I finished a small batch of purses this week, the hot air balloons are my fave, they are made of a vintage velvet upholstery fabric and they are so soft.
I made Jade and Sage a new dress, I will be making Kinsley one too, I just had to order another yard of fabric to make hers. Looking at this picture, the pink one looks like the pockets are uneven, they aren't, I just made Jade run in here because she is wearing it so I could check it. I absolutely love this fabric, it is by Tina Givens and it is called Opal Owl, Kinsley's will be in a blue color :) The sleeves and pockets are from vintage sheets, I had striped ones to match each dress perfectly.
I've been busy this summer with kids and cleaning, and sewing for shows, among other things. This blog of mine has taken a back seat to everything, sometimes I just don't have the time or desire to blog. I will say this though, I LOVE when I get comments, I don't have ads or sponsors for this little blog of mine, so really, my rewards are in your comments :) I feel like no one comments anymore, I don't know if that is just because my posts are super boring, or if people are just too busy to comment or what. I get super excited when I get comments, whether it is from someone who has commented before, or a new commenter. I try my best to reply to every comment, if I haven't replied to your comment, it is probably because you don't have your email linked, so I can't reply :(
Anyways, enough of that.
I hope you have a lovely weekend spending time with people you love :)