Sew La Ti Embroidery:

  • Fast loans it's real!

    Fast loans it's real!

    Happy family

    There are a lot of methods of financing a business which can be chosen when faced with financial problems. Some businessmen's apply for bank loans. But what if you are in need of really quick cash? Applying for a loan can take a long time to get approved. Or there are other variants?

    Emergency Cash Loans for Small Businesses

    My loan carEmergency cash loans are viable options for quick term financing demands. It is secured by submitting invoices from the borrower's credit card transactions or extracts from the bankbook.

    World moneyWhile a traditional cash loan for businesses need 30 days to process, emergency cash loans is what a cash advance loan promises in exchange for a modest fee.

    Often, a lender offers up to 70% of the amount of invoices submitted. If your customer in due time pays the credit card bill, the rest of your balance will be given to you by your lender. But if your potential customer fails to pay on time, the remaining 30% of your invoices will go to your lender as penalty sanctions.

    My credit card

    Traditional cash loan for serious projects!

    Keep in mind that emergency cash loans are advisable only to use for short term needs. If you are in need of a real huge amount for, let us say expansion of your business or you need to invest on something for the corporation, then a traditional cash loan is still recommended.

    VIA «Fast loans it's real!»

  • Brixton Money

    Brixton Money


    Art Money

    Brixton heroes, urban art and architectural detail combine to reflect the dynamic past and present of one of London’s most vibrant areas — as the world’s first urban complementary currency points to its future. Balancing expected currency motifs with state-of-the-art production techniques, these notes are both an advert for Brixton’s amazing diversity, and two-fingers to the pedestrian paper the rest of us have to carry in our wallets. Need to borrow a Ziggy anyone?

    Advertising Agency: This Ain't Rock'n'Roll, London, UK;
    Designers: Clive Russell, Charlie Waterhouse;
    Project Manager: Susan Tomlinson;
    Print Production: Paul Neal/Orion Security Print.

    The Launch of Brixton's Local Currency

    VIA «Brixton Money»

  • How often do you change your needles?

    How often do you change your needles?

    American Gold Eagle

    I remember hearing once upon a time that you retain more information if you explain a subject to someone else, rather than just reading it. This could be a big lie, kind of like "if the wind changes your face will get stuck that way" or "watermelon seeds will grow in your belly", except it's not mean and won't give children nightmares and I've got to write about something here, right? Especially now that I have followers! Real followers with computers, and keyboards, and pins!

    So today we're going to be talking about Needles!

    So why needles? Well I have just purchased some gorgeous stretchy Jersey in houndstooth for my dress and some stretchy needles to go with it, but... what's the point? (haha! Pun! I bet you weren't even expecting that and then bam! A pointy pun!) So I thought I'd do a little mini-tutorial / how to guide all about needles. Brace yourself people, it's a long'n.

    Why do I need to change my Needle? Well a blunt needle can make your fabric snag or pucker. A needle too big for your fabric acts like a 'cannon ball', and a needle too small / not strong enough for your fabric can snap. Basically wrong needle = possible ruined material. After the amazing effort and love you've put into the fabric, plus the money - why risk it?

    How often should I change my Needle? So far I've read you should change your needle every new sewing project, every three spools of bobbin thread, or whenever it 'feels' like you need to. Obviously you might need to change it for the fabric (just like I am with my new super stretchy Jersey). What about you? How often do you change your needles?

    What are the parts of the Needle? Um.... the pointy bit and the other bit? Oh, and these ones:

    Shank - This is the bit that goes into the machine. It has two sides- a Round Side on the front which has the name and number of the needle, and a Flat Side that goes against the rear of the machine. This makes it super easy to make sure you've got the needle in the machine the right way.

    Shaft - Don't think dirty thoughts! Ha! Now you can't help it! The shaft goes from the shank all the way to the point of the needle. The size of the shaft (thickness) determines the size of the needle.

    Groove - You can see this running down the front of your needle, this protects the thread like a little cubby hole or super fashionable metal jacket.

    Eye - This is where the thread goes! The eye can't be too small for the thread and there's a really easy way to check. Put some thread through the hole, now turn the thread on an angle so it's like a flying fox. Can the needle fall smoothly down the thread? If it gets stuck you might need to use another needle.

    Point - Oh you clever cookie I think you've got this! This is the bit that penetrates the fabric and it differs too. I'll get to that in a minute...

    Scarf - This is a small indentation on the back side of the needle, just above the eye. It helps pick up the bobbin and consistent stitching. So, the things that affect which needle you want is the size of the shaft, the eye hole, and the point.

    How do I know what the sizes mean? There are usually 2 sizes on a needle, one is the European size and the other is American. (Why are there two different systems for everything? Can't we just get along numerically!) Basically the bigger the number, the smaller the needle.

    How do I know which type of needle I need, and size?

    VIA How often do you change your needles?

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