I worked on a few sewing projects over the weekend, I made new covers for two of the pillows on our bed. I used two screen printed tea towels that I purchased at
the Beehive Bazaar. They are from The Full Spectrum. She made the screen prints from some of her Grandmother's doilies, so cute!

The back of the pillows I used some of Denyse Schmidt's County Fair that I have been hoarding.
Other weekend happenings:
Made good progress on my quilt top from the last post. I may finish it up today!
Accumulated more fabric :)
Picked up our
Bountiful Basket on Saturday. I am loving participating in it. There is a different selection of produce every time we do it and we get to try some new things which I think has been fun. Some of my kids on the other hand, namely Jade and Sage sometimes don't love it so much. Jade and Sage can at times be super picky eaters. We got brussel sprouts in our basket this time, which I was kindof excited to try. I had never had brussel sprouts and we found a yummy recipe to try, we roasted them with some olive oil, salt and pepper, and some bacon, and OH MY GOODNESS, they were heaven. Jade and Sage didn't think so though :) Sage eventually ate hers, but Jade had a few bites (while crying I might add) and then she was making herself gag so much that she threw up. NICE. After that she went to bed early, oh the joys of having children sometimes :)
What did you do this weekend?