Sew La Ti Embroidery:

  • Olympic clouds

    Olympic clouds

    The Cloud

    The transparent bubbles will soar over the main stadium of Olympic Games '12. This digital cloud will serve as a viewing platform, and also will be the stand for the huge plasma display.

    Clouds over London

    The Cloud — this enterprise advanced by the international command of architects, designers and the engineers, including one of known laboratories — MIT SENSEable City Lab. The project "The Cloud" is the applicant for the best ornament of the Olympic park proclaimed Boris Johnson (the mayor of London).

    The Cloud in London

    Olympic London

    Clouds in London

    Olympic games is a fine occasion to introduce something not ordinary and innovative in shape of conservative London.

    Clouds by Tomas Saraceno

    Initiators "The Cloud" say, that the thought on a congestion of manned bubbles "has sprouted" from works of the German designer of the Argentina origin of Tomas Saraceno which built time and again inflatable sculptures and installations of a thin transparent film.

    In all cases the plan provided interaction of object and spectators who were offered to plunge into a construction, and even to "do some flying" in clouds.

    VIA «Olympic clouds»

  • Brixton Money

    Brixton Money


    Art Money

    Brixton heroes, urban art and architectural detail combine to reflect the dynamic past and present of one of London’s most vibrant areas — as the world’s first urban complementary currency points to its future. Balancing expected currency motifs with state-of-the-art production techniques, these notes are both an advert for Brixton’s amazing diversity, and two-fingers to the pedestrian paper the rest of us have to carry in our wallets. Need to borrow a Ziggy anyone?

    Advertising Agency: This Ain't Rock'n'Roll, London, UK;
    Designers: Clive Russell, Charlie Waterhouse;
    Project Manager: Susan Tomlinson;
    Print Production: Paul Neal/Orion Security Print.

    The Launch of Brixton's Local Currency

    VIA «Brixton Money»

  • Over a city high overcast is expected

    Over a city high overcast is expected


    This cloud not idle time, it power: the command of leading architects and engineers has shown to the world the concept of unique structure which becomes a symbol of Olympic games of 2012 year.

    Inflatable cloud

    The easy transparent tower comes to an end with a cloud consisting of inflatable spheres at top. This design will help to create amusing 3D-show with the sky of London.

    Sky of London

    Carlo Ratti, the representative of one of leaders of the project (MIT SENSEable Cities Laboratory), has described the Cloud as “the new form of collective expression and experience, a symbol of a new epoch: it is a sign, rather than than simply material”.

    Artist Tomas Saraceno, designer Alex Haw, expert Joerg Schleich also have entered into a command, engineering group Arup, landscape architect Agence Ter, and also company Google, writer Umberto Eco and professor Antoni Muntadas.


    The size of a cloud depends on the finance which will be collected on the project. Every possible resources will be involved in gathering on cloud building, including Facebook and Twitter; Google will provide the project with contextual advertising and promo-campaign on YouTube.

    “Obama has shown us a good example — it is necessary to include all possibilities of global community in an advertising campaign”, — makes comments Margo Miller. The project budget is mobile, as well as structure — the Cloud can be constructed both on $5 million, and on $50 million; how many will collect money, on so much and will construct.

    Especial interest

    The cloud will eat energy of the sun and people, will convert and make the new. The in itself structure of a cloud is innovative; authors consider as achievement a transparency, minimum use of materials at which use the volume considerable quantity will be made.

    On a cloud the plasma monitors showing the actual information on event are placed; they will be visible from any area of a city. Screens — especial interest for Google. It corresponds to company mission — to organise the world information.

    Good example

    Olympic cloud in London

    VIA «Over a city high overcast is expected»

  • New building for Royal College of Art

    New building for Royal College of Art

    Royal College

    The building for faculty of drawing Royal College of Art is more similar to a place for faculty of hairdresser's art — an equal teeth and a roof teeth are ideally combed by architects under a comb. The project of the London architects from Haworth Tompkins.

    Original college in London

    Originality of a design consists that have inserted a steel skeleton into an existing brick building.
    The zigzag roof from a North side is glazed, allowing to provide a premise additional illumination. In a building 58 students can be trained.

    Here rooms for study, seminars, exhibitions, administrative premises, and also studios for the artists coming on various actions will be equipped.

    Royal College of Art

    Royal College in London

    College London

    Art College in London

    Art College

    VIA «New building for Royal College of Art»

  1. Not Me! Monday
  2. Five Question Friday
  3. Win a Gift Certificate for Some Hand Stamped Jewelry!
  4. Tired is My Normal State of Being
  5. Things That Make You Say Hmmmm...GROSS!
  6. Our Reaction to Selfish Ambition and False Motives in the Church
  7. Zebra
  8. She's Brave!
  9. The Power of Touch
  10. Destroying What We Love Most