I finished, I finished! It just came out of the dryer and I LOVE it!
My very first all the way finished quilt!
Sorry, I had to take a picture of it in the shade, it was way too sunny on the wall I like to take pictures on.
The back is even cute! Now what quilt shall I finish next?
Maybe my
We weeded, tilled, and planted our garden on Saturday! We timed it perfect, as soon as we got done, it started sprinkling a bit. It might seem really late, but this is Utah people :) I think our last frost date is something like May 15th. I love having a garden even though I still don't really know what I am doing. We planted tomatoes for tomato basil sauce, little tiny orange tomatoes, which are my fave, three different kinds of peppers, beans, cucumbers, basil, thyme, and some marigolds. At the back, we have a row of raspberry bushes that we planted last year that are doing really well, we had a couple die last year after we transplanted them from my parent's, but we had quite a few shoots this year that we moved, hopefully they will work, we should have moved them a couple of months ago. We also have oregano and chives.
And we have a friend in the garden too. Yesterday we took the kid's to A Night at the Museum, the kids liked it, it was a good show. All in all we had a nice weekend, which was needed, we had a crappy thing happen last week that effects our family in a big way, but we are okay. This is where I should insert that our little family is amazingly blessed because we are, even when crappy situations get thrown at us. Enough of that, on to the happy quilt!
Today I cut my strips for
Now I must go for I have children in need of being picked up from school soon.
I hope you had a nice Memorial day weekend!