It is unusual for me to settle on a quilt plan so quickly, but when i got the idea for this modified log cabin i decided not to over think it and just go with it!! Overall i think i am happy with it. Thanks Angela for helping me with my squaring up issues. They are likely a little off, but it is hard to tell.
Also, thank you ladies for all your wonderful tips and advice about mixing these fabrics when i blogged about them the other day. I think i am pretty pleased with how it turned out. What do you think?
My helper acquired a helper while holding the quilt for me. Sorry about the weird light in all the pictures. Even a nice camera can not save you from a dark house with bad lighting.
I am going ahead and posting this over at Amylouwho's for this weeks sew and tell. Go and check out what all the other ladies have made this week. I have been checking through the day and there is a lot of great stuff.