.
'They’re excited they’re going to be making a fresh start together on this next adventure of their lives.
'In six months time it’ll be back to work as normal – they are itching to get back in the studio.'An audience with...Sophie Ellis Bextor was also on the bill at the bash
The band are reportedly set to reform to celebrate their 10th anniversary next year at a special festival for the London 2012 Olympics at the O2 Arena.
Nicola though is onstage again for a hometown gig at Liverpool's Radio City Live tonight, before playing T4 On The Beach on 10 July.
Beat Of My Drum is then released on 18 July.
Meanwhile, MTV Music show On Set With Nicola Roberts is on at 2pm tomorrow.
And the next Metro Radio Live is on 7 July and features JLS and Olly Murs.
source: dailymailThe Final Results of Miss Paraguay 2011
Miss Paraguay 2011/ Reinas Paraguayas 2011 Final Results
Nicole Huber Crowned Miss Mundo Paraguay 2011; Alba Lucia Riquelme Valenzuela Crowned Miss Universo Paraguay 2011; Stephania
Vazquez Stegman crowned Miss International Paraguay 2011.
Miss Paraguay 2011/ Reinas Paraguayas 2011 beauty pageant held on June 23rd. Alba Lucia Riquelme Valenzuela, a student of public relations from Asuncion, was crowned Miss Universo Paraguay 2011. Alba, also a
professional model, is 20 years old and stands 1.79 m tall. She will
represent Paraguay at the 2011 Miss Universe pageant to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in September.
Miss Mundo Paraguay is 20-year old Nicole Huber
Vera, a student of interior design. She is 1.75 m tall and will compete
in the 61st Miss World pageant to take place in London, England, in
Crowned as Miss International Paraguay was Stephania
Vazquez, Stegman, a student of English. She will compete in the Miss
International 2011 pageant to be held in Chengdu, China, in October.
The 1st runner-up was Coral Ruiz, while the 2nd runner-up was Lourdes
Motta; In 6th place was Leticia Patino (to Miss Bikini
International in China) and in 7th place was Alexandra Fretes (to Miss
Earth 2011 in Thailand).
Special thanks and credits to BeautyPageantNews
Miss Universo Paraguay 2011
Alba Lucía Riquelme Valenzuela (20, 1.79m, Asunción) was crowned Miss Universo Paraguay 2011 at the conclusion of the Reinas Paraguayas 2011 pageant. She will represent Paraguay in Miss Universe 2011 in Sao Paulo, Brazil on September 12.
Special thanks and credits toilovebeauty56:
& http://shinymeteor.blogspot.comNicole Elizabeth Húber Vera(20, 1.75m, Asunción) was crownedMiss Mundo Paraguay 2011at the same event held at the Telefuturo Studios in Asunción. She will representParaguayin Miss World 2011 in London, England on November 6.Miss Mundo Paraguay 2011Miss Internacional Paraguay 2011Stephania Sofía Vázquez Stegman(18, 1.77m, Asunción) won theMiss Internacional Paraguay 2011title and will go to Miss International 2011 in Chengdu, China.
Coral Ruíz Reyes was the first runner-up and Lourdes María del Carmen Motta Rolón was the second runner-up. Myrian Leticia Patiño Arguello and Alexandra Helena Fretes Galeano completed the Top 7.
Special thanks and credits to
Latest results of Miss Paraguay 2011/ Reinas Paraguayas 2011 - Miss Universo Paraguay 2011 is Alba Riquelme
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)Miss Universo Paraguay 2011Alba Lucía Riquelme Valenzuela(20, 1.79m, Asunción) was crownedMiss Universo Paraguay 2011at the conclusion of theReinas Paraguayas 2011pageant. She will representParaguayin Miss Universe 2011 in Sao Paulo, Brazil on September 12.Nicole Elizabeth Húber Vera(20, 1.75m, Asunción) was crownedMiss Mundo Paraguay 2011at the same event held at the Telefuturo Studios in Asunción. She will representParaguayin Miss World 2011 in London, England on November 6.Miss Mundo Paraguay 2011Miss Internacional Paraguay 2011Stephania Sofía Vázquez Stegman(18, 1.77m, Asunción) won theMiss Internacional Paraguay 2011title and will go to Miss International 2011 in Chengdu, China.Coral Ruíz Reyes was the first runner-up and Lourdes María del Carmen Motta Rolón was the second runner-up. Myrian Leticia Patiño Arguello and Alexandra Helena Fretes Galeano completed the Top 7.
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)
Miss Paraguay 2011/ Reinas Paraguayas 2011 Final Results
Nicole Huber Crowned Miss Mundo Paraguay 2011; Alba Lucia Riquelme Valenzuela Crowned Miss Universo Paraguay 2011; Stephania
Vazquez Stegman crowned Miss International Paraguay 2011.
Miss Paraguay 2011/ Reinas Paraguayas 2011 beauty pageant held on June 23rd. Alba Lucia Riquelme Valenzuela, a student of public relations from Asuncion, was crowned Miss Universo Paraguay 2011. Alba, also a
professional model, is 20 years old and stands 1.79 m tall. She will
represent Paraguay at the 2011 Miss Universe pageant to be held in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in September.
Miss Mundo Paraguay is 20-year old Nicole Huber
Vera, a student of interior design. She is 1.75 m tall and will compete
in the 61st Miss World pageant to take place in London, England, in
Crowned as Miss International Paraguay was Stephania
Vazquez, Stegman, a student of English. She will compete in the Miss
International 2011 pageant to be held in Chengdu, China, in October.
The 1st runner-up was Coral Ruiz, while the 2nd runner-up was Lourdes
Motta; In 6th place was Leticia Patino (to Miss Bikini
International in China) and in 7th place was Alexandra Fretes (to Miss
Earth 2011 in Thailand).
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)Middle East: UNESCO calls for protection of Yemen’s cultural heritage
Over the past few days, UNESCO received reports of severe damage to significant cultural heritage sites in Yemen. According to several media reports and official sources, the old city of Sana’a, Yemen’s capital, was heavily bombed during the night of 11 May 2015, causing severe damage to many of its historic buildings. In addition, the old city of Sa’adah, which is included on Yemen’s World Heritage Tentative List, as well as the archaeological site of the pre-Islamic walled city of Baraqish, have also suffered damages. The Old City of Sana’a, Yemen [Credit: © UNESCO] “I condemn these destructions and I call on all parties to keep cultural heritage out of the conflict”, said the Director-General of UNESCO, Ms. Irina Bokova. “I am particularly distressed by the news concerning air strikes on heavily populated areas such as the cities of Sana’a and Saa’dah. In addition to causing terrible human suffering, these attacks are destroying Yemen’s unique cultural heritage, which is the repository of people’s identity, history and memory and an exceptional testimony to the achievements of the Islamic Civilization”.
“I call on all parties to refrain from any military use or targeting of cultural heritage sites and monuments, in respect of their obligations under international treaties, particularly the 1954 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two Protocols, as well as the 1972 World Heritage Convention” said the Director-General, urging for the protection of Yemen’s cultural heritage sites from collateral damage or intentional targeting.
She finally strongly welcomed the announced five-day cease-fire scheduled to begin at 11pm on Tuesday, that will allow for humanitarian relief supplies to be delivered to the country as well as first damage assessments to be carried out.
The Old City of Sana’a was inscribed on the World Heritage list in 1986. Situated in a mountain valley at an altitude of 2,200 m, Sana’a has been inhabited for more than 2,500 years. During the 7th and 8th centuries, the city became a major centre for the propagation of Islam. This religious and political heritage can be seen in the 103 mosques, 14 hammams and over 6,000 houses, all built before the 11th century. Sana’a’s many-storeyed tower-houses built of rammed earth (pisé) add to the beauty of the site.
The Old City of Sana’a was restored through a major campaign launched by UNESCO in the late 1980s and early 1990s, thanks to the contribution of numerous countries and the continuous commitments of the Yemeni people and government.
Yemen has two other cultural World Heritage sites: the Old Walled City of Shibam (1982) and the Historic Town of Zabid (1993), inscribed on the World Heritage in Danger list since 2000.
Source: UNESCO [May 14, 2015]
So when are you getting married? Chelsea pensioner, 85, makes Prince Harry blush as Harry replies ‘Not for a long time’
By REBECCA ENGLISH Pointed question: The Prince shares a joke with a Chelsea Pensioner at London's Royal Hospital today where he was put on the spot with a question about his marriage plans
Blushing Prince Harry was put on the spot over his intentions towards on-off girlfriend Chelsy Davy today.
The 26-year-old royal was attending the annual Founder’s Day parade at London’s Royal Hospital – home to the world famous Chelsea Pensioners - when he was caught out by cheeky former soldier William Titchmarsh, 85.
As the prince greeted the retired soldier, Mr Titchmarsh made a reference to his elder brother’s recent wedding and asked: ‘So when are you getting married then?’
The third in line to the throne flushed a shade of pink and replied: ‘Not for a long time. Who put you up to do that to me?!’
‘Oh dear, they’ll shoot me in the morning,’ the pensioner replied.
‘Yes, put him on a charge Sergeant Major,’ his neighbour quipped.Sorry sweetheart: The news will undoubtedly come as a blow to Harry's on/off girlfriend Chelsy Davy, pictured here with the Prince last year
Harry has been dating Zimbabwean born law student Chelsy Davy for more than five years although the pair have split up and reunited several times.
And while friends say they are still ‘an item’ and Chelsy attended Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding in April as the prince’s date, she was recently spotted holidaying with friends in Spain and is said to have claimed she was single againStand up straight lads! Prince Harry inspects the veteran soldiers at London's Royal Hospital
Bachelor pad: Pensioner John Ley shows Harry around his room at the Margaret Thatcher Infirmary at the Royal Hospital Chelsea
The hospital’s Founder’s Day is always held on a day close to May 29th, the birthday of Prince Charles who founded the hospital, and is normally reviewed by a member of the Royal Family.
Harry is understood to have been keen to take the parade for some time.
The average age of the scarlet-clad pensioners on parade this year was 83 with the eldest, Joe Britton, who will celebrate his 100th birthday later this yearSalute: The Prince was at the centre of proceedings at the Founder's Day Parade
Dashing: Harry wore his Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals uniform with his blue Army Air Corps beret
Hats off: The Pensioners raise their hats during today's Parade
The pensioner has been at the institution for 17 years and remained seated while the prince took the salute of fellow residents.
Harry later met him and joked: 'You should have been in the front line,' and the old soldier replied: 'When you reach 99 it's about time you finish.'
Harry, who wore his Household Cavalry's Blues and Royals uniform with his blue Army Air Corps beret, became the first serving officer since the Duke of Kent in 1974 to review the Founder's Day Parade of Chelsea pensioners.All ears: Harry gave a moving speech, describing his pride at serving as a Junior Captain in the Army Air Corps. Over 1,000 guests were seated in stands
In the grounds of the hospital more than 1,000 guests were seated in stands with the elderly residents lined up in formation in front of them.
The old soldiers, who had an average age of 82, marched past Harry who took their salute as he stood below the gilt statue of Charles II.
All those at the ceremony including Harry wore oak leaf sprigs in memory of the hospital's royal founder who escaped after the battle of Worcester in 1651 by hiding in an oak tree.Red coats: Harry became the first serving officer since the Duke of Kent in 1974 to review the Founder's Day Parade of Chelsea pensioners
The Royal Hospital was founded in 1682 to care for old and inured soldiers and is currently home to some 300 male and female pensioners.
Veterans are eligible to become a Chelsea Pensioner over the age of 65.
Touring some of the hospital’s facilities, Harry popped in to see one of the residents, John Ley, and asked him: ‘Are you friendly with your neighbours? Do you have pillow fights in the corridors, then?’
He also gave a short but moving speech, describing his pride and nerves as a Junior Captain in the Army Air Corps at being in front of an audience with ‘so many years of extraordinary military service’.
‘It is an honour and a thrill to stand in these surroundings. The Royal Hospital – this world famous place – represents all that is great about our Country: beauty, traditional – and the wisdom that does with that – selflessness and duty,’ he said.
And he couldn’t resist getting in a dig at his RAF Search and Rescue pilot brother – it is something of a dare between the pair to make a joke at each other’s expense when making public speeches.
‘I find it terrifying that your drill is so much better than my brother's, but it doesn’t surprise me,’ he quipped.
source: dailymailMiss England 2011 will be crowned on 19th of July 2011 at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole -The winner will represent England in Miss World 2011
Road to Miss World 2011:
Miss England 2011 will be crowned on 19th of July 2011 at the Birmingham Hilton Metropole. The winner will represent England in Miss World 2011 Pageant. Over 80 heats have been held over the last year with over 10,000 girls entering the competition. Now just sixty one winners will participate in the national final of Miss England 2011. Check out the photos of some finalists.hfinalist
Courtesy of Miss England.
Gallery: Miss England 2011 Pageant
source: (Thank you and credits to
and all sources for the information and pictures)No Makeup Week! (I mean, they like me with makeup, too. Oh, you know what I mean...)
No Makeup Week: Mint Julep Mask
Hey everyone! This is just a quick post to let you know what I have planned for this upcoming week. I'm going to be going away from Thursday until Saturday with my boyfriend and his family so I won't be posting those days. Because of this, I hope to be able to post a few times in the next few days!
In high school, like many teenagers going through puberty, I was ashamed of my skin. One day it would be oily, the next day it would be dry - and there was always acne to deal with! Over the years I've tried many products and skincare routines, with varying success. In high school I desperately tried to cover up my natural skin with layers of makeup. Liquids, powders, blushes - I used everything I could!
While I love what makeup can do to enhance an appearance, in the past two years I've realized that I love my natural beauty, too. I think going to college made me feel a lot more comfortable about going out without "putting my face on," because I was surrounded by the same people at all hours of the day. These kids have seen me when I wake up in the morning, when I'm in class, and before I go to sleep. They have seen me when I'm sick, when I'm just getting back from the gym, and even when I've gotten caught in a downpour running back from the library.
And They Like Me — Without Makeup!
What I'm trying to say is: I've gained a lot of confidence in myself in the past two years, and I don't feel the need to try to cover up anything with makeup. Yes, I love getting dolled up when I'm going to a party or going out on a date with my boyfriend, but other than that, I try to wear as little makeup as possible. Most days now I will only wear a brush of Physicians Formula pressed powder, a sweep of clear mascara on my lashes, and lots of lip balm.
Which brings me to this week. I've decided that, starting today, I want to go a whole week without wearing any makeup. No powder, no mascara (colored or clear). The only things I'll allow on my face are cleansers, moisturizer, and sunscreen. I don't think this will be too difficult to do, especially considering that I will be on an island in the Adirondacks from Thursday through Saturday. I think it will be an interesting experiment, to concentrate on my skin and really learn to appreciate it as it is.
A Week Without Makeup?
Last year Rachel Rabbit White, a popular blogger and writer, pledged to not wear makeup for an entire week. Over 300 people took the challenge with her. You can read about that experience in this Huffington Post interview here. White brings up a lot of very interesting points about makeup in society today, so it's definitely a must-read.
I'll be posting photos this week, along with any findings or discoveries. Any of you brave enough to try this, too? I'd love to hear your stories or share links on my blog to your own posts! Drop me a comment or send me an email!
VIA No Makeup Week! (I mean, they like me with makeup, too. Oh, you know what I mean...)
Green Mile actor Doug Anthony Hutchison, 51, marries aspiring country music singer, 16, in Las Vegas
By DAILY MAIL REPORTER Extreme age gap: Green Mile star Doug Anthony Hutchison, 51, and 16-year-old Courtney Alexis Stodden were married in Las Vegas last month
They say age is only a number when it comes to love - just ask Green Mile star Doug Anthony Hutchison and his new bride.
The 51-year-old actor has married aspiring country singer Courtney Alexis Stodden, who is 16.
The pair married in Las Vegas last month and Hutchison proudly posted a picture of himself and the former beauty queen on his website this week.Wannabe: Courtney Stodden in a music video posted on YouTube called Don't Put It On Me
He wrote: 'Doug Anthony Hutchison and Courtney Alexis Stodden became husband and wife on Friday May 20th, 2011, at 12 pm in The Little Chapel of Flowers in Las Vegas, Nevada.
'Mr and Mrs Hutchison live together happily ensconced in their Hollywood Hills home with their lil' pups, Everette and Tuna.'
Since the wedding the TV star and his teenage bride have been forced to defend their decision.
'We're aware that our vast age difference is extremely controversial,' the couple told E! Online.
'But we're very much in love and want to get the message out there that true love can be ageless.'
The legal age for marriage in Las Vegas is 18, however with parental consent it drops to 16.Famous role: Hutchison is best known for playing prison guard Percy Wetmore in the film adaptation of Stephen King's The Green Mile, for which he received critical acclaim
Courtney's mother Krista Stodden told 'We are totally supportive of this marriage. Doug is a wonderful man and we love him.'
She defended her daughter's decision, insisting that she is a 'good Christian girl'.
Mrs Stodden said: 'They are very much in love and we are so supportive of this.
'Courtney was a virgin when she married Doug. She is a good Christian girl.'
Looking well beyond 16, it appears that Courtney has possibly gone under the knife to obtain her more 'mature' looks, but her mother denies this.
She said: 'She is a beautiful girl. She has real breasts, real lips, she's not plastic.'
source: dailymailVIA Green Mile actor Doug Anthony Hutchison, 51, marries aspiring country music singer, 16, in Las Vegas
More Stuff: Is Greece about to lose the Parthenon Sculptures forever?
The following is an open letter circulated yesterday (May 14) by Alexis Mantheakis, Chairman of the International Parthenon Sculptures Action Committee, on the recent developments in the Parthenon Sculptures issue:
Dear All,The recent snub by the British government to UNESCO's offer to mediate in the issue of the Parthenon Sculptures dispute and the arrogant wording directed at the Greek government's often repeated offer to negotiate the matter by discussion confirmed our position that Britain never had the intention to enter into good faith discussions. As we had said in recent fora, the only road we saw to possible success was one of legal action, with a direct and dynamic confrontation with Whitehall.
The recent response by Britain dissolved any illusions we had regarding the powers in the UK to be brought to do the right thing, and to right a historical wrong. We too had hoped that Britain would succumb to worldwide public opinion to correct an outrage, the stripping and vandalising of the Parthenon of 60% of its famous millenia-old Sculptures , a crime committed when Greeks were under occupation and unable to defend their archaeological heritage and national symbols of identity.
The latest declaration by the new minister of culture in the UK continues with the hard line of his predeccesors, namely that "The marbles were legally acquired according to the laws of the time. " So Mr Minister were 3 million African slaves, captured, transported and sold, "according to the laws of the time." Opium too was purchased and sold, in tons "according to the laws of the time". Those who did not agree to buy your opium had two wars declared on them, and so China paid with the loss of Hong Kong and a treaty to buy your Indian grown opium. This, Mr Minister, is NOT that time. We are disputing your CURRENT possession of symbols of our heritage, removed from Athens and held by you in a totally government financed and controlled museum institution (all the board is appointed directly, or indirectly by the UK government or by the Queen).
This, though, is not the issue.
One more British government acting like an infant petulantly hugging another child's toy, saying "It is mine, mine!" is understandable, because there is no home-made item that can compare in beauty, artisanry, historic or other value to those created by a superior ancient civilisation. We may understand the feeling, and commiserate, but that does not justify the possession of the looted Greek scultures taken from the Parthenon. There is no justification for it. We sympathise with the situation the British Museum is in, but our sympathy doesn't extend to giving up iconic and defitive items of our heritage, nor did our illustrious and talented predecessors in Ancient Athens build the Parthenon to have its facade torn off and damaged by a British ambassador to decorate his Scottish residence. The Parthenon was built by Pericles and the Greek city states to commemorate the victory of Greek civilisation against the very type of barbarity and lack of respect that Elgin indulged in 2300 years later.
The British position is well known and is in keeping with how official Britain has acted in the last few centuries. To win in a contest the basic rule MUST be to understand your opponent and create your game strategy around this knowledge.
Anyone who has studied British history and politics will know that Britain NEVER, but NEVER, gives anything back unless forced to do so. India, Cyprus, as well as dozens of colonies of the Empire, and other possessions acquired without the consent of the people, often with great bloodshed caused by British troops were only given back by Britain after a bitterly contested conflict, on the field of battle, in courts, or with a series of extended non-violent political actions by those who had lost their heritage, freedoms, or historical archaeological treasures. Britain today in its museums and in the Tower of London still holds numerous purloined and pillaged items as well as those taken by reason of military superiority from a vanquished foe defending himself on his own soil. The Kohinoor Diamond in the so called Crown Jewels taken from a defeated 15 year old prince in India, is but one example. Manifest Destiny demanded it. We oppose this way of thinking.
This lengthy introduction, and I will apologise, was to emphasise my conviction that dialogue for the return of the Parthenon Marbles, after so many valiant and polite efforts by Greece, and its overseas friends in all walks of life, is not a viable option, and only incurable romantics or people without an understanding of the official British character and its limitations can insist that this dead end is the road to the Restitution in Athens.
The problem is not the obduracy and intransigence of British officialdom. It is a given, and we have to act with that in mind. It is with the very knowledge of the historic failure of Greek diplomacy, both cultural and political, and that of our own self-financed voluntary Parthenon organisations, to bring about the return, that it was encouraging when the Greek government, that for 40 years has not asked Britain officially for the Sculptures return, not long ago decided to involve an experienced and prestigious British legal firm Doughty Street Chambers led by George Robertson QC, to represent our interests and to write a report regarding what options were open for Greece to act.
Overall public awareness of the issue and additional sympathy for the Greek case was given very welcome boosts, human nature being what it is, by declarations of public support by celebrities such as George Clooney, Matt Damon and others, while a visit to Greece by Mrs Clooney with her senior colleagues at the UK law office created a media frenzy and a heightening of public interest in the Parthenon issue. The Doughty Chambers law group produced a 140 page confidential report for the Greek government describing, as leaked to the press, 5 options. The one considered to have the highest chance of success was, and this is no surprise to us, for Greece to go immediately to the European Court of Human Rights where, according to the report, there was the greatest chance of a Greek legal victory. The lawyers were specific: it is now or never, if the opportunity is not to be lost with issues such as statutes of limitations in the near future killing Greek chances of recovery of the items through international court decisions.
In Greece, as we all know there is a new government, and the report was delivered to them. With the understanding of the British penchant for intransigence, fortified by the recent snub to UNESCO, and the history of failed attempts, the new minister had a detailed road map in his hands, to move forward, with of course the support of millions around the world and at home. Expecting his decision to do this, using the British law firm and their international expertise and experience in cross border cultural issues we were stunned to hear the announcement of Under Minister Mr Nickos Xidakis, a former journalist, who announced, in more words than these, that " We will not go against Britain in court... This is a matter to be settled politically and diplomatically...this issue will be settled, bit by bit over, time..."
Looking at what the minister said let us examine the viability of his declared course of action over that which the British lawyers and we ourselves at IPSACI believe, and we all want the same thing , the return of the Parthenon Sculptures.
A) Mr Xidakis rejects the expert opinion of the British legal experts. Claiming we may lose in court. But for 200 years we have lost! We can only win, or if we lose here, we can initiate a new legal action in another court.
B) Mr Xidakis says the issue can be won diplomatically. The question is, after 200 years of failed diplomatic initiatives, is the government of Mr Xidakis in such a powerful international position to impose a solution using diplomacy? Does he know of Greek diplomats who can force Mr Cameron to sign a new law allowing/directing the Return of the Parthenon Sculptures?
C) Mr Xidakis told the press that the issue should be dealt with "politically" . This is indeed one way countries settle disputes. The assumption by lay persons like myself, on hearing the Minister, is that Greece at this moment has the political clout to bring the British Museum to its knees and to force Mr Cameron to sign the document of repatriation of the Sculptures to Athens. With all our goodwill towards Mr Xidakis, where does he draw this feeling of current Greek political power and superiority over Britain from?
D) Finally the minister says that this issue is being slowly resolved, "little by little".
But it has already been 200 years from the stripping of the friezes and metopes and Britain has not moved one centimetre in the direction Greece demands!
If the minister does not tell us why he feels his/our government has the diplomatic and political power to solve the issue, I very much fear that his position looks like a hot potato shifting of the issue to a future government because of reluctance to take the bull by the horns, as recommended by the UK lawyers, and get into court with his British counterpart.(Apologies for the mixed metaphors!)
I have a great fear that we are about to lose the Parthenon Sculptures for ever, and that the work of all our organisations, ministries, diplomatic missions, our volunteer supporters, and decades of dedicated work by people such as yourselves around the world, and in Greek and international organisations are about to be lost down the drain.
I therefore beg those who believe that we must recommend to Minister Xidakis and his staff to listen to the recommendations of people and experts who know the issues well, and understand the mindset of those walking the halls of Russell Square and Westmister, to express their concern to the authorities in Greece.
Thank you for your patience in reading this long analysis of where I believe we are today, in view of the recent, and disturbing developments.
Best to all,
Alexis Mantheakis
Chairman of the International Parthenon Sculptures Action Committee Inc.
Athens office.
+(30)22990 47566
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