I feel like I have not blogged any crafty stuff in awhile. However, i still feel like i am getting some things done. I have a bunch of new projects in my head that i am dying to get out, but i felt that i should make a point of clearing off my sewing table first. This quilt was inspired by my Mitchie. He really loves rainbows....he gets so excited when he sees one and always points them out to us. This started taking shape way back in October when i picked all the fabrics out with my mom. It only needed some finishing but that is the part that always takes me the longest even though it is not the hardest. It has been on my sewing pile just waiting. Well, this past week i finally dove back in and machine quilted it. This is my first machine quilting undertaking. It was tricky but i think i made it work. I did not use a pattern of any kind, just made it up. I wanted to represent the rainbow but show it in a different way. Chris and the kids thought they would have a little fun with the picture taking this morning...see all the legs sticking out! I was going to hang it on Mitchies wall where he could have a rainbow over him but now i don't know....i am just enjoying having it done