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  • Happy blog birthday to me, happy blog birthday to me!

    Happy blog birthday to me, happy blog birthday to me!

    Happy birthday!

    In case you haven’t realised by now, yes, it’s my first blogversary. It seems insane to think I started this unusual blog on this day a whole year ago. Alas, 286 posts later, here I am still ranting and raving about anything semi-movie related. Over the past few weeks, when my brain has gone for a wander mid-conversation, I’ve pondered about what to write/do on my blogversary. I tend to get uncomfortable when it comes to celebrating my own birthday so I figure there is no harm in celebrating this one properly. That is, I have caught and trained 13 marsupials and shaved this web address into their fur. I intend to release them at the entrance to the nearest shopping centre and let their frenzied rampage be its own kind of celebration/marketing ploy. My plan does not go into effect until 2100 hours. In the meantime, I thought I would share some personal reflections about this blog.

    • Surprisingly, I’ve kept to my original mission statement and avoided any posts about the exploits of my personal life. Except for the post about my friend who broke her vagina because, well, that was simply too good NOT to share.
    • Originally I was inspired to start this by the brilliance of good friend Rickis’ much wittier and substantial blog. That has not changed, however, the pool of writers who now inspire and entertain me has grown to include the likes of Siamese Saffron, King Of New York Hacks, Fuck You Penguin and Little Bohemian.
    • A fitting tagline for this site finally occurred to me a few weeks ago in a dream which may or may not have featured Mark Wahlberg.
    • Within a year some friends have gone and others nearly been lost which makes me appreciate having this outlet to write about things I love, however trivial that may seem to some.
    • I have maintained this site for a year, which is approximately 11 months and 15 days longer than any relationship I’ve maintained with a member from the opposite sex.
    • A newspaper journalist by trade, I founded art & architecture as a way to improve my writing and vent all the film thoughts I had going on in my head. After the first few months I began to realise how much I loved writing about movies and started treating this blog as a portfolio of movie related stories. Without revealing too much, a year on this site has helped me take those few important steps closer to my dream career.
    • Damnit! I did not want to get soppy and here I am preaching about dreams coming true if you work hard enough and blah blah blah.
    • Thanks to this blog I have met an awesome bunch of like-minded people on the 20 something bloggers network. They were even helpful enough to suggest some ways to celebrate my first blogversary. These included strippers, a vlog (which it turns out is not a vampire-hog like I originally presumed), commemorative post, getting hammered, strippers, give-away’s and strippers. Er, thanks guys.
    • I have had the opportunity to meet some amazing up and coming filmmakers, actors, producers, special-effects experts and bring their work to you. With an exciting trip on the horizon, I hope to give you some more juicy juice in the next month.
    • 365 days does not change the fact that despite being of indigenous France heritage, I do not appreciate being called `cuz’ or `Maori-a’. Unless it is amongst the select group of friends with whom racist and parental jokes are allowed.
    • I have broadened my readership from two faithful subscribers to a bunch of peeps from all around the globe. I hope you continue to find something mildly interesting on this site so you keep coming back and sharing your opinions with me.

    VIA «Happy blog birthday to me, happy blog birthday to me!»

  • Recent projects

    Recent projects
     I finished a small batch of purses this week, the hot air balloons are my fave, they are made of a vintage velvet upholstery fabric and they are so soft.

    I made Jade and Sage a new dress, I will be making Kinsley one too, I just had to order another yard of fabric to make hers.  Looking at this picture, the pink one looks like the pockets are uneven, they aren't, I just made Jade run in here because she is wearing it so I could check it.  I absolutely love this fabric, it is by Tina Givens and it is called Opal Owl, Kinsley's will be in a blue color :)  The sleeves and pockets are from vintage sheets, I had striped ones to match each dress perfectly.

    I've been busy this summer with kids and cleaning, and sewing for shows, among other things.  This blog of mine has taken a back seat to everything, sometimes I just don't have the time or desire to blog.  I will say this though, I LOVE when I get comments, I don't have ads or sponsors for this little blog of mine, so really, my rewards are in your comments :)   I feel like no one comments anymore, I don't know if that is just because my posts are super boring, or if people are just too busy to comment or what.  I get super excited when I get comments, whether it is from someone who has commented before, or a new commenter.  I try my best to reply to every comment, if I haven't replied to your comment, it is probably because you don't have your email linked, so I can't reply :(
    Anyways, enough of that.  
    I hope you have a lovely weekend spending time with people you love :)

  • Giveaway Day

    Giveaway Day

    Sew Mama Sew blog is hosting a giveaway day on December 2nd. I am so thrilled to be a part of this. I enjoy their sight so much and have found so much great inspiration through the blog and the links they share there all of the time.

    So for this giveaway day i am going to be giving away a Moda layer cake, Wonderland by Momo.

    Come comment on my post by December 6th and you will be entered to be part of my random giveaway. Become a follower and you will get and additional entry. If you are already a follower be sure to let me know in your comment so that i can count you in for two from the start.

    I am willing to ship internationally. Please be sure to leave me a way to contact you, ie e-mail address or blog address, in your comment so that i can notify the winner right away. Please remember that if i can not contact you i can not let you know you won!!!!!

    Now it just so happens that this post coincides with my 500th post. Yeah me!! I can not believe that this much time has gone by and that i have posted this much! Who knew i had so much to say and share. I have recently met lots of new people in blogland and have gained many new followers. I am so glad to know that there are people out there interested. It is what makes blogging fun for me...the comments, sharing ideas, being inspired. I can not wait to "meet" more of you through giveaway day!!!

    **by the way, family not included. cause i know you guys would do nothing with it!!!**
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  • My weekend projects

    My weekend projects

    I accomplished quite a bit this weekend. I made a mini quilt as part of my youngest daughter's birthday present. It was my first attempt at actually quilting something. In the past I have just tied my quilts. Who knows if I did it right, I just went by what I have read online. I think it turned out pretty cute though! I had a return customer, and writer of the blog Stephmodo request some shirts for her cute daughter. So after I made those (which she posted about on her blog), I had a request for one so I made up a whole bunch of them ( 26 to be exact). Aren't they the sweetest? I was going to make different styles than just the birds, then decided to make it easy on myself and just do the birds, anyways every time I make something with a bird on it, it sells.

    This weekend I also did some much needed housework, hours and hours of it. And I still have more to do, I have been neglecting housework lately, I can't do that anymore, it drives me nuts! I have been in the spring cleaning mood I guess because I want to go through everything and get rid of stuff, after I get all my craft shows done I'm having a yard sale/craft show. Getting money for my unwanted stuff is the best!

    On another note, my husband likes to play his music for the kids, and all three of my girls rock out to it, this weekend my 4 year old was singing Dirty deeds done dirt cheap by AC/DC, it was too funny! Oh the innocence!
  • In Other News...

    In Other News...
    ....besides vacation! Today i re-fashioned/purposed a old dress for Avery into a pinafore for 'prairie days'...something i am going to do with her over the next few weeks. I was trying to figure out what i was going to use and then i came across this old dress, that was just a little too small for her.
    It was already on my sewing table, because i planned on making it into a skirt for her. So i just got out the sewing scissors and cut a straight line as best i could. No marking, no measuring...i just eyeballed it.
    I quickly hemmed the now raw edges and she looked adorable. And as a bonus, because it was lined she can wear it either way, but i think she is partial to the layered look she is showing off here.
    These pretty things were in my mail today. I recently won a contest on Red Pepper Quilt Blog. Rita was so nice to give these Flea Market Fancy blocks away, they are 10 inches square. I already have them laid out on my floor, as Avery and i contemplate how they are all arranged at the moment. I hope i can do them justice. If you love quilts you should check out her blog, she makes beautiful quilts, and fast. Thank you so much Rita, it was a thrill to win!
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  • Sew and Tell Friday

    Sew and Tell Friday
    I made it!!!
    It is not always easy to find what I am looking for. This is the kind of mess i make when i am looking. What was i looking for you might be wondering?....and if you were not that is ok too. :o) I was looking for some scraps to make, maybe the one and only handmade gift i will finish this Christmas. There were some good scraps in there.
    Since i am fully confident that the family member i made this for never reads my blog, i feel comfortable sharing. Sorry, those of you that do read it is not for you. hope you won't be disappointed.
    I made a bread store fresh bread, homemade or otherwise. It is lined with the same green floral in the patchwork. In doing this bag i conquered some of my least favorite things that i am not so great at....buttonhole and interfacing. I know you seasoned sewers are thinking, what those are easy things....but i tend to shy away if i have more to deal with than straight lines. i used this tutorial from this fun blog Adelaide Lemonade. When i saw it i knew right away that it would be a great gift for my uncle who makes bread all the time.
    I embroidered it with the words 'frisches brot'....German for 'fresh bread'. Said aunt and uncle enjoy things of german persuasion...and when i last spoke to my aunt she was gushing about my uncles latest bread and how it was like a good german bread....crisp outside and soft and chewy in the middle. Sounds good to me. hence...frisches brot. NOW, i have not been to Amylouwho's to check out the rest of the finishes because i was too busy trying to finish mine while it was still go and check them out with me. I know there are going to be some great ones.
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  • Scrap Happiness!!

    Scrap Happiness!!
    This week i decided i needed a fast and easy project(i am talking 24 hours from piecing to binding). I also wanted to have a go at some of my scraps!! A personal scrap challenge, if you will, which I found to be harder than i thought. I just can not help myself, i always want to make the fabrics match!

    In comes husband....i asked him for help. "Please Hubby, go through my scraps and pile up the ones that look good." He sure did and even snuck in a challenge piece to see if i would use it...can you find the pirate ship?

    This denim wonky star is my favorite one. I always see scrap quilts and am stunned at how great they look when nothing is the same color and everything is random.

    Right down to the bindings i used scraps...these had been in my bucket all ready to go from previous finished projects.

    Today i want to say thank you to the blog friends out there that are still reading my blog. I would love to send you one of these mug rugs as a thank you!!! Please just leave a comment to let me know you were here and i will choose a winner by the end of the week.

  • Blogger's Quilt Festival

    Blogger's Quilt Festival

    When i was thinking about what quilt to enter into quilt festival i asked my husband which quilt did he like best. His vote was for my Wee Play quilt. It was definitely one of the ones in the running when i was trying to choose. So his vote it is!!!

    This quilt does not have a special story to go along with it, we just love it, and it gets a pretty fair amount of use in our house, especially by the kids. It is always hanging over the arm of the couch waiting for someone to need it.

    I think my favorite thing about it is the way the colors are arranged! A little rainbow in your day is always in order. The quilting is just straight lines, about a 1/4 inch off the seams. It is simple but simple is what makes it beautiful.

    Some of you, who have read my blogs before may recognize it. If you have not seen it before you can see it in progress with more pictures here, and here and finished here. And if you are here visiting from quilt festival please come and take a look at some of the other quilts i have made, here. Be sure to look at all the other links at Amy's blog....there are many and that can be overwhelming...take a few days if you have to, it will be so worth it. You will get loads of inspiration and you might find your new favorite quilting blog. I guarantee you that what you see will take your breath away!

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  • Crafty bits...

    Crafty bits...
    look at it...isn't it cute and so so tiny. A little mini pincushion ring. I think i am going to store it away in Avery's sewing box. I just love how tiny it is.
    The idea was from and inspired by a blog post i had seen at this blog. It is adorable. I thought that if i tried doing it with a yo-yo instead of cutting a little piece of fabric and then trying to sew it on that it might be something i could possibly make. It worked. And the base of it is one of those little milk/cream carton sealers that you pull to open. What a good way to reuse something. It fits right over your finger, and as a bonus the little plastic piece on the inside keep you from stabbing yourself in the finger every time you use a pin.
    i made another bag too, surprise!. I hunted high and low for fabric to use on this one and could not find anything i was happy with...but this little green floral was way at the bottom of one the piles on my fabric shelf, and it spoke to me! Use me it i did.
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  • for family

    for family
    i can blog this gift because i know for sure that the family member that i made it for never looks at the blog. It has been sitting on my sewing table as a pile of fabric, waiting for me to turn it into something. It was supposed to be a birthday gift, way back months ago. Fortunately she is very gracious, because i am a huge procrastinator. It is a quilted table runner. I hope she likes it. I get really terrible "analysis paralysis" because i tend not to use a pattern for things like this. I just get a idea and then i get all vaklempt over how to do it...then i put it off for ages because i can not make a decision. After being on vacation, i was having a little sewing withdrawl, so i thought it best to finish a few instead of starting any new.
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  • What I Made This Year...

    What I Made This Year...

    Here i go, jumping on the end of the year, wrap up blog post wagon....Everyone is doing it!


    This year, lots of things were made. Quilts were quilted, and assorted things were crocheted and sewn but most important of most crafty endeavor by far....i made a baby!! She is the sweetest and cutest one you will ever lay eyes upon ( of course i know all you other mothers feel the same about your own little ones!! and that is ok, we will just agree to disagree!).

    Who knows what this coming year will hold. I don't make resolutions because i really need nothing else to feel guilty about in my life when i inevitably don't accomplish i will set some goals. Small ones are very likely, and crafty ones and perhaps a few that have to do with being healthier. I can't commit to any just yet, perhaps that will be another post.

    Have a happy new year all have been wonderful blog friends. I hope that you are doing something fun tonight. I will be back soon with some more baby updates, of course, and a giveaway to start the new year.
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  • WIP Wednesday....for my honey

    WIP Wednesday....for my honey
    Things have been pretty quiet around the blog, but i am working on projects all the same. 

    I have finished a few small quilts and now have set to work on a twin size for my husband. 


    I don't know what he is going to think, but I am in L-O-V-E with this one.

    I am hugely inspired by and totally crazy in love with this quilt by Emily at MLE knits, who got the basic directions here.


    As i make each block i think that this one for sure is my favorite, until i make another and then i love that one even more. I am smitten!

    It is going to take a little time....18 down and about 100 more to will be slow but sure. i manage to squeeze a few in every day.


    Here is a little layout sneaky peeky!

    Happy WIP Wednesday. Head over to Freshly Pieced and ogle some of the other amazing things getting worked on this week.

      WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced
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  • Two Lovers, The Hangover, Bruno, Harry Potter, Drag Me To Hell, and My Sisters Keeper

    Two Lovers, The Hangover, Bruno, Harry Potter, Drag Me To Hell, and My Sisters Keeper

    Ah I don’t know what has gotten into me lately – I have been blogging like a mad woman! At least two posts a day for the past weekish. There are stints when I find little to no movie news or reviews that interest me but lately... lately there has been tonnes. Dawn French tonnes. If there hasn’t been a new cinema-plex opening or a new movie worth reviewing, then there’s hordes of news which interests me and I want to write about it. I’m hoping this post will satisfy my insatiable urge to write blog posts at the moment and I intend to have at least a day break after this. But seriously, I just HAD to give you the run down on some up and coming new releases. I had a YouTube binge last night and caught up on a bunch of trailers I hadn’t seen and rewatched some I had. Anywho, here’s my selection of MUST SEE movies for the months of June and July.

    Two Lovers

    Two Lovers

    James Gray, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways. Nay, let me count the films; Little Odessa (digged), The Yards (blew my freakin' mind), We Own The Night (adored). Now we have his latest offering and Joaquin Phoenix’s alleged last foray in to acting, Two Lovers. The theme of love and the dark comedic elements are new features in a Gray film which has previously dealt with family relations and crime. However, Two Lovers does look like a splendid adult-drama with a juicy cast. It was released in Australia last week but won’t be screening on the Gold Coast until this Thursday (if we’re lucky).

    The Hangover

    The Hangover

    Looks like this little gem from the director of Old School is shaping up to be the surprise comedy hit of the year, but it’s still early days. The trailer is hilarious and in the US it opened to a $46 – $53 million weekend ahead of the Will Ferrell blockbuster Land of the Lost. The critics are frothing for The Hangover too with the almighty Empire giving it four stars. Pretty impressive for a comedy-formula that seems tired. Apparently one of the many benefits here is instead of covering the dramas of a bachelor party, The Hangover starts once the party is over and the three mates have lost the groom (and their memories). Sounds a like a frat-pack version of Memento but the trailer is very appealing, plus Bradley Cooper is great in pretty much anything he’s in.



    Try and ignore the controversy if you can, but you simply cannot ignore the brilliance of the Bruno trailer. There are few times I have laughed so hard during a trailer. I enjoyed Borat but from the snippets of Bruno I’ve seen, I think Sacha Boren Cohen’s latest character will trump him. The best recommendation I can give this movie is the trailer, I particularly love the African American scenes.

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    Everytime I watch this trailer I get goosebumps. Whether that's because the trailer is actually good or because I'm a massive fan of the books, it's hard to know. I do know this, this movie begins to build towards the Harry Potter series climax which will come to life on screen in the from of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 (to be released six months apart respectively). I’ve never been a huge fan of the films but the last two have certainly improved my expectations dramatically and this looks Potteriffic.

    Drag Me To Hell

    Drag Me To Hell

    Easily the film I’m most excited about on this list. Long before director Sam Raimi did the Spiderman films he dominated the horror genre with his Evil Dead series (among others). Apparently Drag Me To Hell is a hilarious and horrific return to form for one of the genre’s heroes. It premiered at Cannes and since then has got rave reviews from every Tom Dick and Harry film critic. Horror is one of my favourite genres but recently there have been only a handful of decent films. Going off the trailer, Drag Me To Hell looks like an awesome ride and I can’t wait to be genuinely scared at the movies again. Its been too long.

    My Sisters Keeper

    My Sisters Keeper

    I know, it’s hard to get past the vomit-inducing movie poster complete with Abigail Breslin and Cameron Diaz looking cute. My Sister’s Keeper has been a long awaited adaptation of Jodi Piccoult’s best selling novel. I heard great things about the book and was sincerely disappointed upon finishing it. The book was drawn out, self-indulgent and overly soppy. To my surprise, the trailer looks like its done a much better job of compacting the themes and storyline of the novel. Cameron Diaz looks like she’s about deliver a stellar performance but one of the major reasons to see this film has to be Sofia Vassilieva. Here she plays cancer-ridden Kate but most of you would recognise her from tv’s Medium. She’s a superb little actress and I look forward to seeing this movie despite the misleadingly happy poster (when really this is a film about cancer, death and family relations).

    That Land of the Lost shiz is out this Thursday too and as much as I love Will Ferrell, I don’t think I can sit through two hours of him trying to do a Brendan Fraser in Journey to the Centre of the Earth. There’s this other movie you may or may not have heard of, Transformers something? Transformers 2, that’s it. The Bayhem hits screens on June 24 which is, like, so soon for the fanboys patiently waiting. Ew.

    p.s. Mickey Rourke’s turn as Russian baddie Whiplash certainly makes Jack Sparrow look straight as a ruler. This, dear readers, is the latest image off the set of Iron Man 2, the sequel to the Robert Downey Jr hit of `08. Rourke stars as the thorn in Tony Stark’s metallic side for the sequel along with Sam Rockwell as Justin Hammer. This is the first look at Rourke as Whiplash and was pointed to off Jon Favreau’s Twitter account. I must say, the get-up is a bit... erm... campe? With Scar-Jo in leather as Black Widow and Rourke rocking the bondage, it seems the sequel will be catering to all fetishes. Bunuel would be proud kinky has gone so mainstream.

    VIA Two Lovers, The Hangover, Bruno, Harry Potter, Drag Me To Hell, and My Sisters Keeper

  • Tom Andersen talks about horror, 3D & pissing Hollywood off

    Tom Andersen talks about horror, 3D & pissing Hollywood off

    Trick ‘R Treat

    Trick ‘R Treat (movie poster)

    Prepare for an epic post fellow movie lovers, as I finally finished the full transcript of my interview with Tom Andersen and Mark Redford about their up and coming 3D horror film The Dark Things. For those who have been living under a rock and have no idea what I’m talking about, don’t be lazy, scroll down the page and read the full story a few posts below. Anywho, as I eluded to last week, the interview is extremely interesting and Farmer in particular shared some awesome insights on Hollywood, modern horror films and 3D technology. Enjoy and stay tuned for more The Dark Things updates.

    Jane Storm: So now that you’re here, what have you guys been doing so far? Have you been busy scouting locations?
    Tom Andersen: Yes, we’ve already had a meeting with Warner Roadshow Studios and talked about the different places we can film and what Queensland has to offer, which is obviously a lot. We’ve been very happy with that.

    Jane Storm: So you’re definitely coming to shoot here?
    Tom Andersen: Yes, definitely.

    Jane Storm: Cool!
    Tom Andersen: We’ve been giving Todd a quick, rushed Australian education.

    Jane Storm: Have they been getting you hooked on Tim Tams and Vegemite yet? Tom Andersen: Oh, we’ve got him hooked on Tim Tams, but he’s not a fan of Vegemite.
    Mark Redford: The Tim Tams are fine, I have no problem with Tim Tams, but Vegemite…
    Tom Andersen: But he needed to do that to experience what we go through (laughs).

    Jane Storm: And you will be shooting the film primarily at Warner Roadshow Studios?
    Tom Andersen: Yes and on locations throughout the coast.

    Jane Storm: When are you planning to start filming?
    Tom Andersen: The start of the year, definitely next year.

    Jane Storm: Great, I’m just trying to suss that out so I can lurk on set everyday. So, the storyline, it’s about Aboriginal legends that come to life? Have you started writing the script already?
    Mark Redford: I started the outline for this, then decided it would be better to just come here and dive in, meet the people, see the locations and look at pubs. I can write pretending to be an Aussie, but I need to come here to experience it. We have consultants that we’re going to meet with. It’s been quite fun.

    Jane Storm: What kind of research have you had to do so far?
    Mark Redford: Just researching…even film is different. Watching your films compared to our films, they’re different. So, watching films and what I like to do the most is just people watch. While that sounds boring, it’s actually fascinating because everything is different, everyone is different; the way you drive, the way you think. It's really quite fun because I've never done anything like this. At the end of the day it will all come down to the story, it will all come down to the characters. I grew up reading Stephen King and he was great at taking ordinary people and dropping them into extraordinary situations and that's exactly what I'm going to do.

    Jane Storm: Right. As far as Aboriginal legends and Aboriginal culture goes, have you got some experts and consultants who are helping with the projects?
    Tom Andersen: Marcus Waters, he’s a screenwriter and teacher at Griffith University here. We’re actually meeting him today and tomorrow and going over a bunch of stuff.

    Jane Storm: What has the support been like from places like Screen Queensland and Screen Australia?
    Tom Andersen: Everyone has been great and very supportive. You know, film’s not so hot here right now, so they’re excited to be getting a film over here. Everyone has been great, which is a lot different from the states.

    Jane Storm: Why do you think that is?
    Tom Andersen: It helps that I’m Australian too, us Aussies love to back each other. Another thing is I’m bringing home a good story with top Hollywood people. And it’s different, with all the remakes and sequels, it’s different. Everyone is excited to have a breath of fresh air.

    Jane Storm: What made you decide to shoot the film specifically here?
    Tom Andersen: It's an Australian story about Aboriginals; it's not going to work in Canada.

    Jane Storm: No, I meant why on the Gold Coast, out of the whole of Australia?
    Tom Andersen: Because I'm from here, I love it here. And the town that the story is set, it’s on the beach and I love Queensland. I want it here.

    Jane Storm: Did the facilities help drawing you here? I know the studios have quite amazing capabilities. James Cameron’s Sanctum just wrapped filming here and the Narnia entry.
    Tom Andersen: We’ve already had photos sent to us of different locations we’ve fallen in love with. There are some cool areas along the beach and we had some photos sent to us this morning and we saw that and were like `holy hell, that’s perfect’.

    Jane Storm: With the cast, have you got that picked out and underway?
    Mark Redford: No, we just have a wish list.
    Tom Andersen: We’re just going to wait on that right now. We would like to cast Australians, established Australians.
    Mark Redford: I would like to do another nude scene but other than that…

    Jane Storm: (Laughs) What’s the budget?
    Tom Andersen: Around $25 million. This is mainly a research trip, give Todd an education, get our feelers down and meet our producer. We have Mike Lake on board so we’ll be having a chat with him. We’re just flying our soldiers in and getting them ready to go.

    Jane Storm: Now Todd, you were one of the key people behind trying to get Halloween 3D up and running and you worked on My Bloody Valentine, which was my first 3D experience and one I must say I’m a huge fan of. What is it about 3D that lends itself so well to the horror genre?
    Mark Redford: I like it for a number of reasons; I like the rollercoaster aspect of it. There's a couple of ways to do 3D; there's the gimmicky, in-your-face way, which we were not afraid of in My Bloody Valentine. There’s also the Avatar version, which is the more voyeuristic, immersion-type where you are sucked in. But the truth is, you’re going to get that anyway with today’s 3D and you saw it yourself with Valentine and other 3D movies that you see, you’re literally inside. But with a horror movie, you’re even closer to the scares and the action. So I like that, the risk is that because we had a lot of success with Valentine and there’s been a lot of success with other movies, because of that everyone jumped on the 3D bandwagon and the problem is a lot of 3D has been rushed with the conversion process and a lot of the stories. I think at the end of the day it still has to be about the story, it still has to be about telling that story and you have to shoot good 3D. We will be shooting everything in 3D, we won’t be converting. We will be doing everything we did with Valentine and Drive Angry. I think as a result of that, especially here with all the sweeping vistas and the land, it’s going to look quite remarkable.
    Tom Andersen: It’s a tool to telling a good story. There are a lot of crappy stories that are hoping to get by on their 3D and it’s a marketing gimmick. And it is, it’s a good marketing ploy for sure, but we’re using it as another tool to tell a really cool story.

    Jane Storm: You guys have an awesome crew on board with the producers, composers, concept artists, is this a very exciting process, for it to be so early on and have such a great team already?
    Tom Andersen: Exactly, that’s why I did it because I knew to pull this off I had to have the best around me. And I’m in Hollywood with the best so it was just a matter of pull. Everyone realises it’s something unique and who doesn’t want to come to Australia and make a movie, right? `Come to paradise with really cool people, really beautiful beaches!’ That was my lure and then it was just about building a good team. I think it’s like building a house and my foundation is strong, so you’ve just got to keep moving up.

    Jane Storm: Have you made any decisions about the director yet?
    Tom Andersen: We want Patrick Lussier.

    Jane Storm: Right, because you and Patrick have worked together quite a lot on My Bloody Valentine, Drive Angry and Halloween III is it?
    Mark Redford: Yeah. Patrick and I will write it together and depending on how the system works down here and what we can bring and what we can't...
    Tom Andersen: -because we’re going after the 40% (producer) offset.

    Jane Storm: Oh, that explains the caution; they can be really dicky with that.
    Mark Redford: It will also depend on his schedule in the states because he is working on Drive Angry to the end of the year and then there’s another project we may end up working on which won’t affect me for this, but it might affect him.
    Tom Andersen: A couple of things, he’s my first choice for a lot of reasons; he's an amazing editor, an amazing director and in 3D he’s very experienced. You want the best.

    Jane Storm: With the general story idea, what was the appeal with…well, you haven’t gone for a standard slasher flick. Instead you’ve gone with the whole mythical and supernatural take?
    Tom Andersen: Because it hasn’t been done before.

    Jane Storm: It hasn’t?
    Tom Andersen: It’s original. I’m very picky about movies and I’m very in tune with audiences and that’s why Paranormal Activity did well because everyone wants something different. It’s just the same stuff repetitive, sequels and presequels, and this is different. It hasn’t been done before. Then I looked at the 3D aspect of seeing Aboriginal culture in 3D and how amazing would that be? There’s a lot of people that say `oh wow, you’re from Australia, I would so love to go there’ and they’re never going to get here so now I’m brining Australia to them. In 3D. So, it will do well just for that appeal alone and then everyone loves to be scared.

    Jane Storm: And it has so much potential too, the horror twist on Aboriginal legends hasn’t really been done. Well, I guess Prey but that was terrible. So, it hasn’t been done well yet.
    Tom Andersen: Yeah, and we were saying Australian films have a very sort of independent feel and as far as Australian stories go, this is going to be very different. It’s going to be structured very different.

    Jane Storm: Now this is more of a general question, but what is the key to writing a decent horror film?
    Mark Redford: I think at the end of the day it’s about…I’m still scared of everything, which helps, and for me it’s always been about taking everyday life and throwing a twist into it. Certainly we did it with My Bloody Valentine. You take these ordinary people and you put them in a situation where the audience can relate to them and I think if you can do that…that’s another reason Paranormal Activity worked so well because you watch the movie and think `what if that was me?’ So, as long as the characters are first, as long as they’re relatable, they can be as unique on screen as they can in a person. I started in the horror genre because when I started, that’s what you did, that was how you broke into the business. So, back then it was just Miramax and New Line, those guys making horror movies and then Scream came out and that kind of blew the lid off everything and we were all a part of it. Now everybody has a genre department and what ended up happening is the same thing that I think will end up happening with 3D; a lot of people were making horror and some of them were horrible. I think as long as you put the characters first, as long as you put the story first, as long as you keep the momentum of the story, then the rest is about creating situations that scare you as a writer.

    Jane Storm: Both of you seem like really big fans of the horror genre. What is it about it that you love so much?
    Tom Andersen: I love the rollercoaster ride. You go to the movies and you want a thrill, you want to leave going `wow’ and that’s what I like about it. You know, I don’t like torture, gore, blood and guts, I don’t want to look at that. I want a rollercoaster ride where I’m scared and where you’re trying to solve it…like The Sixth Sense. I think that was perfect. I loved that twist and you think you have it figured out, but you can watch that movie three or four times and always see something different. There’s suspense, I love that about it. That’s what I want for this, rather than `oh look, someone’s dead and their guts is everywhere’. Obviously that will be in there, but there will be a reason, not just insanity. Mark Redford: I just like scaring people.

    Jane Storm: (Laughs) Out of all your projects Todd, what would you say is a favourite of yours? Which is your baby?
    Mark Redford: At this point, Drive Angry, which will come out 19th of February, we just wrapped it. The reason I like it so much is because what we wrote is what we were able to shoot. You know, Jason X changed a little, The Messengers changed a little, the others have changed, but Drive Angry didn’t. So we’re hoping for the same thing here, we write this and then we can go shoot.

    Jane Storm: I saw the bloody car from Drive Angry that you posted on your blog, it looks awesome.
    Mark Redford: Yeah, that was Gary (J. Tunnicliffe), the dude is just remarkable. He’s killed me more than anyone else and he’s really the only one I would want to.

    Jane Storm: So what’s the rest of the schedule like for you guys? What’s the next step when you go back?
    Mark Redford: I dive in and start making the magic.
    *my phone starts ringing* Mark Redford: Nice ring tone.
    Jane Storm: Thanks, nothing like a bit of Wu Tang Clan (Kill Bill Theme). Sorry about that. Okay, so the next question I have to ask you is, please don’t be offended, but a friend of mine wanted me to ask you what shrooms were you on when you put Jason in space? Mark Redford: The big ones, the big yellow ones with the hairs. (Laughs) Okay, it’s funny because Michael De Luca was running New Line at the time, the guy who green lit Jason X, and he read the script and loved the script. So, that’s what we went in and pitched; Alien and Aliens, a combination of the two movies so that you take those actors and the aliens and you pull those out and then you have Jason with a real crew, ghetto, raw, no slapstick in-your-face jokes. It was just a very dirty movie, dark and dirty. Then Scream came out and suddenly everyone wanted everything to be tongue-in-cheek, so things changed as a result. But it’s funny now because De Luca is producing Drive Angry and what we like about him is he was like `Jason X was a great script, what happened?’ Now a lot of people still love Jason X, a lot of people hate it, my excuse is, well, I wrote what I wanted and maybe that didn’t get made, but it bought me an Audi. But I loved Alien and I love Aliens, and I still think that someone will take another scary movie into space.

    Jane Storm: When you say take another scary movie into space, do you mean the slasher genre?
    Mark Redford: Yes, I don’t understand why a slasher can’t…I mean, I know slashers have gone into space and I know one can, why couldn’t it? It’s all about production value and it’s all about story, and so far those two have not made it into space from some sort of slashers point of view. It’s just a matter of time. If Kevin (Williamson) had written Scream in space it would have worked, that was fantastic. They better do a good job on Scream 4, I see him tweet about it all the time. You following him?
    Jane Storm: Yeah, I was so pissed off last fortnight when he was doing a give away of signed posters and our work computers are so slow that even though I had the right answers, I would miss out because it wouldn’t update before all the crazy Americans who answered a second after. Mark Redford: I saw it way too late, otherwise I would have tried to.

    Jane Storm: (Laughs) Oh come on, you would be able to get a poster from him, surely?
    Mark Redford: No, he wouldn’t give me a free poster. He’s honestly a really nice guy though.

    Jane Storm: Finally, this is a more general question, but what are some of your favourite films? Whether that’s horror or whatever?
    Tom Andersen: The classic ones like Jaws, Alien, The Sixth Sense and all of the different elements in those. I like the hunt, the twists, you think you know what’s going on but you don’t. What I like is that people could know what’s going on, and they’re given the signs, but they see what they want to see.
    Mark Redford: Oddly enough some of the same movies; Alien and Aliens, Jaws was the first movie that scared the crap out of me, The Exorcist I saw next and both of those movies influenced me, and Star Wars on a how to tell a story level, especially The Empire Strikes Back, those were, granted, big fantasy movies but as far as the mythology and linear story structure, those were pretty incredible. It was Quentin Tarantino that taught me to actually break the rules a little bit and go outside the Hollywood system, write outside the Hollywood system, and create characters that were interesting and didn’t fall into the norm. I don’t have a favourite movie, I get asked all the time, but it’s literally a lot of great movies.

    Jane Storm: What else do you have to do before you can get back here and film?
    Tom Andersen: We’ve learnt a lot on this trip. Now we’ve got to get the script down and tight, we want to make sure it’s good and not rush that because you only get one shot. Then just hit it.

    Jane Storm: Fantastic, well that’s pretty much everything I have to ask you guys. If you don’t mind we’ll head out and get the pic taken soon?
    Tom Andersen: Yeah sure.
    Mark Redford: I sent you a really creepy tweet when you arrived.

    Jane Storm: (Laughs) Oh really? Awesome.
    Mark Redford: I wrote `I’m looking at you right now’.

    Jane Storm: (Laughs) I love it!
    Mark Redford: That’s creepy, it was when you were walking in right then.

    Jane Storm: I love how you are so interactive with your fans online and getting content out there.
    Mark Redford: Well, it has got me into trouble. Hollywood doesn’t want you to tell the things that I sometimes tell. They certainly didn’t want me telling the Halloween 3D story. It didn’t get me into trouble, they just didn’t like it. But there’s nothing they can do about it.

    Jane Storm: It probably got you a lot of respect from people as well.
    Mark Redford: I think from the fan base perhaps.

    Jane Storm: The Bloody Disgusting guys were on to it.
    Mark Redford: Yeah, but they always shoot it straight anyway and that’s why I like them. That’s why I like Brad and those guys. I don’t like rude behaviour, even from a studio.

    Jane Storm: Yeah, I’m a big fan of Bloody Disgusting because they cover everything. They don’t just look at the big, commercial horror films, but they give time to the independent, small-budget and foreign language stuff that you wouldn’t know about otherwise.
    Mark Redford: I trust those guys because if I know they like something I know that it’s worth my time. Everybody’s opinion is different, but I trust their judgment.

    Tom Andersen talks about horror, 3D & pissing Hollywood off, 9 out of 10 (based on 452 votes)

    VIA Tom Andersen talks about horror, 3D & pissing Hollywood off

  • Day 40

    Day 40

    The one a day 9 patch at Amandajean's blog is about on day 40. I was way way behind...I only had 24. So i tried to catch up and leave myself a little buffer again today and yesterday. I now have 44...this is all of them. I switched around my fabric combination's so i have extra blocks out of the same fabrics...yellows, pinks, greens and blues.
    Posted by Picasa
  • Bee Blocks Update

    Bee Blocks Update
    A little while back there was a huge earthquake in New Zealand, near Christchurch where the wonderful Deb from Works in Progress lives. She has a giving heart and wanted to do something for those that lost everything....she started a earthquake quilts project, and asked for a little help.

    I was able to make up a few blocks to send to her this week. She specifically requested that they be in blues and reds. I hope that they work out Deb, i enjoyed making them.
    The first two were made from a simple tutorial she provided in case we were stuck and could not think of what to make.

    These wonky stars were made for Deb from my favorite star tutorial at Silly Boo Dilly blog. They always turn out amazing and i always love them!

    These last three blocks are for my vintage sheet freedom bee, also started by Deb. I am plugging my way through them so that i can be done in time to have them back to all the other ladies before i have this baby.


    for Deb


    for Tracey


    for Jilly
    Posted by Picasa
  • Before and After

    Before and After
    Oh the magic of fabric!! What a difference it makes. I have had this composition notebook for sometime and that time is starting to take its toll on the notebook. It is fraying and falling apart and generally a mess. I use it for everything and anything and take it everywhere.
    I found a tutorial on making a notebook cover here at Joy's Hope blog. It was easy to follow and fast! And my notebook is pretty now. How fun is that?
    Posted by Picasa
  • Get "Mad" at Banana Republic

     Get "Mad" at Banana Republic

    Mad Dolls

    Mad Dolls

    I was thrilled to open up the newspaper today and see an article about the new Mad Men-inspired collection that is going to be launching at Banana Republic on August 11th! My boyfriend got me into watching Mad Men this year, and I quickly caught up on everything I missed. I adore the show and I can't wait for the next season in 2014. I'm drawn to the show for so many reasons (cough-Don Draper-cough), but the main reason: the fashion! The 1960s style is fabulous. Whether you're a Betty, a Peggy, or a Joan - the clothes are drool-worthy.

    This summer, Banana Republic has teamed up with Janie Bryant, the costume designer for the show, to offer fans classic pieces with modern-day twists. In the newspaper article I read, it was said that the collection wouldn't focus on classic sixties colors, like mustard yellow and bright green, but would work more with black, navy, and red for a sophisticated edge. The boyfriend and I are certainly excited to scope out the pieces when they hit stores.

    I was lucky enough to win an amazing giveaway over at A Life in the Fashion Lane. This blog has become one of my favorite reads; the blogger, Alexa, has a great sense of style and writes really sweet posts. I was so excited to find out I had won this beautiful romper by Lucca Couture! This is the first romper I've ever owned, and I love the way it fits. I'd love to add a few more to my collection! Thanks for offering this great prize, Alexa! Everyone should go check out A Life in the Fashion Lane. You won't be disappointed!

    Dear readers, I cannot believe that this is the first time I'm introducing my family's awesome little Puggle (pug/beagle mix) to you! This is Abby, and she's the funniest, sweetest, cutest dog you will ever meet. I promise you we normally do not dress her up, but she started nosing her way into a shirt I had left on my bed and... we couldn't resist. She actually didn't seem to mind too much about the scarf or hat that we put on her, once she was told that there was a cookie waiting for her. So here's my little fashionista, always playing it up for the camera!

    VIA Get "Mad" at Banana Republic

  • Quilting for Australia

    Quilting for Australia
    sevingSome of you may have seen the news stories about the tragic bushfires in Australia. I think there is a natural instinct in all of us to want to do something when there are people in this much need. But, being so far away from there what could i really do? Then Friday morning while i was blogging around before the kids got up i found this project, the Bushfire Quilt Project. Generously put together by this wonderful lady at Camp Follower Bags and Quilts Blog.
    She had the idea to have a international quilting bee to make quilts for some of those people that are in need. A hug, if you will, of love and support from people all around the world.
    A tutorial was put out on how to make these "wonky stars". When i saw this i knew this could be my way of helping. Quilting is not much but it is something that i can do. This project was also nice for me because it was something i had not tried before and it stopped at piecing.
    I did not have to make a full top or quilt anything, so there is no unfinished project hanging over my head. It was all the satisfaction and none of the guilt. It is really nice to be part of something bigger that me.
    This one is my very favorite. I had these pieced and finished all in one day. And despite my usual aversion to the post office i had them ready to go out Saturday. This was foiled by the post office closing early, sunday and a holiday....but i will get them there tomorrow, i swear!
    Posted by Picasa
  • I love my bed!

    I love my bed!

    My dress

    I sometimes wonder what I would be like without my history of obesity and self-esteem issues. Would I have grown up sporty, confident, the life of the party? Or would I still be an introvert, thoughtful and quiet, as I am today?

    A few months ago I started a new job, and the team I joined is full of very outgoing and social folks - quite different to what I'm used to, with my background in publishing. (I'm used to being surrounded by lovely bookish types, who were usually very much like myself!) In this new job, I seem to be constantly feeling like a social misfit. The negative self talk is running rife, and it seems to peak on Fridays, when my colleagues spend half the afternoon talking about their plans to booze and dance the night away. All the while I am secretly looking forward to my night of a yummy home-cooked dinner, blog reading and snuggling up on the couch to watch Better Homes & Gardens!

    In my late teens I drank and danced many a weekend away, but these days I much prefer going out for brunch or to a delicious dinner with friends, having fun but also getting home at a fairly decent hour. I'm also quite shy, although I hide it well (I think - most of the time, anyway), so the thought of socialising with people I barely know really does strike fear into my heart.

    But at the same time, a part of me is curious and a bit envious about my colleagues' plans. I always think, maybe I should make the effort to put myself out there and make new friends rather than heading home to my comfortable little life? But usually, my terror at the thought quickly puts an end to any fantasies of the sort.

    I keep finding myself wondering if this is really me - if I'm just growing up and past the partying stage - or is it my weight and my lack of confidence talking? If this is really me, I should feel happy about staying true to myself and try to work on quietening those evil thoughts that tell me I'm not good enough. But to deny myself adventures and fun nights out purely because I am lacking in confidence and embarrassed about my weight is another story. The thought of that makes me very sad indeed.

    So, what to do? I guess only time will tell - perhaps as I continue on this healthy journey I will feel more like meeting new people and putting myself out on a limb. In the meantime, I will keep trying my best to ignore the shouty, negative thoughts in my head every time I'm very obviously the only girl in the office going home to my couch, my lovely man and my cuddly kitty cats.

    Do you suffer from social anxiety? Have you reached the stage where you prefer nights at home to big nights out on the town? Help me feel like less of a social pariah - please!

    VIA I love my bed!