Sew La Ti Embroidery:

  • Mr Donald Duck

    Mr Donald Duck

    Wild Duck by WOW Barbie

    At now, the farmers have a lot of interest to breeding of a ducks and chickens. From one duck in the spring and summer can get up to 100 eggs and grow them out to 50 or more ducks with the final live weight about 2 kg. With proper selection of a ducks for sale it's will be very profitable business, especially if in the presence have a small pond near the backyard or garden.

    Some poultry farmers have the unflattering opinions about ducks: because this bird seems to be too gluttonous, but this is false. Ducks eat a lot of because fast grow. In the two months are ready for slaughter. If you have the pond with duckweed and other aquatic vegetation, the total cost of the breeding ducks will exactly cheapest business. Anyway, a chickens for sale, a chicken eggs is a fundamental element of the farmers profit. If the ranch located in a warm place, then you can fatten ducks throughout the year in small batches, to always have fresh meat to the table.

    Before you buy ducks in online should consult with experienced breeders about the seller. Another product, which gives a duck — feather and down. From them make soft fluffy pillows, light and warm quilts, quilted clothing. Also, started making original hats for women, it's very fashionable.

    VIA Mr Donald Duck

  • Here it is...

    Here it is...
    sevingThis is what i have been working on, my Farm Field Quilt. Inspired by this picture of a field at the CSA farm that we belong to. As soon as i saw this picture i knew it had to be a quilt. Chris convinced me to take my sewing machine and table out of temporary retirement so that i could work on it because i could not stop talking about it. I raided my fabric closet/stash to see what i had that i could use. I grabbed a pile of browns and tans, greens and a special blue green for the broccoli field. I did not want to have to buy any new fabric for it. I was really excited and got it cut and pieced within days of taking this picture.
    sevingNow I am at the critical point, where i try to decide how to quilt it and if i can do it myself without ruining it. This is also the point that tends to stall my quilting progress...analysis paralysis. I made a little one, doll sized, similar to it. That one i am probably going to hand quilt just to have some handwork to do. I have to admit that i really love it. This is, hands down, one of my favorite quilts that i have worked on. I laid out on my dining room floor for a few days and i just got excited about it every time i went by.

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