Sew La Ti Embroidery:
fabric stash

  • Staying focused...

    Staying focused...
    I'm having a hard time staying focused on one project at the moment. I could start any number of projects floating around in my head but can't seem to start anything in particular. It feels a bit like writers block as I keep finding other things that have to be done right away. You know boring houseworky things like ironing, washing etc... I pulled the above fabrics together ready to start a quilt for my parents but can't decide whether I've got enough different fabrics for the slightly scrappy look I'm hoping for.  I have been looking for a layer cake of one of the fabric collections but after much searching on Etsy the only one I could find was twice the original price so I shall have to re-think my design again. Luckily I like a challenge like this :-)
     Here's another collection of fabrics that I pulled together for a simple girly quilt to make for my etsy shop. It is an eclectic mix of fabrics as they are not all from any particular designers collection but just nice soft pretty colours that look good together. I have a design in my head for this quilt, just need to start really or perhaps at least sketch the design down so I don't forget it.
    And then there is always designs that I have found in magazines and books that I want to try some day... just need to pick some fabrics...
    Then there are these little triangles left over from this quilt which are taunting me as they lay on my sewing table. I keep fiddling with them trying to come up with a design I like.  They were sitting happily in a wee basket next to other baskets of fabric but I just got the urge to have a play with them the other day.

     Then one afternoon last week when I probably could have been sewing I got the urge to make some marshmallow, mainly because I had forgotten to buy some at the supermarket the day before. We like marshmallows melting on our hot chocolates in our house and had run out after a couple of somewhat cooler days earlier in the week where hot chocolates were called for as part of the girls after school snack. 

    So making marshmallows reminded  me of this marshmallow shortcake that my Mother used to make us  when we were kids so I had to make some. 

    I did however knuckled down late yesterday afternoon and well into the evening to come up with a couple of designs for pillows using these fabrics and the pretty tea towels I bought recently. I have everything cut out and ready to sew....just need to stay focused and I might have something to show you :-) 

  1. I Eat Snails
  2. I See Dead People
  3. These Pretzels Covers are Making Me Thirsty Crazy!
  4. Stickin' It to Ya...With Supah Style
  5. Tasty Tuesday-A Healthier Way to Do Pancakes
  6. Solitude: God's Training Ground
  7. Asking For Prayer
  8. Beyond The Here And Now
  9. The Dance Goes On: For Irene
  10. She Chose God over Prostitution