Sew La Ti Embroidery [Search results for sewing

  • Scrap Happy Table Runner tutorial

    Scrap Happy Table Runner tutorial

    This was my submission for the So You Think Your Crafty Auditions. I didn't make the top ten so I won't be going on (I think I was 12). It was fun seeing all the other fun projects and finding new to me blogs! There was alot of fun projects submitted and I am excited to see what season 3 brings. Anyways, I took pictures while I was making it so here is a tutorial!

    SewingHere is what you will need:

    scraps of fabric, doilies, trim, really you could use anything that could be sewn down and would look cute.

    Sewing You will also need two pieces of your main fabric (I used a cream colored Kona cotton) and a piece of batting (I used warm and natural batting)

    I cut my pieces about 37" by 13" but you can make any size you want.

    SewingOnce you have your two main fabric pieces and your batting cut, lay them down in this order: batting first, then your two main fabrics on top of that right sides together.

    Sewing Then pin all your layers together so you can sew them together without them shifting. ( I know this part isn't fun, I hate pinning and avoid it unless I have to).

    SewingThen starting somewhere in the middle of a side, sew around the whole thing using a 1/4 inch seam, except you need to leave about a 3 or 4 inch hole so that you can turn it right side out.

    like this

    SewingOnce you have sewn around the whole thing, clip the extra corner fabric tips off to make it easier to turn the corners out.

    Sewing Then turn it right side out, I like to use a plastic chopstick I found at IKEA to help with the corners.

    Once you get it right side out, take it to your ironing board and iron the whole thing, taking care to pay attention to that hole you left for turning and ironing that part in so you won't be able to tell where it was.

    Sewing Then, sew around the edge, again pay attention to the part where the hole was to make sure you get it sewn shut.

    SewingAfter I got that done I added pom pom trim to both my ends. (sorry for the picture quality, it started getting dark when i made this and I am too lazy to edit the pictures right now). After that I just layed down my bits of handkerchief and doilies down and then cut pieces of fabric to fit in the spaces that were left. I hope that makes sense.

    Sewing Then I pinned them all down.

    SewingNow, take it to your sewing machine and sew all those bits down, (I left the edges of all my fabrics raw by the way, once it goes through the wash they will get a yummy frayed edge) I rolled the one end up so it would fit nicely in my sewing machine. Just be careful of the pins so you don't get poked ( I didn't get poked at all ) :)

    SewingAnd here's a tip, when I got one piece all sewed down, I didn't cut the thread, I just picked up the presser foot and moved over to another piece. Can you see the threads in the picture? Then after I got all the pieces sewn down I clipped all the threads.

    Sewing Then I added bits of embroidery wherever I felt like it.

    Then you are done and you have a happy table runner!
  • Flower embellishment tutorial

    Flower embellishment tutorial
    SewingWhat you will need:
    Something to embellish, I chose a tank top.
    rotary cutter, mat and ruler
    sewing machine

    When I do a shirt, I usually put three flowers on it, you could do as many or as little as you want, I like groups in odd numbers, I think it looks better.
    First step: cut out three strips of fabric that are 10 inches long by 1 1/2 inches wide (when I have embellished shirts for my girls, I make them about 1o inches long and 1 inch wide)

    SewingStep 2: If you need to, iron your pieces. Then fold back on itself into a circle shape.

    When I get to the end, I fold it under.

    SewingThen I take it to my ironing board and iron it flat.

    I think this just makes it easier to sew it down. I do all three flowers to this point.

    Then I figure out where I want the flowers to be placed and I sew them down. I start where the two ends meet and usually in a star shape. Really you could sew them down however you want, you could even hand stitch them down.
    Sorry some of my pictures have weird lighting, a couple of them were at night.

    Here they are almost done!

    The last step is to sew the buttons on! And now you have a cute flower shirt or whatever you want to embellish! I've used these on dresses, bags, and shirts.
    Have Fun! I hope this made sense :)
  • Sewing slump!

    Sewing slump!
    For the past few weeks I have not really felt like sewing. I don't know if it is because I have been sick, or just maybe I needed a break from sewing, or maybe I have been spending too much time online, or maybe a combination of all. It is frustrating me so very much. I am going to try making myself and my children some things since it has been awhile since I have. I'm hoping this will help to get me excited about sewing again. Not that sewing is not exciting, one minute you have a piece of fabric and then you cut it, sew it, and you have something cool and useful. So my next few posts will probably be about what I have been creating for myself or my children. So last night I made myself a skirt, it turned out really cool I think. This fabric came from a bedspread that I bought at Urban Outfitters in the clearance section for $5 and the trim on the bottom was thrifted. Maybe this sewing for myself thing will get me out of this slump!
  • Sewing is Taking Over My Life

    Sewing is Taking Over My Life


    I don't consider myself to have poor time management, in fact I'm organised. Really organised. Like chill out Reana Louise and put the filing system down organised. However, I find I have no time this year. Yes I work, yes I study full time, yes I have a social life (admittedly a bit small and pathetic), but I do that every year. So who's the culprit? What's to blame? Sewing.

    I've been dreaming about sewing?

    I'm obsessed - did you know that Well of course you didn't because I'm telling you now, but I do! All the time I think about it. Whenever I leave the house I'm dissecting other people's outfits thinking how was it made? How does it sit like that? Will that warp? How hard would it be to get those stripes to line up? I'm mad, totally sewing mad I tell you!

    And it's not like I'm overly fecund, I've only produced a handful of garments. So much of my time is spent scouring the inspiration, blogs, and communities in the big time-sucking device that is the internet. And then there's this blog - which is so much fun being able to express ideas and ask questions to people who love sewing as much as I do (I already bore my friends with art, I can't push this on them too).

    But it's not as bad as I might be making out, it's so rewarding creating something and then wearing it. But what about you guys? Are you as obsessed as me, or do you take sewing in your stride? Is there anything else that you're obsessed with?

    My swishable floral dress is completed and I'm really happy with the result!

    Especially the way it fits... I'm not going to bore you with all of the details, just a quick run through with links to techniques. If you have any questions, please ask me!

    I practically snatched it from the poor postman. You see, I live in a house of girls and a fair bit of online-shopping happens around here. Much time is spent out the front with tea-in-hand eyeing his arrival down like vultures - so hopefully he's used to it. Talking of online shopping my roommate just bought this dress from modcloth, how pretty is it? As you know I'm buying zero clothes this year so I have to live vicariously through them. Thank god they have such great taste!

    But back onto my original point... New bikini pattern means I'm now ready to buy some fabric! The only problem is I think there's a secret kingdom of gorgeous and appropriately priced stretchy bikini fabric that is hiding from me. I've done a bit of hunting at the local fabric shops but their lycra is more 5th-grade-gymnast-team than hot-woman-strutting-about-Europe. Where is all of the good swimmer fabric?

    So far 'Beach Animation' from Tessuti is winning, the only problem is that I think the pattern might be a little too big? One butt cheek might look like a giant flower, and the other a dark navy space? Is it Ok to have a lop-sided butt? I definitely don't want the flower in the middle.

    I've scrummaged through etsy too and couldn't find anything that felt 'right'. And then I need lining! Picking fabric for me is one of the fun tasks (unlike hemming, or ironing- snore) but I feel this is something I need a little help with.

    So come one... give me your secrets! Have you found some swimwear fabric that you're dying to use and would be willing to share the source? Do you know where the secret kingdom of luscious lycra is hiding?

    VIA Sewing is Taking Over My Life

  • My Sewing Space

    My Sewing Space
    Amandajean at Crazy Mom Quilts was asking to see everyone's workspace. i thought that i would do my best at playing along. My sewing space is made up of several little areas around my house. Sorry about the funky lighting, it seems that i could not win between night and rainy gloomy day.

    My table is right in the middle of my living room. It is not the greatest place to have my stuff spread out but there is nowhere else that it is as functional for me. This way i can be where my kids are and watch a show or listen to music while i sew. My table leaves a little to be desired. It is a plastic folding table and when you try to really get sewing the table bounces and i get a little dizzy! :o)
    I have my ironing board and iron always set up just across from the sewing table. I have been trying to come up with some more aesthetically pleasing solutions to my sewing area lately... like getting some kind of cabinet to store all the things that are on the table so i can get a smaller one, and using a table top iron instead. Then i can shut the cabinet and not have all the clutter.
    All my fabric that is not in use or about to be in use is upstairs in my fabric closet. the shelf, rolling cart and three wire shelves in the back all have sewing stuff. I keep the shelf color coded and i keep bundles together that i know i am going to use together. The batting is on the floor in rolls and in a bucket in the corner of the closet...there are even several bags of hand-me-down fabric there that you can not see.
    This bucket is under the sewing table...i usually keep the stuff that i am wanting to work with or stuff that is brand new in here so i can look at it once in awhile for ideas....and also as a reminder that i should get cracking on some of the things in there. Thanks for coming along on my messy little tour....i am looking forward to going over to Amandajean's and checking out some of the other work spaces out there.
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  • Morning to myself

    Morning to myself
    The kids slept over at my Mom and Dad's house last night, and this morning they hung out with Nana (my Mom). Casey had to go to work super early this morning, so I had the whole morning and part of the afternoon to myself. I resisted going to the fabric store, I was proud of myself (it helps though when there is no money to spend on fabric)
    SewingI stayed at home most of the morning listening to music and finishing up this batch of dresses for Craft Lake City, which is next Saturday!
    I am smitten with these dresses, they are adorable. I even sold one today before I finished getting the price tags on them :) They are like the one I made for Sage a couple weeks ago.

    Here are some of my faves.




    SewingI did leave to get lunch from Cutler's one of my favorite local sandwich shops, I always have to get a mint brownie cookie, delish!
    It's nice to have the house to myself every once in awhile :)

  • Bits and pieces

    Bits and pieces

    I had a ton of projects to finish for August! First up, I participated in Oh Hello Friend's lovely package exchange. Here is the package I put together for my partner. I love doing these swaps, I have so much fun putting a package together. Sadly, I forgot to take a picture of the box I sent it in, it was super cute I thought, I taped patterned papers all over it. This picture really only gives you a peek at some of the contents. Here is what I sent: a basketful of vintage fabrics, ribbons and buttons, a jar of jelly bellies, the coolest leather journal with gold birds stamped all over from Anthropologie, a wooden stick pencil, a painted sea shell necklace, a couple of vintage flower hair pins, and a headband.

    Sewing Here are my pretty packages I received from Oni! Brown paper packages tied up in strings, these are a few of my favorite things.

    Sewing Here is what was inside! Vintage cards, handmade cards, vintage sewing patterns, buttons, and the coolest handmade necklace! Thanks Oni. I love everything!

    I also participated in Modern Jax's scrappy Christmas block swap.
    I got the ones done for my teammates just in time to send yesterday, I still have the charity block to send on it's way today. These were fun and gave me an excuse to buy Christmas fabric :)

    And here is Amy's block for a Notion or Two, I actually got this one done before my trip, but didn't get around to sending it until yesterday, shame on me. She'll probably get it today though, she doesn't live far from me.
    I still have one more block for another quilting bee from August, I need to get my butt in gear today and make that one!

  • A wardrobe for a doll

    A wardrobe for a doll
    Kinsley's birthday was over the weekend. One of the things she requested was clothes for her American Girl doll. I decided she would also need somewhere to put all those clothes, so I modge podged a thrifted train case for her.

    Not all the thrifted train cases I have found still have their little tray, this one did, it was perfect for shoes and accessories.

    And the clothes fit perfect underneath.

    I ended up buying a few things that I didn't want to make or couldn't make myself.

    I ended up making two dresses. My favorite being the one on the right, I used a whole bunch of vintage lace and ribbons.

    I made three different skirts, these were so much fun for me. Then I made a headband and a couple hair clips. And a bag with a little wallet.
    I had to make myself stop making things, it was so much fun, and to see her face when she opened it up was priceless :)
  • Has anyone seen my Living Room?

    Has anyone seen my Living Room?
    Sewing When I am in sewing mode (which is most of the time) my Living Room disappears. It is the only space I can do my sewing unless I was to use the Kitchen table, but then we would never be able to eat.
    Sewing The corner by my bed becomes a mountain of fabric too.

    But look at the fun bags I made! My favorite is this one with the bird in the tree. Note to self: I must make myself a new purse.
    I am crazily getting ready for Oh sweet Sadie! Art Market and The Traveling Trunk.

  • First finished quilt and other stuff.

    First finished quilt and other stuff.
    I finished, I finished! It just came out of the dryer and I LOVE it!
    My very first all the way finished quilt!
    Sorry, I had to take a picture of it in the shade, it was way too sunny on the wall I like to take pictures on.

    The back is even cute! Now what quilt shall I finish next?
    Maybe my Mod Sampler. I just have to put the outside sashing pieces on it and piece the back for it.

    We weeded, tilled, and planted our garden on Saturday! We timed it perfect, as soon as we got done, it started sprinkling a bit. It might seem really late, but this is Utah people :) I think our last frost date is something like May 15th. I love having a garden even though I still don't really know what I am doing. We planted tomatoes for tomato basil sauce, little tiny orange tomatoes, which are my fave, three different kinds of peppers, beans, cucumbers, basil, thyme, and some marigolds. At the back, we have a row of raspberry bushes that we planted last year that are doing really well, we had a couple die last year after we transplanted them from my parent's, but we had quite a few shoots this year that we moved, hopefully they will work, we should have moved them a couple of months ago. We also have oregano and chives.

    And we have a friend in the garden too. Yesterday we took the kid's to A Night at the Museum, the kids liked it, it was a good show. All in all we had a nice weekend, which was needed, we had a crappy thing happen last week that effects our family in a big way, but we are okay. This is where I should insert that our little family is amazingly blessed because we are, even when crappy situations get thrown at us. Enough of that, on to the happy quilt!

    Today I cut my strips for Dana's quilt along. I'm so glad I chose these fabrics, I love them.
    Now I must go for I have children in need of being picked up from school soon.
    I hope you had a nice Memorial day weekend!

  • Monday is sewing day!

    Monday is sewing day!

    Here are my sewing projects that I have finished over the weekend. 25, yes I said 25 pillowcase dresses, which brings my total stock up to a grand total of 42! Yes, I'm crazy. And now you are probably wondering where I am going to put them all? I have no idea! I like making pillowcase dresses, but after finishing this batch of them, I was so glad they were finished. Also I played around making my first pillow covers, I have put a few of them in my etsy shop and will be adding a few more within a day or two. I am taking a break from sewing for the rest of the day! What projects did you do over the weekend?

  • Improv Inspiration

    Improv Inspiration
    My sewing machine and i have not been spending that much time together lately, but yesterday i needed to sew. I knew that i had to sew something, anything. Right away i was drawn to my scraps from Heather. I took them out and looked them over...all sorts of shapes and sizes...and figured out right away that the best plan was some improv sewing. When i got these the other day a good friend saw them and wondered what on earth i could do with such small pieces, so it was exciting to show her what i had made with them.
    I considered looking online to see if there was some kind of tutorial...but knew that would only end in me wasting valuable sewing time on the computer, being inspired by other peoples ideas and never getting to my own. I needed to free myself from being dependent on the internet and blogs. With determination and lots of excitement i just started sewing. Out came these improv scrappy log cabin blocks.
    I have not done a sewing project that has been so freeing or so fun, ever. I did not worry about straight lines or perfectly cut blocks. i just sat and created. It felt good. I struggle with the differences in being crafty and being creative. I want to create but sometimes i feel so stuck in thinking about it that i get nowhere. This time i just went for it, and it turned out amazing!! I love it!! I think it is going to end up hanging in my living room and if i don't like it there i am going to use it for a table runner.
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  • thrifting, fabric, and a new bag

    thrifting, fabric, and a new bag
    Sewing I continue to go thrifting on Mondays and I keep finding awesome things. Yesterday it was a never been used vintage towel and the cutest tablecloth. I got all excited when I saw the tablecloth, I love the big flowers and the colors.

    SewingHere are some recent fabric purchases. I snatched up some of Anna Maria Horner's innocent crush, I love, love, love the star burst print. Those bird cages are from JoAnn's.
    I have been having a crush on gingham lately and found the grey and tangerine colors and had to have it.

    SewingI was near IKEA yesterday and had a bit of extra time so I went in to check out the fabrics and found this wood grain fabric, and some cute placemats to repurpose.

    I was excited and made up a couple bags like this with the placemats last night.
    They are kinda funky and I love it. The back of the bag is the same stripe as the handle. I originally was going to leave it kinda plain, and then decided it needed a little embellishment, so I made a flower pin to put on it.
    Now, I am off to cut out new bags as I have aquired a new pile of upholstery fabrics (for free I might add!) And I am so happy to have my sewing mojo back!

  • Finished Quilt!

    Finished Quilt!
    Sewing I finished it, I finished it! This was round 4 of the ORBC quilt along. That's really good for me, I started this thing on Friday, and finished it up last night! Did I work on any of the other 8 quilts I have started? No, I started this whole new one :)

    SewingI love this quilt.

    Now I just need to get it in the wash to make it all crinkly and yummy.
    In other news, I have decided to claim back my weekends. I will not work on the weekends anymore! Weekends are for sewing whatever I please, now maybe I will get those other 8 quilts done :)
    Also, I have had a couple people ask about where they can purchase a wallet. I am going to take some pictures today and do a small update in the shop probably later today!

  • I WON! and other stuff...

    I WON! and other stuff...

    My friend Becky is starting this new site called Patchwork Posse, every month there are new sewing related projects and lots of fun stuff. So, today I won a membership! YAY! Go check it out, I am excited about it, I think she has come up with a great idea and I am excited that I get to be a part of it!

    In other news: I know some of you have probably already seen it, but I did a pattern review for Sew Mama Sew!

    Here's the link!


    Also, Dana from MADE won a package of things from me awhile back and she repurposed a towel I sent her into these adorable aprons she made for her kids! She is the queen of repurposing I tell you! So cute!

    I hope you all had a Happy New Year!

  • A Finish!!

    A Finish!!
    Sewing I finally got Sage's quilt finished!
    It is twin sized, the biggest quilt I have finished so far.

    SewingSage picked all the fabrics out herself from my stash probably a year ago :)
    I love how it turned out, it is just so happy to me.

    Here's a peak at the back, I used a vintage sheet which by chance matched the pillowcase that Sage uses :)

    SewingIt feels so good to finally finish it, and Sage is so happy that I did.
    Now I need to get working on Kinsley and Jade's quilts, and I won't mention the other 8 or so quilts in the works :)
    P.S. I used the tutorial here from Cluck cluck Sew for Sage's quilt.

  • Current Project

    Current Project

    I am currently working on a batch of purses, the first picture is the ones I cut out last night and the second gives you an idea of what they will look like. I am excited because I haven't made a batch of purses in awhile and I have some new applique ideas. I think I am starting to get out of my sewing slump, finally it feels like it's been forever. It's a good thing cause I have to be ready for 4 that's right 4 craft shows! Am I crazy? This sewing habit has been a good thing for our family, doing our taxes made me realize that we actually had less $ last year than the year before, I thought we had made more, maybe I'm just doing better with what we have. Maybe we're just blessed, maybe both! But me selling my things is great for many reasons, one because it keeps me busy, which I need and it brings in a bit of extra $ which is great, and I love just hanging out at the farmers markets, people watching, chatting with friends, meeting new people. I can't tell you how excited I am that the farmers market season is around the corner! Anyways enough rambling, I have to learn not to spend so much time on the internet! Have a great day!

    Guess what tommorrow is? My 50th post giveaway!
  • Delicious Dresses

    Delicious Dresses
    One of my friends has agreed to take our Family picture, so I decided the occasion called for new dresses for my girls. Do part of them look familiar? It took me awhile to finish them, I am in need of a sewing break (I am talking like at least a month) so I haven't been very motivated in any sewing projects, plus I was showing my girls my ideas to embellish them, and they said they didn't like it, I ended up doing it anyway. Turns out they love them! So do I! Sewing
    My inspiration came from this orange skirt from Anthropologie.
    There are so many fun details on these dresses. Vintage French Eyelet Lace, vintage lace, crocheted doilies, vintage buttons (some of which were my Great Grandmother's)
    After I got done making them, I thought it would be fun to make some to sell, but I think I would have to sell them for around $40, so I am not sure about that yet.

    Sewing I want to eat them up in all their deliciousness.
    At some point, I think I will be making myself a skirt in this style.

  • Sew and tell

    Sew and tell
    Sewing I'm joining in on Amy's sew and tell this week! I am always sewing something :)
    Here are some of the things I have been working on this week. Above are some Bird Cage Christmas ornaments, I love these, I made some for myself last year. The backs of them are vintage linens, and besides the cream fronts, the fabric for these came out of my scrap bag, which I love, I need to use up those scraps!

    Sewing I have been slowly working on a quilt for my youngest Sage. I had my kids pick out their fabrics from my stash months and months ago for their new quilts. I feel bad it has taken me this long, but what do you do? I especially feel bad because Sage (who is 5) has never had a bed sized quilt of her own. What kind of a Mom am I? :) Stay tuned for the finished quilt though, I love, love all the fabrics each of my girls picked out, they are going to be so cute.

    SewingI also finished a batch of girls purses. That mushroom one is my fave. I am getting ready for all my holiday shows coming up. They start up next weekend!

  • Do mosquitos ever keep you up at night?

    Do mosquitos ever keep you up at night?
    Last night Casey went to bed a bit before I did. When I got in bed, I was laying there and Casey starts scratching all over, swatting the air, and slapping his face. I observed this behavior for a few minutes, then I asked if he was awake and if he was okay. He said that there was a mosquito that was biting him and buzzing in his ear. He got up, put anti-itch cream all over and came back to bed. We lay there for ohhh, a good half hour in which I finally started hearing said mosquito. During this time Casey covered himself entirely in the sheet with his face poking out, kindof amusing. Casey had had enough and jumped out of bed declaring that he was wide awake because of this damn mosquito (yes I just typed damn) All I could do was laugh and tell him that the mosquito found him to be delicious. He ran to find our electric bug swatter pictured above, and started swatting it everywhere a bit violently at 1:13 this morning. I was hysterically laughing, he killed the mosquito and we went to sleep, finally :)

    Yesterday I decided to make a baby quilt, I just have to finish hand sewing the binding down. It was a rather satisfying project that used up a good amount of my stash for one project, I see more of these in the future, next time will be a boy one.

    I'm always telling my husband that I am not going to make anymore fabric purchases, easier said than done, especially when I have mula I made from the farmer's market :)
    Here is a bad picture of some recent fabric purchases, no sun here today, it's seriously been raining so much here, we'll get like a day or two of sun and then it starts raining again, it feels more like a really rainy April then June.

    I'm really loving the bird cage fabric from Laura Gunn
    and I seriously splurged on the Japanese fabric on the right, how could I resist fabric with button cards printed on it? I purchased it here.
    Kay, I just checked to make sure I linked it right and now there is more cute stuff that wasn't there when I made my purchase! Why does that darn japanese fabric have to be so cute?

    I hope you are having a nice day and that the mosquitos won't keep you awake at night :)
  1. I'm Weird...Here's Another Reason Why
  2. Guest Post: Farm-Raised Humor: Daily Life with My Kids
  3. Gettin' in the Picture for Mom n' Me Monday
  4. Keely's Got Questions...and I've Got Answers
  5. Andy's Answers to All of Your Questions
  6. Bike Riding with my Son
  7. The Road of Life
  8. J is for Jammies
  9. White Lies and Disney Fast Passes
  10. Language Of Silence