Oh, hello there. Nice to see you. Notice anything different? Anything intermediate? Yes, that's right. I have successfully completed an intermediate pattern. We're talking darts, facing, curvy sleeves, and bits that match up.
And, while I'm (obviously) pretty chuffed with myself I can't take all the credit. Colette patterns are just so damn good. I mean they come in book format. They have a glossary. I know I've praised Colette pattern's organised awesomeness before, but it's worth another shout out.
What I changed?
I used a single layer of fabric for the sleeves and hemmed them instead of using two-layers as the pattern suggests. I think the curve would have been nicer with two-layers, but I was feeling rebellious. I also used a regular zipper instead of an invisible zipper because apparently I live in the deserted wastelands and dark blue invisible zippers over 5cm are rare, exotic gems.
What I like?
Despite my rebellion, I adore the way the sleeves turned out. They're incredibly feminine in how they mimic the bust line. The secret pockets hidden beneath a pleat. We're talking hidden, deep, comfortable pockets that don't change the shape or bulk up the dress. Genius. Someone get Sarai a nobel prize, stat.
I'm also really happy with the fit of the dress, especially the bodice. As usual, the pattern had to go through some epic changes to fit me properly. I originally cut a 4 in the top and 6 in the bottom (holla for the badonkadonks!), lengthened the bodice 3.5cm (1.4"), took in the waist, adjusted the skirt to match, blah blah blah...
What I'll do next time?Match the waist band pieces. Ssssh. Just don't look at them.
So, my verdict is love, love, love and I can't wait to make it again. But, I know you might be wondering... what does my macaron have to do with a field track? Well I was at Uni wearing my dress, so I thought I'd take some photos while out there. And, the reason I was at Uni?
So I'm a graduate with intermediate sewing skillz. Could I be any happier? No. Probably not. Unless I had a chocolate milkshake. Then my life would be complete.
Macarons On My Table
Saying a sewing project is on my table is a bit of a lie. It's really on my floor, with a sleeve on the table, a skirt front over a chair, and a back yoke who-knows-where. But it will come together, with the it being my new, nearly completed Colette Macaron dress. You've probably seen it out in the google-sphere on other talented ladies (or men?). I'm using the same japanese cotton from my Welcome Spring dress... and my present bag.
But please, hear my case. I have a totally legitimate reason. You see I bought the fabric online, and my cautious nature thought "I'll get a touch extra, just in case". I then discovered the Simplicity pattern was a big fat lying liar pants and I needed way less than suggested. So I gotta-lotta fabric. Two dresses and a bag's worth, actually. The Macaron pattern is labelled 'intermediate', but to be honest I haven't found too many issues... yet. It just requires patience.
I have also checked a technique. Look at this facing, it's so facey! I can't believe it took me so long to do facing. I literally stared at it for about an hour. You know what else this facing is? Serged. Seriously I am now considering my life in two parts: Before and after owning a serger. With the latter obviously being far greater and magical.
It makes everything so clean. So neat. So finished. I'm going a little serger crazy. This is going to be the neatest goddamn garment in the land I tell you. Oh, I also have a new addition to my treasured sewing family. Yesterday was my birthday and, what can I say, my boy knows how to buy a good present. I haven't used it yet, but I feel pretty pro just having it in my possession.
Colette Violet
Yeah, things are getting Colette-crazy around here, and next up is the beautiful Violet blouse. I've had this pattern for a while but never mustered the courage to attack those intimidating button holes, or that menacing peter pan collar. I'm sure I'll find, just like every other time I check a technique, it will be fine and I have nothing to fear from a little Peter Pan action.
I'll probably use one of the three fabrics below as they're already in my stash. I'm petrified of creating one of those prevalent space-devouring stash-monsters. That all looks rather pink, doesn't it? The first two I bought at a vintage fair, and the third is a liberty of London fabric I got for my birthday. Spoilt much? Yes. I've never sewn with liberty fabric, but it's been a dream of mine. I'm not embarrassed to admit I've spent hours just holding onto this little strip of fabric, rubbing it against my cheek.
Which one would you use?VIA Intermediate Pattern For Colette Macaron Dress