Sew La Ti Embroidery [Search results for fabric

  • Do mosquitos ever keep you up at night?

    Do mosquitos ever keep you up at night?
    Last night Casey went to bed a bit before I did. When I got in bed, I was laying there and Casey starts scratching all over, swatting the air, and slapping his face. I observed this behavior for a few minutes, then I asked if he was awake and if he was okay. He said that there was a mosquito that was biting him and buzzing in his ear. He got up, put anti-itch cream all over and came back to bed. We lay there for ohhh, a good half hour in which I finally started hearing said mosquito. During this time Casey covered himself entirely in the sheet with his face poking out, kindof amusing. Casey had had enough and jumped out of bed declaring that he was wide awake because of this damn mosquito (yes I just typed damn) All I could do was laugh and tell him that the mosquito found him to be delicious. He ran to find our electric bug swatter pictured above, and started swatting it everywhere a bit violently at 1:13 this morning. I was hysterically laughing, he killed the mosquito and we went to sleep, finally :)

    Yesterday I decided to make a baby quilt, I just have to finish hand sewing the binding down. It was a rather satisfying project that used up a good amount of my stash for one project, I see more of these in the future, next time will be a boy one.

    I'm always telling my husband that I am not going to make anymore fabric purchases, easier said than done, especially when I have mula I made from the farmer's market :)
    Here is a bad picture of some recent fabric purchases, no sun here today, it's seriously been raining so much here, we'll get like a day or two of sun and then it starts raining again, it feels more like a really rainy April then June.

    I'm really loving the bird cage fabric from Laura Gunn
    and I seriously splurged on the Japanese fabric on the right, how could I resist fabric with button cards printed on it? I purchased it here.
    Kay, I just checked to make sure I linked it right and now there is more cute stuff that wasn't there when I made my purchase! Why does that darn japanese fabric have to be so cute?

    I hope you are having a nice day and that the mosquitos won't keep you awake at night :)
  • Sewing is Taking Over My Life

    Sewing is Taking Over My Life


    I don't consider myself to have poor time management, in fact I'm organised. Really organised. Like chill out Reana Louise and put the filing system down organised. However, I find I have no time this year. Yes I work, yes I study full time, yes I have a social life (admittedly a bit small and pathetic), but I do that every year. So who's the culprit? What's to blame? Sewing.

    I've been dreaming about sewing?

    I'm obsessed - did you know that Well of course you didn't because I'm telling you now, but I do! All the time I think about it. Whenever I leave the house I'm dissecting other people's outfits thinking how was it made? How does it sit like that? Will that warp? How hard would it be to get those stripes to line up? I'm mad, totally sewing mad I tell you!

    And it's not like I'm overly fecund, I've only produced a handful of garments. So much of my time is spent scouring the inspiration, blogs, and communities in the big time-sucking device that is the internet. And then there's this blog - which is so much fun being able to express ideas and ask questions to people who love sewing as much as I do (I already bore my friends with art, I can't push this on them too).

    But it's not as bad as I might be making out, it's so rewarding creating something and then wearing it. But what about you guys? Are you as obsessed as me, or do you take sewing in your stride? Is there anything else that you're obsessed with?

    My swishable floral dress is completed and I'm really happy with the result!

    Especially the way it fits... I'm not going to bore you with all of the details, just a quick run through with links to techniques. If you have any questions, please ask me!

    I practically snatched it from the poor postman. You see, I live in a house of girls and a fair bit of online-shopping happens around here. Much time is spent out the front with tea-in-hand eyeing his arrival down like vultures - so hopefully he's used to it. Talking of online shopping my roommate just bought this dress from modcloth, how pretty is it? As you know I'm buying zero clothes this year so I have to live vicariously through them. Thank god they have such great taste!

    But back onto my original point... New bikini pattern means I'm now ready to buy some fabric! The only problem is I think there's a secret kingdom of gorgeous and appropriately priced stretchy bikini fabric that is hiding from me. I've done a bit of hunting at the local fabric shops but their lycra is more 5th-grade-gymnast-team than hot-woman-strutting-about-Europe. Where is all of the good swimmer fabric?

    So far 'Beach Animation' from Tessuti is winning, the only problem is that I think the pattern might be a little too big? One butt cheek might look like a giant flower, and the other a dark navy space? Is it Ok to have a lop-sided butt? I definitely don't want the flower in the middle.

    I've scrummaged through etsy too and couldn't find anything that felt 'right'. And then I need lining! Picking fabric for me is one of the fun tasks (unlike hemming, or ironing- snore) but I feel this is something I need a little help with.

    So come one... give me your secrets! Have you found some swimwear fabric that you're dying to use and would be willing to share the source? Do you know where the secret kingdom of luscious lycra is hiding?

    VIA Sewing is Taking Over My Life

  • How often do you change your needles?

    How often do you change your needles?

    American Gold Eagle

    I remember hearing once upon a time that you retain more information if you explain a subject to someone else, rather than just reading it. This could be a big lie, kind of like "if the wind changes your face will get stuck that way" or "watermelon seeds will grow in your belly", except it's not mean and won't give children nightmares and I've got to write about something here, right? Especially now that I have followers! Real followers with computers, and keyboards, and pins!

    So today we're going to be talking about Needles!

    So why needles? Well I have just purchased some gorgeous stretchy Jersey in houndstooth for my dress and some stretchy needles to go with it, but... what's the point? (haha! Pun! I bet you weren't even expecting that and then bam! A pointy pun!) So I thought I'd do a little mini-tutorial / how to guide all about needles. Brace yourself people, it's a long'n.

    Why do I need to change my Needle? Well a blunt needle can make your fabric snag or pucker. A needle too big for your fabric acts like a 'cannon ball', and a needle too small / not strong enough for your fabric can snap. Basically wrong needle = possible ruined material. After the amazing effort and love you've put into the fabric, plus the money - why risk it?

    How often should I change my Needle? So far I've read you should change your needle every new sewing project, every three spools of bobbin thread, or whenever it 'feels' like you need to. Obviously you might need to change it for the fabric (just like I am with my new super stretchy Jersey). What about you? How often do you change your needles?

    What are the parts of the Needle? Um.... the pointy bit and the other bit? Oh, and these ones:

    Shank - This is the bit that goes into the machine. It has two sides- a Round Side on the front which has the name and number of the needle, and a Flat Side that goes against the rear of the machine. This makes it super easy to make sure you've got the needle in the machine the right way.

    Shaft - Don't think dirty thoughts! Ha! Now you can't help it! The shaft goes from the shank all the way to the point of the needle. The size of the shaft (thickness) determines the size of the needle.

    Groove - You can see this running down the front of your needle, this protects the thread like a little cubby hole or super fashionable metal jacket.

    Eye - This is where the thread goes! The eye can't be too small for the thread and there's a really easy way to check. Put some thread through the hole, now turn the thread on an angle so it's like a flying fox. Can the needle fall smoothly down the thread? If it gets stuck you might need to use another needle.

    Point - Oh you clever cookie I think you've got this! This is the bit that penetrates the fabric and it differs too. I'll get to that in a minute...

    Scarf - This is a small indentation on the back side of the needle, just above the eye. It helps pick up the bobbin and consistent stitching. So, the things that affect which needle you want is the size of the shaft, the eye hole, and the point.

    How do I know what the sizes mean? There are usually 2 sizes on a needle, one is the European size and the other is American. (Why are there two different systems for everything? Can't we just get along numerically!) Basically the bigger the number, the smaller the needle.

    How do I know which type of needle I need, and size?

    VIA How often do you change your needles?

  • Intermediate Pattern For Colette Macaron Dress

    Intermediate Pattern For Colette Macaron Dress

    The feminist

    Oh, hello there. Nice to see you. Notice anything different? Anything intermediate? Yes, that's right. I have successfully completed an intermediate pattern. We're talking darts, facing, curvy sleeves, and bits that match up.

    And, while I'm (obviously) pretty chuffed with myself I can't take all the credit. Colette patterns are just so damn good. I mean they come in book format. They have a glossary. I know I've praised Colette pattern's organised awesomeness before, but it's worth another shout out.

    What I changed?
    I used a single layer of fabric for the sleeves and hemmed them instead of using two-layers as the pattern suggests. I think the curve would have been nicer with two-layers, but I was feeling rebellious. I also used a regular zipper instead of an invisible zipper because apparently I live in the deserted wastelands and dark blue invisible zippers over 5cm are rare, exotic gems.

    What I like?
    Despite my rebellion, I adore the way the sleeves turned out. They're incredibly feminine in how they mimic the bust line. The secret pockets hidden beneath a pleat. We're talking hidden, deep, comfortable pockets that don't change the shape or bulk up the dress. Genius. Someone get Sarai a nobel prize, stat.

    I'm also really happy with the fit of the dress, especially the bodice. As usual, the pattern had to go through some epic changes to fit me properly. I originally cut a 4 in the top and 6 in the bottom (holla for the badonkadonks!), lengthened the bodice 3.5cm (1.4"), took in the waist, adjusted the skirt to match, blah blah blah...

    What I'll do next time?Match the waist band pieces. Ssssh. Just don't look at them.

    So, my verdict is love, love, love and I can't wait to make it again. But, I know you might be wondering... what does my macaron have to do with a field track? Well I was at Uni wearing my dress, so I thought I'd take some photos while out there. And, the reason I was at Uni?

    So I'm a graduate with intermediate sewing skillz. Could I be any happier? No. Probably not. Unless I had a chocolate milkshake. Then my life would be complete.

    Macarons On My Table

    Saying a sewing project is on my table is a bit of a lie. It's really on my floor, with a sleeve on the table, a skirt front over a chair, and a back yoke who-knows-where. But it will come together, with the it being my new, nearly completed Colette Macaron dress. You've probably seen it out in the google-sphere on other talented ladies (or men?). I'm using the same japanese cotton from my Welcome Spring dress... and my present bag.

    But please, hear my case. I have a totally legitimate reason. You see I bought the fabric online, and my cautious nature thought "I'll get a touch extra, just in case". I then discovered the Simplicity pattern was a big fat lying liar pants and I needed way less than suggested. So I gotta-lotta fabric. Two dresses and a bag's worth, actually. The Macaron pattern is labelled 'intermediate', but to be honest I haven't found too many issues... yet. It just requires patience.

    I have also checked a technique. Look at this facing, it's so facey! I can't believe it took me so long to do facing. I literally stared at it for about an hour. You know what else this facing is? Serged. Seriously I am now considering my life in two parts: Before and after owning a serger. With the latter obviously being far greater and magical.

    It makes everything so clean. So neat. So finished. I'm going a little serger crazy. This is going to be the neatest goddamn garment in the land I tell you. Oh, I also have a new addition to my treasured sewing family. Yesterday was my birthday and, what can I say, my boy knows how to buy a good present. I haven't used it yet, but I feel pretty pro just having it in my possession.

    Colette Violet

    Yeah, things are getting Colette-crazy around here, and next up is the beautiful Violet blouse. I've had this pattern for a while but never mustered the courage to attack those intimidating button holes, or that menacing peter pan collar. I'm sure I'll find, just like every other time I check a technique, it will be fine and I have nothing to fear from a little Peter Pan action.

    I'll probably use one of the three fabrics below as they're already in my stash. I'm petrified of creating one of those prevalent space-devouring stash-monsters. That all looks rather pink, doesn't it? The first two I bought at a vintage fair, and the third is a liberty of London fabric I got for my birthday. Spoilt much? Yes. I've never sewn with liberty fabric, but it's been a dream of mine. I'm not embarrassed to admit I've spent hours just holding onto this little strip of fabric, rubbing it against my cheek.

    Which one would you use?

    VIA Intermediate Pattern For Colette Macaron Dress

  • Scrap Happy Table Runner tutorial

    Scrap Happy Table Runner tutorial

    This was my submission for the So You Think Your Crafty Auditions. I didn't make the top ten so I won't be going on (I think I was 12). It was fun seeing all the other fun projects and finding new to me blogs! There was alot of fun projects submitted and I am excited to see what season 3 brings. Anyways, I took pictures while I was making it so here is a tutorial!

    SewingHere is what you will need:

    scraps of fabric, doilies, trim, really you could use anything that could be sewn down and would look cute.

    Sewing You will also need two pieces of your main fabric (I used a cream colored Kona cotton) and a piece of batting (I used warm and natural batting)

    I cut my pieces about 37" by 13" but you can make any size you want.

    SewingOnce you have your two main fabric pieces and your batting cut, lay them down in this order: batting first, then your two main fabrics on top of that right sides together.

    Sewing Then pin all your layers together so you can sew them together without them shifting. ( I know this part isn't fun, I hate pinning and avoid it unless I have to).

    SewingThen starting somewhere in the middle of a side, sew around the whole thing using a 1/4 inch seam, except you need to leave about a 3 or 4 inch hole so that you can turn it right side out.

    like this

    SewingOnce you have sewn around the whole thing, clip the extra corner fabric tips off to make it easier to turn the corners out.

    Sewing Then turn it right side out, I like to use a plastic chopstick I found at IKEA to help with the corners.

    Once you get it right side out, take it to your ironing board and iron the whole thing, taking care to pay attention to that hole you left for turning and ironing that part in so you won't be able to tell where it was.

    Sewing Then, sew around the edge, again pay attention to the part where the hole was to make sure you get it sewn shut.

    SewingAfter I got that done I added pom pom trim to both my ends. (sorry for the picture quality, it started getting dark when i made this and I am too lazy to edit the pictures right now). After that I just layed down my bits of handkerchief and doilies down and then cut pieces of fabric to fit in the spaces that were left. I hope that makes sense.

    Sewing Then I pinned them all down.

    SewingNow, take it to your sewing machine and sew all those bits down, (I left the edges of all my fabrics raw by the way, once it goes through the wash they will get a yummy frayed edge) I rolled the one end up so it would fit nicely in my sewing machine. Just be careful of the pins so you don't get poked ( I didn't get poked at all ) :)

    SewingAnd here's a tip, when I got one piece all sewed down, I didn't cut the thread, I just picked up the presser foot and moved over to another piece. Can you see the threads in the picture? Then after I got all the pieces sewn down I clipped all the threads.

    Sewing Then I added bits of embroidery wherever I felt like it.

    Then you are done and you have a happy table runner!
  • Tuesday's Choice...a Fabric Audition

    Tuesday's Choice...a Fabric Audition
    I just can not make up my mind today about what fabric to use for a new project.

     We are getting ready to go on vacation where i obviously will not have my machine to sew with but there is some down time and plenty of car time so i thought maybe hand sewing would be the answer.

    Erin at Why Not Sew recently hand a hand sewing sampler series!!! I knew this was the one for me. It has been calling me.


    But what fabric do i choose? I auditioned several sets for my husband(he is very indulgent) and he was leaning mostly to the primary colors...not the lavender or greens. Me...I am still not sure.

    However i have these gorgeous bundles of FMF that are just sitting waiting to be used for something amazing. Is this it? Is this that amazing thing?

    What do you think? Do i go for it and use the coveted, most beautiful fabrics? Will i regret it when i find something else i wish i did with them or do i just do it and know that i will love how this sampler is going to turn out(Erin used the FMF so i already have a preview)?


    What to do!!! What to do???


    In the is something pretty that came in my mail. Don't you love fabric mail? I saw these Coquette charm packs on sale and scooped up a couple. It is very girly fabric...and i love the lavender in it. Who knows what is in store for these.

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  • Ready to be quilted & fabric love

    Ready to be quilted & fabric love
    Two posts in one day? My quilt sandwich is ready! Aren't the elephants the cutest? I think I am going to make a small test quilt sandwich first before I start on the real thing. So, I had to drive all over a few cities today to find the right darning foot for my machine. Finally I found one at Hancock Fabrics, who knew that a darning foot cost $25? Not me. I'm glad I found it though.

    Of course I had to look at fabric, I mean I drove 20 minutes to get to the store :) When I saw this handerchief fabric, I snatched it off the shelf like someone was going to steal it away from me. I am completely smitten over this fabric, I absolutely love it. I bought two yards of it, and when I payed, happily it was on sale! In the picture it is folded in half, so you are seeing a yard, would'nt it make the cutest quilt? Actually it would make alot of cute things. I think I am sad I did'nt buy more, maybe I'll have to make another trip.
    Now I'm off to figure out this machine quilting thing!
  • What I Did Today

    What I Did Today
    Today for my birthday i wrapped myself up and rolled around in my fabric!!! Maybe not literally, but with just as much pleasure. I cleaned out my fabric closet. I should have done it long ago. i got such a thrill putting everything neatly in rainbow/color order, well, it just is not normal. And all the fabrics in the front of the shelf are the stacks that are meant to be used together. Bundled up nicely with string, waiting for their turn. It makes me giddy to tell about it. But any ladies with a stash of fabric(or even yarns) know.
    I had to clean it all up because there was not room for any of the fabrics i have had sitting out on my fabric table, which has to go away for selling the house, since it is in the middle of my living and dining room. :o( Putting it all away feels a little like i am killing the inspiration to make or sew. But i suppose i can take it out as i need it while we are selling. is not as though i have no projects to do...I have a birthday quilt to finish before friday. Yikes! I get the feeling that that deadline is going to come and go. Sorry little baby man, i am trying.
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  • Another Fabriholic?

    Another Fabriholic?
    I have begun yet another project! I was trying to hold off on this one because there are so many others to finish, but i could not wait anymore. At thanksgiving my sister brought me a jelly roll of fabric. I think i squealed and bounced i was so excited to have it. It was a wonderful gift of very beautiful fabrics. Although, once i began making the blocks for the specific pattern i had in mind i was afraid this was going to be one of the hardest quilts i have ever made....not because it is complicated but because there are so many varied colors.

    I would start a block and be sure i was going to hate it but once it all came together i started to love it...this went on block after block. I even called my sister and told her this one was going to be was going to stretch me as a "quilter" more than any other project ever had. Mostly because i really love the fabric to all match and go, and it did not seem to me that that was happening. As i was nearing the end of these blocks Avery came in and wanted to know what i was working on and what it was for. I showed her the finished stack of blocks....she flipped through them and then asked to take them down to sort through them. I did not see any harm in it. Both of the kids like to play with my fabric.
    Before very long, the initial piles she had made of the ones she liked and the ones she still had to think about, began to be spread around. After a little she asked me if she could arrange them for me. I balked a little at first because i like the creative control over my quilts but then i caved and let her do what she wanted. I stood back and watched her ponder over it and move squares around just like i do. i could not get the smile off my face, it was wonderful to watch her so confidently go through the creative process. I find this part of the quilt difficult especially in this case because the colors were so varied, but she took it on like a pro and had finished it so fast! Way faster than i ever would have been able to.
    In the end it turns out that i love it....i think she did a great job. i really could not have done it any better. Of course i could not change it now if i wanted, i think it should be just as she made it. The huge changes in color, i think, really grow on you and look good together. I am proud of her and more than that she was so proud of herself....several times she stood back, admiring her work and said to me, "i feel really proud of myself mom.". That wins me over more than any project ever could. Her confidence is boosted, I got help for a hard project, and she is excited and willing to help me finish it up. This might be a quilt and fabric monster in the making. :o)
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  • A variety of towels in our life

    A variety of towels in our life
    Round us it is a lot of prophetic. Of them we so have strongly got used to many, that often we do not give them any value though it's not always justified. First of all it concerns towels which the person use constantly throughout all life.

    Towels are necessary in each house

    Bella CosaIn any house there are some various towels with which tenants and visitors wipe hands, the body, ware...

    The towel is the textile product of the rectangular or square form created specially for a wipe of any subjects, including bodies of the person. Towels have appeared many years back. About them there are mentions in the Bible and national legends of any people.

    Towels on appearance are very similar to wafers (therefore them and name wafer). They well absorb a moisture (three times better, than terry towels), perfectly mass, promote microblood circulation and a lymph. They can be used both for a wipe of ware and hands, and in a bathroom. In Hotel Bedding Collection Set — are often included wafer and terry towels.

    For massage special massage towels from the flax which unique structure helps a body to relax are created. With their help also it is possible to pound a body well.

    SobellaWell, and on a beach we, certainly, take a beach towel on which it is possible to sunbathe on the sun and to be wiped after swimming. Allocate also special towels for hands. These are towels of the small size which hang up in a bathroom or in a toilet about a bowl for a wipe of hands.

    Towels from velour weave from five threads. Four threads form the top and bottom basis of a fabric (them in pairs bind with each other), and the fifth — pile (it is a velvety thread more often). After end of weaving a fabric cut to separate the top basis from the bottom. Other name of these towels — Luxury Hotel Towels.

    Besides, towels differ on a material of which they are made. Certainly, most widespread of them is the cotton fabric from which weave towels many centuries successively. The cotton fibre well absorbs a moisture, does not collapse during the big number of washings and is steady against a friction which is inevitable at towel use. On Queen Bed Blanket always at a headboard put a cotton towel.

    SovillaTowels also make from silk, a bamboo and a paper. Silk towels beautiful, gentle and improbably magnificent, but badly absorb a moisture and instantly stick to a body. Bamboo towels very soft and gentle.

    From a bamboo weave beach towels since the bamboo fibre possesses cooling effect more often. From a paper make disposable towels for a kitchen room which perfectly absorb a moisture and effectively clear ware of a dirt and the food rests.

    The terry towel is the most favourite towel, gentle and soft in which it is pleasant to be turned after a shower or a bathroom. Weave such towels from the terry fabric which pile turns out for the account of free giving of loops of leaky tense basis. Terry towels perfectly well absorb a moisture, quickly dry and long do not wear out.

    Certainly, always it is possible to manage one towel for all occasions, always it is possible to buy not so expensive towel of so low quality, but, you see, when it is a question of such important subject as a towel, it is wrong and very unreasonable!

    Luxury Hotel Towels Here!

    VIA «A variety of towels in our life»

  • Fabric Madness

    Fabric Madness
    Oh fabric heaven!! There was a fantastic quilt shop by my sisters house, and i could not wait to go. When we walked in i was blown away by the selection and how beautiful everything was. Some have a purpose and others just looked good together and some i got for no other reason than i loved them.
    sevingSince it was vacation...Chris was very sweet to let me get whatever struck my fancy. Now if i had really bought everything, in the quantity i would have wanted i just might have broken the bank. But i practiced a little restraint. A little! Ok a very little!
    sevingThese batiks are destined for a quilt idea Avery had. I hope to get to work on that one first. About 1 year ago she dictated to me a idea she had for a dolphin quilt, and i have been scared of it ever since. But when Colleen and i saw these fabrics we laid it all out on the floor and the dolphin quilt came together. See the ones on the left..they are for the rocks, water and sky. I love that these look like "sea trees" as avery calls them. And the others are for the applique parts.
    these are all from IKEA. I love that you can get fabrics there. They are heavier weight but might someday have a use. I have that kids fabric with hippos in green also. It is so bright and cute.
    Once in awhile i am lucky enough to find a sale on curtains like these ones above. Clearance is great.
    i love these...especially the grey and the green together. I love how "vintagey" they look.

    And this one...this was the reason i was going to that store. This beautiful cloud print by Kaffe Fassett. I don't know what i am going to do with it. Maybe a little quilt with these other two colors. i heart fabric.
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  • Finally Proof

    Finally Proof
    When i got home from my sisters this week i was feeling especially motivated to get some sewing done. Perhaps the old adage, "absence makes the heart grow fonder", applies to my sewing machine too! I went right to work finishing this baby blanket i had started with a honey bun of Hello Betty fabric.

    i considered all sorts of ideas for how i would quilt it but in the end i just went with my old standby... straight line quilting. It is fast and rather uncomplicated. Every row of stitching is about 2 inches apart. I got the binding on and sewn last night and this morning, my favorite part. It is a baby gift for a neighbor, so i hope she will like it.

    I did not want to buy more fabric to back it and bind it so i went to the trusty stash closet to see what i could find, and that closet sure did not let me down. I, at some point or another, had bought a baby curtain on clearance in the hope that someday i would be able to use it for backing since it was so big. And that is precisely what i did. These elephants were just too cute to resist and i love them with the fabric of the quilt.


    Now this last shot is just to show that i am already working on other things...trying to be real with myself about the projects i have started and seeing if i can just go ahead and finish them from where they are. Sometimes i think i am too ambitious with what i want to i start a lot of things but don't really get many them finished. Craft ADD anyone?


    **It is time for me to get back on the sew and tell wagon. So i am going to go ahead and link this up to amylouwho's to share with the ladies there. take a minute and go check out what everyone else has made this week. I don't know about anyone else but i feel productive, finally.**
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  • My fabrics for the quilt along

    My fabrics for the quilt along

    Confession: I hoard fabric. Specifically what I call expensive fabric.
    I just want to look at it and feel it, but really I should be using it to make awesome things.
    So I made myself pick out expensive fabrics from my stash for the Quilt along.
    There is even japanese fabric in there, see the little bicycles? And yes that is the only one that is not floral like. I haven't picked out the back yet, I'll probably use some of my vintage linens.
  • patchwork


    I finished up these patchwork tote bags a bit ago.  These were a happy accident.  I was starting to clean up my fabric area and I had a whole bunch of upholstery fabric scraps that I just couldn't bear to part with.  I added doilies and ribbons and lace to them too, I am happy with the outcome. 

    I am busy getting ready for next weekend, I have two shows, Oh Sweet Sadie, and The Avenues Street Fair.

    Today I am thinking:
    Why every time we get Casey's paycheck is it immediately gone?  Seriously, what the crap?!
    Being poor sucks, but hey we have lots of love around here :)
    I'm glad our fridge and pantry are full of food, which makes me think of the delish freshly cut watermelon, I should eat some of that.
    That my newly cleaned and organized fabric shelves are beautiful and they make me super inspired to sew.
    I am making lasagna for dinner, yum!
    It's kinda nice having the girls back in school, I think they like the routine, and I like that they don't argue and pester each other as much :)

    I hope you are having a lovely week!

  • Sew and Tell Friday

    Sew and Tell Friday
    As you might know from old posts, i use Avery as my layout and design "consultant"...that way i don't go crazy trying to lay something out and then i won't change it because she worked so hard on it. It works for me! I think Mitch was inspecting her work...and it was definitely approved of.
    The pictures are not is pretty rainy and dark today, but it still shows what those strips turned into. It is very nearly about 55 inches square. not intentional...just had that much fabric to make that much quilt. It is bright and colorful. Maybe subconsciously i was willing it to be warmer with my color choices...and it just might be working.
    I think i really like how the random placement of the white turned out...I have simple quilting plans for it....straight lines all the way!!!! And pins for basting for sure! The fabric is Jennifer Paganelli's bell bottoms. These fabrics were one of my very first internet fabric purchases from Randi at Fresh Squeezed Fabrics. They have been waiting to be created into something else, and this week it was their turn.
    Of course this is headed over to Amylouwho's to share with everyone. GO over and see what everyone got done this week. i know it is all going to be amazing!
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  • My Sewing Space

    My Sewing Space
    Amandajean at Crazy Mom Quilts was asking to see everyone's workspace. i thought that i would do my best at playing along. My sewing space is made up of several little areas around my house. Sorry about the funky lighting, it seems that i could not win between night and rainy gloomy day.

    My table is right in the middle of my living room. It is not the greatest place to have my stuff spread out but there is nowhere else that it is as functional for me. This way i can be where my kids are and watch a show or listen to music while i sew. My table leaves a little to be desired. It is a plastic folding table and when you try to really get sewing the table bounces and i get a little dizzy! :o)
    I have my ironing board and iron always set up just across from the sewing table. I have been trying to come up with some more aesthetically pleasing solutions to my sewing area lately... like getting some kind of cabinet to store all the things that are on the table so i can get a smaller one, and using a table top iron instead. Then i can shut the cabinet and not have all the clutter.
    All my fabric that is not in use or about to be in use is upstairs in my fabric closet. the shelf, rolling cart and three wire shelves in the back all have sewing stuff. I keep the shelf color coded and i keep bundles together that i know i am going to use together. The batting is on the floor in rolls and in a bucket in the corner of the closet...there are even several bags of hand-me-down fabric there that you can not see.
    This bucket is under the sewing table...i usually keep the stuff that i am wanting to work with or stuff that is brand new in here so i can look at it once in awhile for ideas....and also as a reminder that i should get cracking on some of the things in there. Thanks for coming along on my messy little tour....i am looking forward to going over to Amandajean's and checking out some of the other work spaces out there.
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  • Crafty bits...

    Crafty bits...
    look at it...isn't it cute and so so tiny. A little mini pincushion ring. I think i am going to store it away in Avery's sewing box. I just love how tiny it is.
    The idea was from and inspired by a blog post i had seen at this blog. It is adorable. I thought that if i tried doing it with a yo-yo instead of cutting a little piece of fabric and then trying to sew it on that it might be something i could possibly make. It worked. And the base of it is one of those little milk/cream carton sealers that you pull to open. What a good way to reuse something. It fits right over your finger, and as a bonus the little plastic piece on the inside keep you from stabbing yourself in the finger every time you use a pin.
    i made another bag too, surprise!. I hunted high and low for fabric to use on this one and could not find anything i was happy with...but this little green floral was way at the bottom of one the piles on my fabric shelf, and it spoke to me! Use me it i did.
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  • Friday Finishes in Paint and Fabric

    Friday Finishes in Paint and Fabric
    My modern barn quilt canvas is finished! I am really pleased withh ow it came out and with the colors i chose. I had originally intended to do some accents in hot pink and yellow but now i am glad i did not. I could have changed and modified it a hundred different ways...another strip here or another color there... but at some point i had to choose to just walk away and let it be what it was.


    I really enjoyed the process. It sat on my counter and periodically over a couple days i would just walk back and forth and tend to the next part of the project. Peeling off that painters tape was always a thrill. I think there might be some companion pieces in the future...perhaps a wonky star or something like that.


    My fabric finish is for one of our wee little friends. There seem to be many babies being born, and shouldn't every one have a quilt of their own? i hope to mail it out to the intended family soon. i hope they will love it as much as i do.


    You can read a little more info on this quilt here. I finished it with some fairly random straight line quilting and bound and backed it in a fabric from my stash that just happened to be the right blue. Another reason to have a stash!!

  • My vintage swap!

    My vintage swap!
    So I was involved in a vintage swap and this is what I sent, A bag made of vintage fabric and trims with a removable flower pin and a fabric wallet to match. I know she has recieved it so I can share now, I had so much fun making it, and by the time I was finished with it, I wanted to keep it for myself. But I did not! I decided to add some fun vintage fabric and trims and buttons because it made it that much more fun to package the whole thing up, and send it off to the UK to Pinky and Boo. I can't wait for my package to arrive, it should be here soon! It is so much fun knowing that any day now I will recieve a fun surprise package! Surprises in the mail are the best!
  • Triangle Skirts

    Triangle Skirts
    Sewing I was at the thrift store yesterday and bought a package of fabric. Usually when I buy a package of fabric it is just for a couple of pieces in that package. When I opened it up I found this mauvey purple fabric and thought, that would make some cute skirts. Kinsley didn't want a skirt, so I made them for Jade and Sage. I have had this idea to put triangles on a skirt like this for about a year now, I don't know why it took me so long to actually do it. I was so excited when I got them finished last night, the girls were asleep, so I had to wait until this morning to see them on, I love them! And more importantly my girls love them! So stinkin cute if I do say so myself :)