Sew La Ti Embroidery:

  • More Gifts from Afar

    More Gifts from Afar
    Recently, upon seeing some of my pictures of toothless Avery, my new "blog" friend(also named Leslie) offered to send me one of her cutie cute owl tooth pillows. She is a very creative lady. i obviously did not turn her down. They came in the mail this week and there was one for Mitchie as well. Are they cute or what?

    Leslie, the kids love them. They were a hit as soon as they came out of the box...even more than that, thanks for sending it to them. They loved having mail with their names on it. Thank you for thinking of us. We love them!
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  • Robots, Gears and Bugs

    Robots, Gears and Bugs
    Doesn't that sound just like little boys?!

    This is my 600th post...they seem to be flying by. SO for this post i wanted to share something i have been working on. None of it is finished, just works in progress.

    This is the boy version of my nursery plan. Since we did not find out the gender of the baby it is my plan to make a girl version and a boy version. I had big ideas to make the whole thing like, what is now going to be used as or referred to as the dresser topper below....little squares inside big squares. But, my patience wore out as it usually does and i decided to just go ahead and feature the fabric by using big 8 inch blocks of fabric.


    I used Cogsmo fabric by Cosmo Cricket. I really love it and it appeals to my husband nerd sense with all the gears, and circuit boards. I just got some more of it in the mail so that i could finish it all up. So what started as a quilt idea for the baby has turned into a quilt, a dresser topper and a wall hanging. I hope i love it all as much when i am done.


    And this is the featured bug part of my post son has had a knack lately for finding stick bugs. I had no idea we had them here in NY, as i have only seen them in the insect part of the zoo. But here is one of them...there are two named Camo and Flage. Mitch named them. They kind of creep me out when they are not in their container home. They are living together now, hopefully they don't duel it out to the death or loss of limbs!


    ***I am going to add this to sew and tell at Amylouwho's this week since it is the greatest amount of sewing i have gotten done in a long time. GO and check everyone else out. There is, as always, some really great stuff to look at.***

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  • First Projects

    First Projects
    Mitchell has been asking to sew for some time now....i was not putting him off for any real reason, but when he asked again last night the time just felt right, and i knew the project he was wanting to make would only take a little bit of time!!! So, off to the sewing closet we went to pick fabric!


    He is a natural....i talked him through it for a few minutes , then he got his rhythm and he was off. The seams are even straight!!

    I don't know about you but this picture screams to me.....

    "Yeah i know i am crazy...look at me....i can sew! Wanna mess with that!"

    In other sewing news, the hand sewing on my Ruby quilt has been moving pretty slow. i forgot how long hand work can take. I wanted to get it done for a special persons birthday next week....i don't think i will make it but i am going to keep trying.

  • Sew and Tell Friday

    Sew and Tell Friday
    This has been one busy week!! I had family here from out of town. We got to go out and do lots of fun things together. Fun, but man my feet are tired!!! There was not a lot of sewing time to be had. But somehow i managed to squeeze in a little time for it. You know those moments when you just feel it, you know you need to make something.

    I sat in my upstairs hall and basically dumped out all of my scraps on the floor around my sister and I searching for some that went together, so that i could make another mini quilt(see the first one here). This time a little larger but still mini!!! It measures somewhere between 4x6 and 5x7. There are a variety of fabrics in here...wonderland, wee play, flutterby, recess...and i included some selvage on it just to try it out. This is the first time i have used any selvage and i love it!

    I assembled it randomly, hand cutting pieces and just sewing them wherever they fit. I quilted it this way too....just put it in the machine and hoped for the best. Needless to say this plan meant i had some unpicking to do! I was able to frame it in a shadowbox...held in with pretty pearl pins! Now it is hanging on the wall upstairs outside my bedroom where i can see it and enjoy it every time i walk through the door.


    Today is sew and tell at Amylouwho's. Click the link on my sidebar or right here to go and see what everyone made this week. I bet there are a lot of beautiful springy projects. Have a wonderful Easter!
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  • Rainbow's

    I feel like I have not blogged any crafty stuff in awhile. However, i still feel like i am getting some things done. I have a bunch of new projects in my head that i am dying to get out, but i felt that i should make a point of clearing off my sewing table first. This quilt was inspired by my Mitchie. He really loves rainbows....he gets so excited when he sees one and always points them out to us. This started taking shape way back in October when i picked all the fabrics out with my mom. It only needed some finishing but that is the part that always takes me the longest even though it is not the hardest. It has been on my sewing pile just waiting. Well, this past week i finally dove back in and machine quilted it. This is my first machine quilting undertaking. It was tricky but i think i made it work. I did not use a pattern of any kind, just made it up. I wanted to represent the rainbow but show it in a different way. Chris and the kids thought they would have a little fun with the picture taking this morning...see all the legs sticking out! I was going to hang it on Mitchies wall where he could have a rainbow over him but now i don't know....i am just enjoying having it done




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  • Jammie Time!!

    Jammie Time!!

    This is one of the projects that i finished this week. I made jammie pants. I did not really intend for them to be that only but Avery and Mitchell seem to have adopted them as such. They both wore them for a day straight after they were done. I made patterns for these based on pajama pants that they have in their drawers...fold, trace, cut, sew and voila they are done. My models were getting a little sassy with the poses.
    seving seving

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  • First Finished Projects

    First Finished Projects
    Last night and into the wee hours of the morning i finished sewing a binding on Avery's first quilting project. A little while back i showed the top after she had sewn it all together. She went on to choose what kind of quilting we would do, and what fabric we would use for the backing and binding. I think she did a really great job with all the sewing and quilting. She was so proud to make it and give it to her friend that is moving soon. She has a great eye for the color, i am very proud of her.
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  • Displaying Treasures

    Displaying Treasures
    i love the way nature and natural things is encouraged in Charlotte Mason and Waldorf styles of teaching. I especially love the use of a nature shelf or nature table. I really wanted one. My kids are forever collecting up tons of treasures on all our walks and hikes into the woods....for that matter i am too!! I hate to get rid of them so we are now happily displaying them on our newly dressed up nature shelf.
    The other night i quickly made up this little quilt to put everything on. I just used some tan linen and a green floral for the binding. I wanted it to protect the paint on the shelf and make it a little easier to see the treasures...dark treasures on dark shelf get kind of lost. The kids were so excited when i put it there for them the next morning. Right away Avery very neatly laid out all the things they had collected which had previously just been in one big heap. They are actually coming to look at them and study and enjoy them now instead of them being forgotten.
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  • sewing central

    sewing central
    There has been a lot of sewing going on here. This first picture is a great representation of what my sewing table looks like all the time. Computer open to a pattern, a heap of fabric waiting to be made into something and a half drank cup of warmish tea. I wish i had a more tidy place to sew but for now the only place is right in the middle of my living and dining room. Now that it is all out all the time i definitely get more done than when i was using the dining table and had to put it all away for every meal and company. Long ago Avery asked for a baby doll sling. I used one for Mitch when he was small and she wanted one the same. That tells you how long she has been asking for one. I was inspired this week, found a simple pattern and they literally took barely half an hour each. Don't they make lovely models? Mitch is very into the dolls and make believe right now and he has a baby with him just as often as Avery does. That is his Rudy. I hope they make good use out of their new baby slings. I particularly love the goldfish fabric that Mitchie's is made from.



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  • craft this

    craft this
    Avery and Mitch got right in the thick of things with this project. I had them paint wooden game pieces for the tic tac toe board i made them. I had a pattern and finally got a chance to make it(not the greatest photos, oh well). They seem to be enjoying it and are starting to understand the concept of the game. They were very intent to paint those and they did a really great job.

    seving seving

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  • Starting Young

    Starting Young
    Tonight Avery sewed up her first quilt top. She plans on giving it to a friend. She picked the fabric out a few weeks ago all on her own. The kid has a good eye!
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