I have not been around the blog much lately...but i am still visiting all my favorite blogs and working on some projects.
We started school last week and it has been harder than i thought it would be to adjust to a new curriculum and a new schedule, but the naps(for me not them) are helping!!! :o)
Last night in a record binding session, less than 2 hours, i put a a lovely stripey finish on my Cogsmo robot quilt, for the maybe a boy baby. I was waffling a little on how much i liked it as i was putting it together, but as the quilting was coming to an end i started to like it more. I used straight lines throughout following along the seems as well as criss crossing the whole quilt.We started school last week and it has been harder than i thought it would be to adjust to a new curriculum and a new schedule, but the naps(for me not them) are helping!!! :o)
I have also started a crochet blankie for this new little one. Avery keeps joking with me that as long as i finish it before he or she is 1 i am doing good....since Mitchell got his at nearly 6. I can appreciate the kids sense of humor about this! Ave also helped me pick the yarn for the blanket...a soft white sprinkled with yellow and greens. I am almost half way with it and that is saying something!!!
On a side note...today was my birthday. 35. My very nice friend and neighbor made me a mini cookie cake to celebrate. It was a simple average day. Life goes on...we had school and went shopping (with a wee stop on the road for a bad bought of car sickness, Mitchell) i made pizza for dinner and then Avery had her first gymnastics lesson (more about that later). Chris and the kids bought me some fun kitchen stuff from Williams and Sonoma and some really fun metallic sharpies. i am so addicted to those markers. I just wish i could make some real art with them...or just good doodling!